Cage did not unravel the murderous aura at this time, and the time spent drifting in the black hole gave Cage enough rest, so he was in good spirits at this time.

The stone faced the Iron Giant's powerful punch, and Cage easily avoided it.

The next moment, Cage directly used his own special bullet, and in one fell swoop, the iron giant was shattered.

"What kind of world is this?" Cage muttered to himself.

Immediately after that, Cage directly opened the treasure chest, and our next Cage was stunned by the toys in the treasure chest.

There was actually a sword ball made of steel in the fellow, and there were two beards on the sword ball.

Cage immediately recognized what this sword ball was, it was Babo.

Babo is a special MRA in "Legend of the Demon Soldier", and it is also a powerful weapon.


Cage glanced at Babbo.

Cage really didn't expect this world to be a legend of the Demon Soldier.

It seems that this black hole has absorbed me into the world of the Demon Soldier Legend, Cage said lightly.

"What are you? How dare you disturb this gentleman's sleep. "

Babo shouted.

Looking at this strange sword in front of him, it was really helpless to beg Cage, after all, Cage really didn't want such a thing.

Cage believes that he came from the world of Demon Tail, and that he is absolutely capable of defeating everyone in the vicinity.

"I'm actually a passerby. "

Cage said.

Hearing this, Baboha laughed and said:

"I also know that you are a passer-by, after all, you are not a little surprised to see Uncle Ben, you must know that if other people see me, they will definitely rush to get me. "

Cage nodded and said, "I know you're a special ARM, but you didn't make me want anything out of it." "

Babo was a little confused, after all, it was the first time he had seen someone like Cage.

"Why do you think I don't have the ability to attract you, you have to know that if you have me, you will become very strong." "

Hearing this, Cage shook his head helplessly and said, Of course I know this is the reason, but I'm not interested in you, because I'm already strong.

That's why Cage doesn't need Babo's help.

When Cage tries to leave the cave, suddenly Babo jumps out of the box and follows closely behind Cage.

Cage came to the outside of the cave and found Bapo behind him, so he asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to go out and walk around by myself. Babo replied.

At this time, Cage suddenly became interested, after all, if Babo was by his side to help him, then he would definitely be able to understand the world very well.

After all, in Cage's view, there are some particularly weak guys in this world, but they can actually attract their own interests.

In addition, there are so many strange ARMs, which must be very capable of competing with themselves.

That's why Cage said to Babo, "Why don't we go together?" "

Hearing this, Babo nodded, and then said,

"Okay, then let's go together, I actually feel a special aura from you, I think you are a very powerful and powerful person. "

At this time, Cage said, "Of course, I must be very powerful. "

Cage has fully remembered that Babo actually has very powerful power, that is, he can rely on imagination and then create a weapon form, which means that Babo's potential is unlimited.

So when Cage thought of this, he decided to use the ARM of Babo.

After all, in Cage's opinion, if Babo is not powerful, then he will definitely not be able to get Nana's appreciation.

But now Cage finally knows why he wants to get Babo, because in his opinion, Babo has extraordinary influence.

If Babo is around, then other people will definitely come to fight for Babo, and for this reason, Cage feels that the future days will be more exciting.

So Cage and Babo walked slowly down the road, not knowing where they were going.

"Let's go find Dorothy first!" Cage said.

Hearing this, Babo shook his head and said, "I don't know who Dorothy you're talking about. "

Hearing this, Cage laughed, and then said, "It's very normal that you don't know, after all, Dorothy is of course a very sexy beauty." "

In fact, Babo is also a particularly ARM, so when he heard about such a result, he immediately spurted a nosebleed.

"What? You're so, you're getting a nosebleed!"

At this point, Cage burst out laughing.

So Cage and Barbo come to a town where Cage knows that Dorothy is here.

When Cage walked into the café, he had already met Dorothy, after all, Dorothy was too easy to recognize.

Dorothy has pink hair and wears blue clothing.

"Hello!" Cage said as he walked over to Dorothy and sat down.

When he saw Cage, Dorothy was already in love with Cage, and he really didn't expect that there would be such a good-looking man in this world.

So Dorothy was immediately intrigued.

"Hello, hello, handsome man, are you talking to me?" said Dorothy.

"Of course I'm talking to you, but am I talking to the air? You're the most beautiful lady I've ever met, may I make a friend with you?" Cage said.

Hearing this, Dorothy blossomed, after all, he never thought that there would be someone who would be able to appreciate him like this.

Because Dorothy is a woman, as a woman, she has a sense of vanity in her heart, that is, she wants to be praised by others, so Cage's praise is particularly satisfying to her.

"Then let's get to know each other, my name is Cage, I'm from another world, are you interested in building a royal army with me?"

Cage said.

"What does that do?"

Dorothy said she didn't understand what Cage was saying.

In fact, Cage can't understand why Dorothy doesn't understand, after all, the so-called war to protect the princess only happened in the future, and all of this is Nana's ghost.

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