When Cage heard the other party's words, he didn't respond to the other party, but suddenly hid his figure in front of the two of them.

When the two saw Cage's sudden disappearance, their eyes began to reveal a bit of panic.

What the hell is going on? The two of them kept shouting in this place.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and get out there, don't hide here!"

Hearing the other party's words, Cage smiled coldly and then re-revealed his figure, this time Cage's body had already run in front of the two, leaving a meter away.

It seems that this Cage is willing to kill them anytime and anywhere.

The two of them snapped back a few steps and yelled loudly.

"Why do you have to persecute us? as long as you leave this place honestly, then we will never do anything to you again, and we will not let this planet be in the hands of these dragons, and then there will be no other people on this planet to compete for existence, and all the resources on it can be collected into our own palms. "

"If no one else consumes this energy, our strength can be improved in the fastest time, don't you think this is the best thing for us people?"

I'm afraid that in the current situation, they are still being tempted, and after Cage heard these words of the other party, his eyes began to show impatience.

Thunder slashed into the palace from mid-air, and more and more firelight began to spread rapidly in the palace.

At this moment, the ice cube had been reduced to half, and the above two knew that it was impossible for Cage to give in on this matter.

Thinking of the scene where Cage had just hidden his figure, the two knew that if Cage made it clear in the army, then they were destined to die at Cage's hands in the end

After a moment, the two snorted coldly and continued.

"The reason why we are in the current state is completely because of those cheap people and the persecution of us again and again. "

"At the beginning, our father Xiao Liu gave great benefits to their ordinary people in this world, but in the end, it wasn't sent to the judgment seat by these ordinary people, do you know why they made me king?"

"But because they think we're in control, and after dividing our souls into three parts, none of the three of us can leave each other, and we need to hide our identities. "

Hearing this, Cage walked towards the two of them step by step, and then before the two of them had time to react, Cage's palms pressed the shoulders of both of them at the same time, and a large amount of energy began to penetrate from Cage's palms to the bodies of the two.

Although the two continued to struggle under Cage's action, such a struggle obviously had no meaning, and in the end they still felt what is called the strong suppression of strength in front of Cage.

Cage let go of the two of them with a sigh, just like they had just said, the internal energy in the bodies of these two people was basically the same origin, and there was no difference in their bodies.

The only difference is that a part of the energy in the bodies of the two is deliberately sealed with an energy barrier.

According to Cage's estimate, if this part of the energy barrier were completely cut, their bodies would actually merge from the new ones by that time.

Cage finally understood why they were so angry about it.

Cage had a headache at this time, and now their bodies were divided into two, although they both knew that this was their fate that they couldn't cut off from each other.

But if their bodies are combined again, then it means that only one of the two personalities will survive.

At this moment, Cage finally understood how cruel those guys did at the beginning.

Cage thought for a moment and continued to the group.

"What if I could help you to replenish all this energy in your body, and you can all live in this place as an independent person in the future?"

After this question fell, everyone looked at Cage as if they were looking at a fool, in their opinion, how could such a scene happen What Cage said was a naked joke.

If such a scene could happen, they wouldn't have to stay on this planet for so long.

Cage thought about it and let healing energy begin to appear in his palm, and when this energy was revealed, those humans who had caused harm began to obediently surround Cage's palm like sheep in an instant.

A breath of life began to linger in the place.

For the two of them, they already felt a feeling that they were more and more comfortable in this place.

At this time, the two of them looked at Cage's eyes and began to reveal expectations, Pan Cage smiled and continued to them.

"Now these words I have said should have left a very deep impression on your hearts, so are you willing to follow me now and let yourself survive well in the next time. "

For them, such a choice, but with this extremely difficult choice, they have spent so long, do they really have to give up completely because of this matter today? Cage followed the hesitation on their faces, and continued to persuade them bitterly.

"I hope you know that you can continue to live in this world, and that you shouldn't associate all your thoughts with hatred, that there are such good things in this world, and that you are really sure that no one listened to your father at that time?

After his sentence fell, the two of them looked at Cage with a hesitant look in their eyes, and at this time, they thought back to everything that happened at the beginning, and they had to admit that someone did speak for them at the beginning.

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