While speaking, Saitama felt a little uncomfortable, why is the name Silver Fang so loud, but his own name ......

What's that name, what the hell is Bald Cape Man?

Thinking of this, One-Punch Man was a little speechless, the name of this Hero Association is too bad.

"But there's one thing I care about?" Punch Man instantly turned solemn.

Seeing this appearance, everyone thought that he had something serious to say, even Charanke was officially up at this time.

However, One-Punch Man looked at Charanko, "Who are you?"

As soon as they heard this, the others were instantly speechless, this guy's memory is too bad.

"Teacher, this is just a weak chicken with the name of a big disciple of Banggu, called Charanke. "

Genos also whispered at this time, and after hearing it, Charank was a little embarrassed, it seemed that he was quite weak.

And when there was no encounter here, Charak also left directly.

In the woods, he, too, was returning to his room.

"I can't always be a drag oil bottle, for the sake of Master Banggu, I also have to ...... hungry wolf"

But when he thought of it, Charlenk did stop, where did he look, and in his own strength it seemed ......

Thinking of this, Charenke also sighed, "How can it be so easy to find?And even if it is found, it will not be able to fight with my strength at all." "

But at this moment, he suddenly heard a voice "Hey, stop!"

This voice was extremely familiar, but Charanko looked directly at it, only to see that the unlicensed knight on the road not far away had actually encountered a hungry wolf.

And the hungry wolf looked at the undocumented knight and said coldly, "You're a hero, right?"

The undocumented knight just said, "Yes." I'm an unlicensed knight. "

He didn't seem to know the man in front of him.

The hungry wolf sneered, his eyes filled with a wolf-like color. "The hunt began. "

It only said four words, and its fists began to clench slowly.

However, the unlicensed knight was stunned, "What do you mean by hunting?" There was no emotion in his voice, he didn't seem to know the hungry wolf.

"You don't seem to be a fan of mine. "

The hungry wolf looked at his palm, "You are the food I use to be the perfect weirdo." A sinister smile appeared on his face as he spoke.

"Found it!"

However, at this time, a strong voice suddenly came from behind the hungry wolf, and I didn't expect a few Zhuang men to come here.

Although they couldn't be seen clearly under the gathering of lights, judging from the iconic wear of their vests, it was clear that these were the heroes of the vests, and they were also the apprentices of the Vest Venerable.

And the one who spoke just now was very familiar, and it turned out to be an A-level hero.

When these people appeared, the hungry wolf was also stunned, but when these people showed their faces under the light, sure enough, the first one was a vest vegetarian.

"Thank you so much last time!"

The vest vegetarian had just appeared, only to find that his entire cheeks were blue and swollen, and he had lost his original appearance.

However, before the vegetarian in the vest could finish speaking, the hungry wolf actually took a punch and hit it, and blood immediately flowed from the beating.

And the vest vegetarian pie also fell directly to the ground, letting out a miserable scream.

"Why are you here for revenge? The hungry wolf smirked, and there was a glimmer of light on his entire body.

At this time, the vest vegetarian pie had already fallen to the ground, and he fainted directly, and even a few of his teeth popped out.

"You finally survived, and you even ran to die, you are really stupid and cute. The words of the hungry wolf have reached the ears of these people, who are also vest heroes.

"Don't let these bodybuilders you bring with you come back alive. "

After the hungry wolf finished speaking, he rushed directly to those vest heroes.

But at this time, suddenly a stronger man appeared in him.

Although he was wearing a vest, his strength was the strongest here, and he smashed into the hungry wolf's body with a single punch.

Immediately, the hungry wolf flew backwards, and its whole body rolled violently on the ground.

If it weren't for a buffer hungry wolf, I'm afraid it would fly out and smash on the wall.

However, simply due to the rolling of the ground, he also found the center of gravity and only got on the ground with one foot, but even so, when the hungry wolf stepped on the ground, he was still wiped out of a considerable distance.

Unexpectedly, it was the 16th-ranked Vest Venerable of the S-rank who appeared.

At this time, the vest venerable looked indifferent and looked at the hungry wolf.

"My little brother is really taken care of by you!"

He just said lightly, and he didn't take the hungry wolf in his eyes at all, but with his character of protecting his shortcomings, his own little brother was beaten, and he naturally wanted to come out to find a scene.

And looking at the arrival of the Vest Venerable, the hungry wolf's eyes were full of smirks, and his face was also growling, "I didn't expect to attract all the S-level here, haha, I really caught a big fish!"

It was as if it was all as he wished.

As these words were spoken, the hungry wolf was ready to fight.

It's really exciting, his eyes are already full of light, and he seems to be staring at the vest Venerable like a real wolf.

But the vest venerable was not to be outdone, he was already condensing his strength, and his punch smashed on the ground above his feet, and in an instant, the ground shattered, and even the surroundings of the hungry wolf had burst open, emitting bursts of smoke.

Due to the shattering of the ground, the hungry wolf could not stand, but at this time, the Vest Venerable saw that his attack was effective, which was equivalent to activating his full strength and speed.

In the blink of an eye, the Venerable Vest (Qian Qian Hao) rushed towards the hungry wolf, and at the same time his hands were already in front of him, like a savage collision.

In just the blink of an eye, the vest venerable had already rushed into the front of the hungry wolf, and even the hungry wolf had just come back to his senses at this time, his eyes widened, but he found that the body of the evil vest venerable had come to his side.

The hungry wolf didn't have time to react, so he could only protect his arms in front of him.

The Vest Venerable roared, "Vest Grappling!"

At the moment of hitting the hungry wolf, the hungry wolf flew out directly.

A mouthful of blood spat out of the hungry wolf's mouth, but he ignored it, and the hungry wolf's body was thrown in the sky, even so fast that it couldn't stop at all.

"There you appear, Venerable Vest Grappling!" When they saw this move of the Venerable Vest, many people were shocked, and they also roared with excitement on their faces. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - 凵

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