Although the elder felt that Cage was a little cold, he also knew that this was their only choice at the moment, and he waved his hand before continuing to Cage.

"In that case, then we have agreed to submit to your hands, and we will be prepared for the rest of the time, and we will always be by your side wherever you go, and will never betray you in any way. "

The other young Vata wanted to say a few more words of protest to the Elder, but a cold gaze swept over them as their words were revealed.

These young Vata people obediently closed their mouths.

They did not dare to have a new argument with the elders on this matter.

At this time, Cage smiled, nodded at the elder and said, "Okay, although you guys have fully realized your own strength and know that you can't get any more benefits in front of me, then I will naturally save you all next." "

This sentence returned to the man's face and pointed again, pointing at the vanta people who were wrapped in red mist, and continued.

"After such a long time, I think you should also think about it, either you go and give them all to me, or deal with all the energy that has been lost in their physical lives, or you will die directly in front of me. "

The man's face was full of reluctance, but after seeing Cage's cold gaze, he knew that if he didn't do what Cage told him, then death would be his end.

He nodded, and climbed straight up from the ground to the Vatta people again.

The people of Vata all had hatred on their faces when they saw the man appear, and if it weren't for him, they wouldn't have been able to suffer such a great humiliation in front of Cage today.

Unfortunately, whatever was going on in their hearts, it didn't have anything to do with the man at the moment.

The man smiled mockingly, then swallowed all the energy into his stomach.

After the red mist was swallowed in, the wounds on the bodies of these Vata people began to heal quickly.

In a short period of time, there was no trace of them on their bodies.

Cage nodded secretly when he saw this scene, no matter how arrogant these vata people were, they did have the most advantageous racial talent, that is, they could heal wounds.

As long as the Watta people continue to have energy and can recover from the wounds in their bodies, it means that they have become an invincible little powerhouse, and they have no way to affect them when facing any enemy.

After breaking free of the Red Smudge's influence on them, the Wattas rushed in front of Cage and attacked Cage fiercely.

But they had barely taken a step when the elder shouted angrily behind them.

"Are you planning to rebel one by one? Now that we have promised Cage that we will submit to his men for the rest of the time, I don't want you to rebel directly because of this. "

After hearing the Elder's words, the Vata people showed disbelief on their faces, they didn't expect the Elder to be determined to send them to Cage's men, is the Elder already old and confused?

Several of the Vata began to cast their suspicious gazes on the Elder, but the look lasted only a few seconds before it was completely retracted, and whether they wanted to admit it or not, there was absolutely no way that there was any connection between the Elder and Cage.

After all, one of the things that the elder did the most every day was to quietly cultivate his irrationality.

If it weren't for the fact that the red mist suddenly attacked them this time, they would still be living a very relaxed and leisurely life as usual.

Although these people's hearts were already full of reluctance, they finally knew that they had no way to hold it, so they nodded and gradually stood in place.

Cage had now re-entered the Elder's approach. He stretched out his palm and gently patted the elder's shoulder, feeling extremely satisfied in front of the elder.

At least this guy doesn't just know the wind, so that even in times of crisis, he can help him stabilize the situation at this time, which is quite an important thing.

"Since you've done this in this case, I'm going to give you a reward. "

Cage said as he turned his gaze back to the man and continued at him.

"Tell me, where did you absorb all the red mist in their bodies, hurry up and take it out for me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you. "

The man didn't expect Cage to suddenly bring the topic to him, and when he heard it clearly, what Cage meant by what he said.

After seeing his words fall, the man did not react from beginning to end, his face began to become more and more pale, and he continued to the man.

"Didn't you hear what I was saying?"

"I advise you not to grow up in this place, otherwise if I do it myself, I can not only take all the red energy you have stored in my hands, but even force all the energy in your own body out, are you sure you want to continue to do it right with me in this matter?"

Every word Cage said contained his threat to the man, and the man sighed helplessly, and then had to nod in compromise to Cage.

He also had to admit that these words were extremely sharp for him.

He didn't dare to resist these things, and Cage continued to resist them, as more and more red smudges began to be drawn from his body, gradually permeating the main area.

There was even more resentment in the eyes of these vatas.

They had even forgotten that their worst enemy was Cage, and instead turned their hateful gaze to the man.

Cage snorted coldly as he watched the red mist churn through the air, churning like a drifting cloud.

"I now finally understand why you're putting your mind on the Vatas. "

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