"Tell me, what happened to you when you were surrounded by these red mist could make such a big change in your strength. "

At this time, Wukong's face was sad, he spent so much energy and time to improve his strength, but today's fighting nature is to let him go directly back to the past, for Wukong, this is a tax rate that makes his heart full of pain. He didn't force Goku in any way, and only after Goku adjusted his emotions did Cage continue to look at Goku.

"After arriving at that place, there was no change at first, even if there was some red mist, but with the energy on our own body, we could still easily resist these red mist, so at first everyone didn't pay attention to these things. "

Nodding secretly, he had expected this, after all, when these guys first marched towards this place, there was a slight swagger in their movements, and it seemed that they didn't take this matter to heart at all.

However, things have developed to such an extent that it is impossible for Cage to persecute and condemn them, so he is dutiful and waits for Goku's subsequent explanation.

"But when we actually got inside, we found that it was all very different from what we expected, because when the red mist began to fill, the red mist began to enter the interior of our body. "

"We tried our best to block with energy, but the red mist devoured our energy as quickly as possible, and soon we were facing the red object, in fact, there was no longer any regional effect, if it weren't for the fact that you saved us at a critical moment, it is estimated that we have all been absorbed into a human stem by now. "

Goku's eyes began to reveal a bit of gratitude when he looked at Cage.

Although he was not used to what Cage had done before, he also knew through today's incident that if it weren't for the existence of martial arts, there would be absolutely no way for them to escape the clutches that the other party had imposed on them.

"Is there anything else in there?"

Cage continued.

Seeing that Cage actually ignored his gratitude, his heart appeared helpless to continue, and now it seems that the conflict between him and Cage before still left a very deep impression on Cage's heart, but at this moment Goku also knows what is the most important thing for them, so he did not argue with Cage too much on this matter, but continued according to Cage's question.

"As the red mist enveloped us, we could vaguely see that there were still a lot of people trapped in Watta City. "

"Watta City?" Cage asked with a frown, this city is the most powerful compared to other places, and if anyone dares to attack them, they will face the pursuit of this kind of city, even Cage is not willing to easily provoke the people of that place.

I didn't expect these red mist to dare to hit the body of Watta City for a while, I didn't know whether to say that they were too smart one by one or that they were too rampant.

As for Goku, he would not be surprised when he thought that these people would attack the people of Watta City, and he smiled and continued to Cage.

"Those red mist seem to have the ability to go back in time. "

"We see that the people in Watta seem to have reached a point where they can't hold on, and in a few days they will be completely dead. "

"You mean to say they're still alive?"

Cage looked at Goku in surprise, these people in Watta City really deserve to have unimaginable strength, under the rapid devouring of such a red mist, even Goku can't support it.

But these guys were able to hold on for so long, Cage felt that their strength was indeed extraordinary, and Goku nodded after hearing Cage's words.

"It's true that they're still alive, but according to my predictions, they will be completely dead in 5 days at most, after all, these red mist are draining with time, and the energy that is devouring is beginning to get faster and faster, and now they are closed, but they are trapped in that place, but their strength is in a situation of rapid decline. "

Cage nodded, Wukong's analysis was normal.

But now Wukong said to him, it is obvious that he wants him to help those people in Wata City, but for the current Cage, if he rushes into that place, when they face him, what kind of attitude will they have towards him, and whether they will feel angry because of this, Cage can't figure it out.

If you rush into a place under such circumstances, you may be in great danger to yourself.

At this moment, Cage had a hesitant look on his face, and after Wukong saw Cage's appearance, some people persuaded Cage.

But after thinking about it, he finally closed his mouth tightly.

After all, so far, Cage has done too much for them, not to mention that the people of Wata City didn't show much kindness in the face of doing things here.

Cage is now rushing into that place, what can he get from the hands of Lord Wa? No one can figure out the treatment.

At this time, Goku can only lament in his heart, hoping that these guys can hold on for a little longer, so that they can get reinforcements in the fastest time.

The Turtle Immortal smiled when he saw that Cage couldn't make a decision for a long time, and he stepped forward to Cage and continued.

"Now that you're here, I don't think your purpose is like making friends with these people at all, your purpose is to completely bring this planet under your rule, and you want to be the savior of this planet. "

As soon as the turtle immortal's words came out, the people around him exclaimed, and they were a little puzzled to understand why the turtle immortal suddenly came up with this sentence, and Cage projected a surprised look on the turtle immortal.

This guy is indeed very smart, no wonder he was able to rule the entire planet for so long before.

Cage hesitated, but nodded at the turtle immortal.

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