After Cage rescued Snow White from the Phantom, he followed Snow White back to the palace.

Cage spent the next few days healing, after all, in the battle with the Phantom, although he didn't suffer much damage, he was actually very tired.

After all, the Phantom's own strength is not weak, and the weapon he summoned made Cage struggling.

That's why Cage needs to heal.

It was at this time that Cage came to the small garden.

There are a lot of small grasses in the small garden, and there are many beautiful flowers, and when I see these flowers, I just feel that my heart is also a lot more beautiful.

You know, very few people can come to such a small garden to play.

followed Cage and met Snow White.

Snow White sat directly on the stone bench and quietly watched Cage enjoy the flowers among the flowers.

"Do you like pretty flowers?"

Snow White walked up to Cage and said.

Cage laughed and said, "That's true, don't you like flowers?"

"I like it too, but what kind of flowers do you like, I know there are many words in this world, but I don't know too many types. "

Cage took Snow White's hand and sat down on a stone bench next to her.

"You don't know what kind of flowers?" Cage asked.

"I know of a flower that has white petals, but it doesn't provoke butterflies, and it's even a little poisonous. "

"You're talking about Tianqi Cloud White Flower, right?"

"So you know that kind of flower. "

Cage nodded.

Of course, Cage knows this kind of flower, in fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal, and his poison is not enough to affect a person.

It's just that it has a certain effect on some insects.

When Cage finished saying this, Snow White held her cheeks and looked at Cage enviously, she really didn't expect Cage to be so knowledgeable.

At this time, Cage laughed and said, "Actually, it doesn't, but you still have too little knowledge." "

Hearing Cage say such a sentence, Snow White looked particularly sad.

If Cage hadn't said such a thing, Snow White wouldn't have been particularly sad.

That's because Snow White has always regarded Cage as the most important existence, and Snow White will remember every word Cage says, which is why Snow White feels that Cage is particularly important.

Snow White has a deep love for Cage in her heart, so no matter what Cage does, he will support Cage unconditionally.

In fact, Cage is similar.

No matter what danger Snow White faces, Cage always charges into battle and is a brave warrior to challenge powerful enemies.

Intuition itself has invincible power, so he bravely faces those evil forces, but Cage uses this means to prove that he still loves Snow White deeply.

That's why this road, so when Cage knew that Snow White was in danger, he was always the first to rush to the front to protect Snow White.

If Cage hadn't protected Snow White, you would have died for a long time, but Cage protected her along the way, so he could quietly accompany Cage here to enjoy the flowers.

But now Cage actually said that he was still too young, and he knew that Snow White was a little sad.

Snow White has always treated Cage as if he were her own contemporary, and if Cage wanted to marry her, of course she would marry Cage as well, but she didn't expect Cage to just treat him as a child, which made Snow White feel particularly surprised.

"If you don't like me, why do you want to protect me so roughly?"

Snow White said with tears in her eyes.

Hearing this, Cage was a little confused, he didn't understand what Snow White meant, and he really didn't expect that his unintentional words just now had caused Snow White a lot of damage.

Sometimes women are like this, their focus is always off the point, so that men and women can't really communicate.

Of course, they are all good-looking, especially the truth, as long as the reason is smooth, they will definitely act according to your wishes.

It's just that women are not like this, they are sensual animals.

That's why Cage's words caused so much damage to Snow White, which was completely unimaginable to Cage.

So when he heard Snow White in tears, Cage immediately touched Snow White's cheek, and Snow White slapped Cage's hand back with a snap.

"Don't touch me!"

Snow White shrunk to the other side and stopped looking at Cage at all.

You must know that Snow White is just a child in her teens, so when facing someone like Cage, he will be coquettish every time.

It's just that Cage has always regarded him as his own treasure and took good care of her.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Did I say something wrong just now? Tell me well, can I apologize to you?"

Cage comforts Snow White to arrive.

Hearing this, Snow White burst into tears and cried even more sadly.

Cage began to get anxious, "What the hell is wrong with you? Tell me quickly...... I really don't understand what I just said wrongly, which sentence makes you so sad. "

Snow White certainly wouldn't understand why Cage was so nervous, it was because of Cage that he didn't understand why Snow White was angry.

But Snow White also doesn't understand why Cage doesn't know she's angry.

It's as if two people who love each other are about to break up.

At this time, the sky was cloudy and then drizzled.

Neither Cage nor Snow White fled to the side to take shelter, but sat in the rain.

"What the hell is going on? Can you tell me?"

With the sound of crackling lightning, Cage asks Snow White over and over again, trying to find out why.

It's just that Snow White didn't speak, pursed her lips, and tears kept flowing, and the tears and rain were mixed together, making it difficult to tell whether it was tears or rain.

Snow White cried louder and louder.

Suddenly, a crackling flash of lightning frightened Snow White, who trembled.

The two of them are like two hens falling into the water of a pool.

I was soaking wet.

However, Snow White did not leave Cage and there was no reason to leave, Cage wanted to ask the reason from Snow White's mouth, and he also hoped that Snow White would not be angry or cry, because Cage had been worried about Snow White.

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