"If I get out of this place, I'm afraid you'll be in a state of extreme anxiety for the rest of the time!"

Cage snorted coldly and continued.

"After all, if I leave this place, then it means that I will tear the space directly, and at that time, I will be the first to throw you into the space!"

As he spoke, Cage quickly arrived in front of the man.

After the man saw Cage's movements, his eyes began to show a trace of panic, and he subconsciously retreated a few steps back, it was really unbelievable that Cage's lover dared to keep approaching him under the wrapping of these red mist.

Cage, seeing the panic in the man's expression, smiled and continued to ask him.

"No matter who is behind you guys, why are you in this place, if you dare to continue to mess around on this matter, then don't blame me for being unkind to you. "

At this time, every time Cage said a word, his palm began to flash with the power of a thunderbolt.

The power of thunder was originally the existence of the yang of Zhigang in this world, between the flicker of beauty and words, and there will be a large amount of red mist, which will completely dissipate under the effect of the power of thunder, and in an instant, soon the red mist spirit wrapped in this man was directly consumed under the effect of Cage.

Of course, they didn't think about using their own strength to resist Cage's thunder power, but when the man rushed in front of Cage, he found that his body had been completely paralyzed the moment he touched the thunder or something.

If it weren't for the fact that his companion quickly dragged him back from the thunder attack, after several flashes of thunder power in a row, this guy would eventually die at his hands.

In an instant, the two sides began to fall into a stalemate.

At this moment, the voice in the air attracted Cage's attention.

Cage found that a gap began to appear between the bald mists in the middle of these red mist, and the red mist that spread out of these gaps turned out to be a red dragon in the air.

The moment this red dragon just appeared, looking at Cage's eyes, it began to reveal the ultimate mockery, and said to Cage.

"What do you know how to suddenly appear in this place, and dare to disturb me, do you know that I might kill you right here!"

After Cage heard the other party's words, he did not respond to the other party immediately, but kept shooting his eyes back and forth on the other party's body.

After a moment, he continued.

"Are you a dragon?"

"If you were a dragon, why did you become the virtuous person you are today?"

"Didn't the dragon appear after we collected the 7 dragon balls, why did you appear in front of me in such a quick time?"


Cage said several questions in a row.

The dragon in the sky heard Cage's words and did not answer Cage.

His eyes continued to wake up for 4 weeks, and after looking for a while, more and more red traces began to be swallowed directly into his stomach by this giant dragon, and even because the red mist he squatted in was extreme, so Wukong in this place, their bodies and minds began to gradually reveal.

Cage noticed that Goku and the others were constantly attacking each other, and his face changed instantly. Subconsciously wanted to rush in front of Wukong, but looking at the dragon in the sky, Cage finally stopped his movements and shouted to the dragon.

"I guess the purpose of your duty to appear in this place is probably not for our sake, let's talk about it, what are you thinking in your heart?"

When the dragon heard Cage's words, it let out several concussive laughs in the air.

"You're not a stupid guy. "

When Cage heard the other party's words, he just wanted to roll his eyes and go to the sky, this guy was really shameless.

However, Cage didn't say much about this at the time, only snorted coldly, and then continued to look his gaze to the side.

He decided to take the opportunity to take a good look at what was next to him if there was anything he could use in the quickest possible time, as if Goku and they were all about escaping from the red mist.

But as Cage continued to observe his surroundings, his brow began to wrinkle even tighter.

Suddenly, he found that everything around him was too clean, and there was nothing at all that allowed him to bring out his strength.

When Cage thought of this, his brow furrowed, and he only felt that what had happened so far could be regarded as a great test for him.

Xu Long noticed that what he had just said was not only not remembered by Cage, but Cage even showed an attitude of ignoring him, and in an instant, he let out an angry roar with Long in the face.

"There is no one in this world who can ignore me, and what you are doing now has almost completely angered me!"

At this moment, the dragon was making a threatening voice at Cage, and after Cage heard the other party's words, he smiled faintly and continued to the other party.

"Okay, since you've already said that, then I want to ask you too!"

"What do you have?"

The dragon's face became more and more ugly, and even sprayed a few mouthfuls of dragon streams at Cage, after Dodging the dragon's attack, Cage saw that the dragon was going to rush forward again, but Cage stretched out his hand violently and said loudly to her husband.

"Even if you want to attack me, at least you have to listen to me well, is it because your strength is stronger than mine, so you want to completely erase what I want to say?"

At this time, Cage had already promoted his identity as much as possible before he spoke.

The dragon snorted coldly when he heard Cage's words, and it was clear that he didn't think there was anything to care about about Cage's words.

But he didn't get into any more entanglement with Cage on this matter.

Now that this guy has made up their minds, they want to involve all the problems.

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