"You're right, this space is created by me, if you want to go back to the real world, but there is no way!"

The man sneered, his eyes full of murderous depth, and took a breath.

Just hearing him say this, it made Cage feel a little unconvinced at this moment, and immediately an amazing force surged in his body, and after taking a deep breath of air, he frowned and said lightly: "You guy really makes me feel uncomfortable!"

When he finished speaking, he shot again in an instant, and suddenly slammed out, and the two of them touched Cage with their palms, and instantly felt that countless special energies instantly stuck to his hands again, which made him suddenly feel a strong and inexplicable sense of unease again, this guy's evil spirit is so serious!

I just thought about it.

That person immediately sneered and said: "If you can't break the evil qi on my body, then you will never be able to defeat me, don't worry, as long as you can't break my evil qi, you won't have any way to defeat me, so now you can only die!"

Cage was immediately very unconvinced when he heard this, and then frowned, and there was a slight sense of thought on his face for a while.

He took a deep breath with a look of surprise in his eyes, what should he do now?

But his evil spirit is extremely serious, what is going on, what should I do?

Just thinking about it like this immediately made him even more distressed at this time.

But at this moment!

I only heard a very evil and violent voice coming: "Who do you think Uncle Ben is, just with your three-legged cat kung fu, can you make Uncle Ben submit to you??"

As such a voice fell, I saw an incomparably violent voice, which instantly burst out with an astonishingly strong energy, and suddenly emitted light from his hand.

The man suddenly struck his body at this amazing light!

A body was hit, and it was immediately a dozen steps backwards, almost vomiting blood!

There was a thick look of surprise in his eyes, and he was suddenly startled with a sense of surprise on his face!

At this time, Cage looked at it fiercely, his eyes were full of surprise, and he took a deep breath, very surprised.

Say, "You guy...... Why are you ......?"

That's right!

It was Akuno Rokia who showed up to help him at this time, and it should have been the one just now!

At this time, Akuno Rocchia's face revealed a little coldness and smiled.

said: "I'm not here to help you, I'm just going to kill that guy, I have a huge grudge against you, I have ...... I just want to kill you, but I want to kill him even more!"

That's what he said

And then at this time!

I saw that person immediately snorted coldly, took a deep breath, and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

There was a strange sneer in his eyes, and he got up and said: "It really makes me feel strange, I didn't expect that you guys were completely out of my control, and you could even directly target me, which really made me feel very surprised!"

When his words came to this.

Immediately afterward, I heard a very violent voice again: "You damn bastard, you dare to ...... me"

As soon as his words came to this, he immediately roared very violently and loudly, yes, that is Jelf, who is not dead, and has not been completely destroyed by the time tunnel!

Jelf's gaze revealed a strong sense of rage, and he also appeared in front of everyone, obviously he was very angry and in a very bad mood.

The great god, whose eyes were full of rage, roared angrily.

He's rarely been so angry, and now is when he's so angry because he's been caught in such a place!

But at this time!

Immediately, he only saw Cage, frowned very strangely, took a deep breath, snorted very surprised, and said lightly: "I didn't expect you to ...... this guy"

That's just that!

Immediately, I only heard Jeff say coldly: "Akuno Rokia, and you, the person who doesn't know the name at all, and the bastard who fought against me just now, you three guys are all going to die!"

When the words came to this, they immediately revealed a deep sense of anger.

All of a sudden, an astonishing burst of dark energy crackled above the fist, and it continued to surge at this time.

A terrifying energy is what happens!

Akuno Rokia took the lead again, slammed out, and rushed directly at the man in front of him.

At this moment, that person suddenly rushed out, and suddenly he was in a duel with Akuno Rokia in front of him!

The two of them had a pair of iron fists against each other, and they quickly separated together!

But even if they were separated, the two of them were very unconvinced, and they obviously planned to hit each other again!

Immediately after that, many granddaughters directly surrounded them, all of them showed a very murderous appearance, and the person immediately laughed.

The man's eyes were full of madness and he laughed: "You bastards, don't think I'm going to lose to you people so easily, it's all the puppets I collected, it's all me...... A puppet that has been cultivated for many years!"

The more his words came to this, the more crazy his face became, and it was very terrifying.

But in the middle of now!

Immediately, he saw Cage and said coldly, "Who are you? Why do you do such a horrible thing?"

As soon as these words were said here, I saw that the man said very frantically and coldly: "Because I want to control the whole world, and you are my bargaining chips, in this special easy space, either you will break this space, or you will be killed by me!"

The more this sentence is said here, the more inexplicably terrifying it becomes, because at this moment!

The incomparably strong essence, the human energy is also surging at this time, and the incomparable power on his body is even more ferocious!

Akuno Rokia immediately sneered and said, "It's not your turn in this world yet!"

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