After succeeding in one blow, Boya Hancock had no intention of stopping.

Her soft, boneless hand touched her small mouth, and then a peach-colored heart appeared on her finger, which looked like lipstick. Then she shouted coldly:"Kiss gun!" Whoosh whoosh!

The peach-colored heart turned into a bullet and rushed towards me. when!!

However, after hitting Kaido, it was of no use at all, and his skin was no longer petrified.

Kaido blocked it easily. He was just distracted.

"They are a bunch of vulnerable fish, there is no end to them, please stop it!"


Kaido of the Hundred Beasts exploded with powerful momentum, and a wave of energy swept out, knocking everyone away.

At the same time, this guy also began to transform gorgeously, his body was like a piece of rubber, It suddenly lengthened a lot. First, the legs of the lower body disappeared and were replaced by the body of a divine dragon, extending to a length of dozens of meters.

Secondly, the head also began to change amazingly, growing the horns of a divine dragon.


At this moment, a gunshot came. Kaido, a sea, land and air creature, naturally noticed it. He turned his eyes slightly, looked at the direction of the bullet, and mocked disdainfully:"Lian Garp's Iron Fist" Even if you hit me, there won’t be much reaction. A mere bullet is probably not as hard as my hair. Trying to kill me with this kind of thing, your navy still has such ridiculous and stupid people...."

Bang, click, click!!!

Before the stupid guy could finish his sentence, Kaido was ruthlessly shot in the head. A bullet cut through the space. Cage picked the place where Kaido was petrified by Hancock. There was no doubt that there was It's the most vulnerable part.


The penetrating power of that thumb-sized bullet exceeded Kaido's imagination. It penetrated directly into Kaido's head and invaded Kaido's skull.


Kaido immediately held his head and screamed twice in pain, then looked in a certain direction with murderous intent,"I can't spare you!"

After saying that, Kaido's transformation was completed. He turned into a divine dragon with a body length of dozens of meters and flew into the sky.

"Is there any mistake? This guy was shot in the head, and he can still turn into a dragon and fly into the sky?"

Cage's eyes froze. This was the first time he encountered such a bizarre and incredible thing.

What would happen if a normal person's head was broken?...Of course he died suddenly, but Kaido was still alive and kicking.

Well, even if the strongest creature in the sea, land and air has the strongest vitality in the world, but its head is broken, nothing happens at all, but it becomes more ferocious, this and this...Totally cheating, right?

Just when Cage was complaining about Kaido's exuberant life, Kaido, who had transformed into a dragon god, opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs, each one filled with deadly cold light.

"Dragon Breath!!!"

Kaido opened his mouth and spat out, and a terrifying wave of power fell from the sky, crushing Cage mightily.

"Damn it, if this happens to Luo Qi...Not to mention him, even the Navy Headquarters would be reduced to rubble."

Sengoku was greatly panicked, and he quickly gathered a shock wave in his hand and blasted it into the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

The golden shock wave fell from the sky, and came into close contact with Kaido's dragon breath.

Boom boom boom!!!

In an instant, there was an earth-shattering explosion. The big explosion swept away, and even though the dragon's breath did not fall on the navy headquarters, the shock wave emitted shattered a large number of buildings.

"Warring States Period, stop being in the way!"

Kaido, who was flying in the sky, shouted loudly, very angry. Cage's shot just now broke his head, which angered Kaido to death.

He never thought that a bullet would have such power.

And it’s very humiliating to have your head shot!

"this resilience...No wonder it is called the strongest creature in the sea, land and air. It is true that it is invincible in a single fight. Such a perverted self-healing ability can kill anyone."

Cage was staring at the wound on Kaido's head. When he was about to refill the gun, he was shocked to find that the hole that was as big as his head had been restored.

What the hell...To be honest, the first time he fought with the Emperor of the Sea, Cage was really shocked by the opponent. A big hole was punched in his head. Let’s not talk about it until he died. Damn it, it only took about ten seconds to transform. Fixed.

Even if an animal-type ability user is awakened, he shouldn't have such strong self-recovery power, right?

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, a series of heart-shaped arrows hit Kaido, the beast in the sky. Cage glanced at Boya Hancock, and there was no doubt that she was the one who did it.

"this woman...Why is she so active all of a sudden? Or is it because she thinks Kaido the Beast is me?"Cage secretly muttered in his heart

"Ah wu wu wu..."

Kaido in the sky opened his big mouth again

"What a strange feeling."Cage frowned. Although he didn't see the dragon's breath anymore, for some reason, the threat was stronger.

"Cage quickly retreats, that is a high-level armed domineering force!"Warring States reminded loudly.

Armed Haki can be roughly divided into three types.

The first is the most basic one to strengthen oneself and entangle weapons.

The second is relatively rare, and the Armed Haki can be shot out like a gas.

Also There is a third type that is extremely rare. It can even allow armed domineering to enter the enemy's body and destroy it from the inside. Those who can reach this level of armed domineering will be outstanding top powerhouses in the new world.

Whoosh Whoosh!!!

Suddenly, a dangerous sound broke through the air. Although Cage could not see anything, he knew that there was danger approaching him. This dangerous trick was like an air cannon, which could not be distinguished by the naked eye..

Cage closed his eyes, released his domineering energy, and carefully felt every move in the atmosphere.

Above his head, there was an invisible and terrifying force crashing down.

"Not invincible!"

The eyes suddenly opened, and the rifle in his hand was entangled with domineering force. Cage raised it to the sky and resolutely pulled the trigger.


The jet-black bullet flew out of the gun chamber.


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