That silly white sweet lady Christa went to the development business group full of fighting spirit.

I don't know if her idiotic temper will successfully destroy the uncle boxer's years of hard work...

But Mosak was in no mood to worry about whether the uncle named Samaranch would regret having such a daughter...

Because, on the other side, Moza, who stared blankly at the gate of the base, was also in trouble.

He doesn't belong here, not even in the official navy. At most, he is a family member of the navy. No matter how you look at it, these navy soldiers guarding the gate of the base will not let him in.

Mosa hesitated to tell them the truth, and then asked them to report to the Navy headquarters layer by layer - Mosa still remained wary of the outside world, even if the target was the Navy branch, after all, his bloodskin was too thin.

In fact, it's just that the psychology has not been adjusted. It stands to reason that the current Mosa is more than enough to sweep this base!

He has a mentality problem!

When he was hesitating, Mossa's expression suddenly changed. After a while, a short young navy wearing a navy training vest and a navy coat came out of the base. The epaulette should be the rank of colonel of the branch.

"Colonel Kunlo!" The soldier saluted respectfully.

"Have you seen the branch chief?"

"Report to the Colonel, the old minister went out in the morning." Hearing this, Mosa was a little strange. Why was he called the "old" minister? What custom is this? ?

Moza thought about it for a while, then gritted his teeth and took the initiative to walk out.

"Um... um? Who is this child?"

Suddenly seeing a little boy carved in pink and jade in front of him, Colonel Kunluo curiously asked the soldier standing next to him.

"Hello, my name is Moza, it's..." Moza took advantage of the situation and briefly explained his own affairs to the branch colonel.

Kunluo was actually just promoted to this branch, the new branch head, the branch head he was referring to was the former head of the Alabasta branch who had just officially resigned a few days ago, so the soldiers would call the "old" head , Kun Luo called it just to maintain a respectful attitude.

As for Mosa...

Actually, when this little guy just started to introduce, Kun Luo reacted when he heard his name.

He was the one the headquarters issued a document asking for attention a few days ago—the Alabasta branch was also ordered by the Navy headquarters to prepare one of the branch bases for support to Zefa and Luna.

As the new branch chief, Kunluo is naturally aware of the important personnel in this major event that he will cooperate with just after taking office, such as the son of the admiral Zefa of the Navy headquarters in front of him, Moza!


"...Well, that's it. Okay. Yes!"

With Kunluo's military rank, he didn't have the authority to report directly to Kong or Zefa. The contact person across from the phone bug was Kunluo's former commander at the Navy headquarters when he had no external assignments, a senior officer who is currently a rear admiral at the Navy headquarters.

It just so happened that this major general was a captain of the fleet directly under Zefa's command, and he had been a guest at Zefa's house a few times. Mosa was quite familiar with him, so after several comparisons to confirm the identity of the other party...

"Is it Uncle Raddy? I'm Moza~"

This phone bug is destined to work overtime today. I hope his owner will give him more complementary food for the overtime pay... The main food of the phone bug is relatively casual, but the essential complementary food is quite expensive...


"Moses Moses~" The dazzling white color was brushed behind his head, and the handsome man picked up the phone bug.

"Oh? Zefa's son has been found? It's a good thing~ That guy Zefa must be so happy!"

"I see, I've got it done here." With that said, Clayton glanced at the man on the ground whose pupils lost focus.

"I'm not that guy from Zefa, I won't show mercy..."


"Marshal! News came from the Alabasta branch that Mosa was found!"

"Huh?" Sora put down a document, the three characters of promotion order were written on it, and the object seemed to be - Monkey D. Drago!

"Mosa is waiting in the Alabasta branch now! General Zefa is also nearby, and he is expected to arrive within two hours!"

"Okay." Sora put a big seal on the promotion order.


"Yo~ I was sent to a desert country, it's really fitting. Isn't it Moza~" Porusalino didn't know where he got a good knife, and he couldn't put it down and played with it.

"Commodore!" Another group of subordinates who can turn their mouths into shark teeth.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to work. I really hope that one day I can live a cool life without working~"

Polsalino decided to become a general for this reason.

This year, he was 23 years old.


"Meteor Volcano!"

There was a rain of fire in the sky, and the lava fell like a meteor shower.

A group of pirates were directly destroyed here by the regiment, along with their pirate ship.

"Major General Sakaski! News came from the headquarters that the son of General Zefa, Moza, has been found! Now in the Alabasta branch!"

"Well, I see, next place!"

The calm face and dull tone gave the 21-year-old Sakaski the calm temperament of a middle-aged man--in fact, to put it bluntly, he looked old!


Sakaski conveyed his values ​​to his subordinates in a low voice: "These pirates are too presumptuous! Their sinful They don't need to be sent to the advance city, the lava-covered pirates A good pirate!"

"Yes!" The Admiral looked at him with infinite admiration.

This year, Sakaski was 20 years old.


Sengoku, Sauluo, Crane, Karp, Drago... Many people made their own reactions to the news.


The arrival of this news calmed the navy's anger a little, but the navy that has already started will not stop.

The generals of the navy generally took a sigh of relief - the world must be clear once again that the navy is the most powerful force in this sea!

Navy, no offense!


Thanks to Luna's efforts, the Zefa family was reunited at the base of the Alabasta Navy branch within an hour. After the officers of the branch were sent away, Luna immediately burst into tears as soon as the door was closed. Take Mosa in your arms.

"I'm sorry, Mosa, we're only here now."

Zefa stood aside, although she was much calmer than Luna, her eyes were full of tears.

Even if he said that he would accept it in case something happened, he was naturally worried to death, it was just his duty and he had to do it.

Moza stretched out her tender arms and hugged Luna.

"It's okay, Mom."


The two changes are over~Sprinkle the flowers and spread the flowers~

Alright~ The second volume is over~

Mosa is about to start a real naval career, the next volume, the third volume, "Training Camp".

Tickets, tickets, tickets! The results are really dismal

Ben Dong was already crying on the sofa...


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