And at this very time.

In the middle of another level!

The opponent who appeared in front of Gray at this time turned out to be a girl!

The girl's name is Miliana!

At this time, there was a thick atmosphere on his face, and he took a deep breath, and his eyes immediately widened

He looked very angry and said: "I didn't expect you guys to really come to stop our plan, it's such a good plan, why do you have to stop us, you guys must have a big conspiracy, they will definitely not let you pass here, even if you fight for your life, you will definitely pay the price here, and you will definitely not let you pass safely!"

At this time, Gray looked at the girl in front of him, with a few more feelings of helplessness on his face, looked at Lucy beside him, took a deep breath, and immediately said as soon as he bit his teeth: "Lucy, you get out of here immediately, just let me deal with this guy!"

Lucy nodded dumbly when she heard this, her eyes were full of surprise, and she took a deep breath of air, and her eyes were full of surprise.

Soon he turned his head and walked up the stairs, and at this time looking at the girl in front of him, Gray's face showed a cold look at this time, his eyes became a little gloomy again, and the ups and downs of the energy on her body suddenly made the surroundings surge, and the terrible energy emerged, and immediately said: "You guy seems to be very powerful, but it doesn't matter, because the next thing is when I beat you!"

When Miliana heard this, she snorted very disdainfully, her eyes full of disdain.

And at this time, at the top of the tower, at this moment, I only saw a man, slowly gloomy out of two steps, looking at the extremely gloomy sky, his expression became more gloomy, and there was a sense of madness in his eyes, which made people feel very terrible. He immediately shrank his expression slightly, his face was a little more crazy, he only dared to be startled, this amazing energy in his body, it was constantly surging out, he took a deep breath, and said with a little sense of madness: "This is really good, no one can stop my plan, my plan will be foolproof, no one can stop my powerful plan!"

He quickly turned his head and walked to his prepared room, which was what he called the Imperial Palace, because he fantasized about becoming the emperor of the Great Magic Age, and soon walked into the special Imperial Palace, his face was even more crazy, his eyes immediately widened, he took a deep breath, and said very excitedly: "It seems that ...... This is about to become the place where I boarded the plane, this will be the place where I ascended the throne and became the emperor, this will be where I achieve hegemony, no one can stop me, no one can stop my power at this time!"

And at this time, after hearing the stimulating words, he just came here to cultivate.

The expression was more complicated, he clenched his fists and took a deep breath, there was a little more helplessness in his eyes, he gritted his teeth, and there was a slight sweat on his forehead, because he was very nervous.

Immediately, he raised his head and bit his heart and said: "Is what Gerald Elusa said true? Did you deceive us? Is it because you deceived us, because you want to be the Yellow Emperor of the Great Era, that's why you did such a thing, is the Emperor of the Magic Age really so good? Is it really worth it for you to abandon your companions? Is it because you deceived me!"

When the words were said here, his eyes widened, Gerald heard this sentence and looked at the attitude of the young man in front of him to confront him, he immediately rolled his eyes, snorted, took a deep breath, and a terrible energy also emerged, the strong force made the surroundings maintain vibration, the terrible magic power made the surroundings surge, and the crackling sound appeared on the body of the red thunder and lightning, so that there was a terrible power all over the body, and the slight madness on his face was startled, and he immediately said with a cold smile: "So what? Even then, haven't you already built such a terrible tower of paradise according to my orders? Haven't you also obeyed my orders? Since you have already reached such a point, why bother to ask more, now you have no way back, now you can only follow me forward, I will let you truly enjoy the convenience of the age of great magic!"

Xiu doesn't want any great magic era, he just wants his own sister Elusa. !

Immediately, his eyes widened, he clenched his fists very angrily, took a deep breath of anger and burned directly from his heart, and immediately said: "Why is it like this? Why are you like this, why are you the leader of our country, but you did such a thing, don't you feel ashamed? Don't you think you are a bastard? Why do you do such a thing, you despicable and shameless bastard, I will not let you go, I will not spare you!"

The words were even more angry at this point, the energy in his body was burned out, he had never been so angry at this time, he had never been so angry like this, the anger he burned out at this time suddenly made the surroundings maintain vibration, the anger on his face could not be concealed at all, he was already completely indulging the fire in his heart at this time. At this time, he looked at him angrily, and Gerald in front of him asked fiercely, but at this time, Gerald only laughed with disdain and contempt.

Gerald's face showed more disdain, shook his head, sighed, and there was a little more sympathy in his eyes!

Immediately, as if looking at an ant, as if looking at a very small thing, his eyes were full of sympathy and said: "I didn't expect your gaze to be so short-sighted, I didn't expect your gaze to be like this, I thought you had a long-term vision, it turns out that you are still immersed in such a sweet dream? It turns out that you have been completely deceived by me, I just used a little trick to make you so angry to make you so centered, to make you so angry?" It really makes me feel ridiculous!"

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