Cage's smile began to grow brighter when he saw this, and he spoke to Goku.

"Now it seems that not only did forgetting not have any effect on me, but even called your companions, and you wouldn't be ashamed of it?"

In Goku's eyes, the red light began to increase again, and he watched Cage's anger begin to become more and more violent at this time, and after snorting coldly, Goku slammed at Cage again.

His speed increased again at this moment, and even when he reached Cage, Cage could only reflex reflexively.

It's a fist, and Bkech swings it out in support of all this, and when Cage's fist collides with Goku's, Cage's face changes slightly.

Goku's strength has actually increased even more.

Wukong's strength is not a good thing for Cage to wrap the convoy in his car in an instant, and the next second Cage's body has triggered a super mentality at this moment, and under such a super form, Cage's strength began to grow extremely strongly, and only in this way can he barely resist Goku's new round of attacks on him.

At this time, after Cage and Wukong redistanced themselves, looking at the more red light inspired by Wukong's body, Cage's eyes began to show a touch of exploration.

He asked in a loud voice at Goku, "What the hell is going on, why do you have such a strong strength?"

"What exactly did you do?"

Goku snorted coldly and couldn't answer what Cage said, and the second was to launch a new round of attacks towards Cage again.

The cold appearance that Goku is showing now is very different from Cage's impression of Goku in the past.

At this time, when Wukong's impact was in front of him again, this time Cage didn't even show any mercy to Wukong, and his fists and soles all fell on Wukong's body in time.

Goku, who had already gained the upper hand, kicked the plane to the ground under Cage's full attack.


When Wukong smashed to the ground, it kicked up a huge amount of dust, and the turtle immortal next to him was able to fall into the disadvantage in such a quick time when he saw Wukong facing Cage, and his face began to become more and more iron.

If that's the case, then wouldn't the real relationship between them and Cage today become a complete joke.

They weren't able to win Cage from the start.

Cage walked over to the turtle fairy step by step again.

Wukong rolled up from the ground at this moment, and after seeing Cage's actions, he rushed towards Cage again, no matter what, he would never let Cage attack the Turtle Immortal.

Although Wukong lost his mind at this time, he had a vague impression in his heart that the Turtle Immortal was an extremely important figure to him, no matter what kind of strength others wanted to play, he had to use his life to protect the Turtle Immortal.

After Wukong reached Cage, he even used the method of killing 1000 enemies and losing 800.

After several consecutive attacks, although it caused some resistance to Cage, the injuries on Goku's body were even more serious than Cage's injuries.

His body was already covered with all kinds of wounds, a large amount of blood was donated, and in a short period of time, Goku's body had been completely wrapped for 4 weeks.

Goku has turned into a blood man.

But even so, he still doesn't feel any pain, and he is still consuming his vitality, trying to influence Cage more.

And Wukong attacked several times in a row, Cage was forced to retreat, out of a few Chongqing pull away and the turtle immortal into the fierce, this time Wukong was not chasing Cage, but he looked at Cage's eyes, always revealing a vigilant gaze.

Cage glanced at the turtle immortal next to him who didn't show any wounds, and then looked at Wukong, who was already quite embarrassed at this time, and his brows furrowed more and more.

Everything that had happened so far seemed to be very different from what he had seen in Dragon Ball before.

At least in the TV show before, when the Turtle Immortal faced Goku, he was genuinely loving him, even if what happened would cause damage to the Turtle Immortal.

But as long as it is beneficial to Wukong, the Turtle Immortals will be eager to continue to push this matter forward.

But what happened in this place was completely beyond Cage's cognition, and at this time, Cage looked at the red light on Wukong's body, and suddenly an idea escalated in his heart.

Could it be that this red light also has the effect of this red light on him in the body of this turtle immortal, just because these red lights have not been shown so far?

When the thought popped into his mind, Cage realized that he couldn't get the thought out of his mind.

Thinking of this, Cage approached the turtle immortal again, quickly.

Goku also reacted in an instant after seeing Cage's actions.

But as soon as he reached Cage, a roar of rage rang out.

"Get out of here!"

Cage kicked Goku in the chest, and Goku put a fierce attack inside, directly pushing back a distance of hundreds of meters, and for a while, there was no way to get closer to Cage.

Because at this moment, Qiqi suddenly made a move, and the raging fire surrounded Wukong's body, and the surroundings refused to let Wukong approach Cage.

After seeing Kiki's actions, Cage smiled at Kiki and nodded, and turned his gaze back to the turtle immortal.

The Turtle Immortal may have brought Cage closer to him, and he asked Cage with a cold smile.

"What's wrong? Are you planning to attack me now?"

"Can you explain to me what all this is all about?"

"Why the hell is that?"

"Why did Goku become like this, and why were you so indifferent when facing Goku?"

Cage felt that all of this was starting to become extremely urgent.

If he can't find all these answers in the fastest time, for Cage, he will no longer have any other choice but to kill both the Turtle Immortal and Goku at the same time, and this place will no longer have any other choice.

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