"Teacher Zefa."

Cage came slowly. Zefa was probably in the heaviest mood at the moment. Of the hundreds of recruits he brought out, only Cage, Binz, and Ain were left.

"Cage, just be okay. Zefa squeezed out a trace of his face and forced a smile. His head was still bleeding slowly.

He was also injured by Whitebeard II just now.

"I have already notified the Navy Headquarters, and it is estimated that Navy reinforcements will arrive soon."Cage explained in a low voice.

"You did a good job. When we first started sailing, we should have brought more people. If there were generals to follow, we would not be in this situation. My strength has declined a lot compared to before, which is why Everyone died."Looking at the corpses on the ground, Zefa felt very ashamed.

"Teacher Zefa has tried his best."

Cage also sighed. Unexpected events can happen in the sky, so I don't blame Zefa. Then he asked without leaving a trace:"What is the origin of that Edward Weibull? And that MISS Ba Jin, why did he deliberately target Teacher Zefa?"

"MISS Ba Jin once stayed on the same boat as Whitebeard, one of the four emperors. The woman claimed to be Whitebeard's woman and claimed that the two were once intimate. He announced that Edward Weibull was Whitebeard's son, but this Whitebeard himself never responded."Zefa slowly explained:"When I was young, MISS Ba Jin suffered a big loss in my hands. I must have always held a grudge."

"So Edward Weeble is not Whitebeard's son after all?"Cage breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn it, I can't even imagine that if Whitebeard's biological son was put into such a miserable state by himself, Whitebeard would definitely cut Cage into pieces.

"It's hard to say this....Although Whitebeard said he didn't admit it, he didn't deny it either. Zefa said meaningfully:"To a certain extent, silence is acquiescence.""

"In other words, that idiot is really Whitebeard's son! ?"Cage's tone became much more confused in an instant.

Damn it, he killed Whitebeard's lover and his biological son as soon as he started?!

How can he continue his naval career from now on?!

Cage is in a particularly special mood at the moment. Gloomy, the joy of crippling Whitebeard II was diluted a lot

"Hahaha...You don't have to worry either. Seeing Cage

's nervous look, Zefa showed a faint smile on his face and said:"That MISS Ba Jin has no connection with Whitebeard for a long time, and Whitebeard doesn't like this woman very much. He is selfish and likes money, not to mention. , and also used her son as a prop. Whitebeard hated her very much."

"Let’s hope so."

Cage still frowned. He just hoped that the mother and son would not have anything to do with Whitebeard, otherwise he would be really miserable in the future.

About half an hour later, the navy's reinforcements finally arrived.

And the leader was General Aokiji, accompanied by Garp and others.

After the navy landed on the island, they were particularly shocked when they saw the corpses all over the ground. There were hundreds of corpses of the navy and pirates in total, and it couldn't be described as a mountain. Exaggeration.

Zefa was injured, Mole was severely disabled, Binz and Ain also received treatment quickly, and Cage, who didn't even have a speck of dust on his body, attracted special attention.

"Whitebeard II has been defeated, thanks to Cage."In the cabin, Zefa's words undoubtedly pushed Cage to the forefront. General Aokiji and hero Garp all looked at this new recruit in surprise.

"I said Zefa...Even if you want to give the credit to this kid, why don't you find a suitable reason? This is a navy recruit who has been in the army for two months. You told me that he disabled Whitebeard II with two shots? Despite his low intelligence, that guy actually has the power of Whitebeard's youth."

The first person to suspect was Garp at the same time.

As for General Aoki, he stared at Cage with great interest. In terms of appearance, he should not even be 20, but he severely damaged Whitebeard II?

He also found it incredible

"But that’s the truth, as my two freshmen, Binz and Ain, can attest to. Zefa said softly

"Cage, show off to Cap and Kuzan. Zefa looked at Cage and said, his tone full of encouragement.


Hearing this, Cage took off the rifle on his back and fired a shot into the sea casually.

Boom boom boom!!!

The bullet penetrated into the sea water and immediately exploded a water column dozens of meters high. The sea surface within a hundred meters nearby was covered with water. It's ripples

"this...Is it really the power of a bullet?"

Both Garp and Aoki wiped their eyes. The power of a bullet to collapse a mountain is unrealistic no matter how you look at it.

"Those who can?"

Garp and Aoki first thought of it as some kind of Devil Fruit ability, but Zefa shook his head and denied it. This was Cage's own power.

"There is no shortage of geniuses in this world. When Cage was very young, he mastered the domineering power of knowledge and color on his own. Why don't I tell you that when Cage was as old as he was, I was probably still playing in the mud."After Zefa finished speaking, he looked at Cage with great satisfaction. This student was not only extremely qualified, but he even saved him today.

In this world, some people are born with extraordinary talents and possess incredible power, such as the four emperors. One of the aunts, born with great strength and tough body

"It seems that great people will appear in our navy in the future."

Cap couldn't help but treat Cage differently.

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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