“Old man, you really dare to drink!”

“It’s all a hundred years old, isn’t it good to maintain health.” I don’t want to come back to Windmill Village for more than two years to attend your funeral. ”

Kaplanlang laughed, not caring about the title.

Or rather…

This title!

in the world.

Only the one in front of him dares to call it.

For this title, Karp has been accustomed to it for many years!

“You little ghost, is this cursing me to die quickly?”

“I’ll tell you!”

“If you die, I may still be alive and well, bet if you don’t believe it!”

Levi burst out laughing.

Holding the wine glass, he poured it into his belly.

If there was no system, he naturally did not dare to be so presumptuous.

You can have the existence of the system.

Li Wei naturally did not think that he would really enter the soil because of his age!

“Here, drink!”

Karp joins the drinking battlefield.

The lively tavern is even more noisy.

The rest of the navy, including Kebi, Berumeber and others, withdrew from the tavern and waited at the gate of the tavern.

It’s just that.

That scene just now.

The impact on them was too strong.

The shock of the mood cannot be quelled for a long time!

“Just, just now…”

“Did I hear you right?”

Kebi couldn’t help it, his lips trembled, and his eyes were full of horror.

“Lieutenant General Karp, by an old man, called a little ghost…”

“This is the first time I’ve seen this scene!”

“My God, in this world, there are really people who can call Lieutenant General Karp a little ghost!”

Berumeber was also shocked and his expression dull.

Many navies around him were talking about it.

Talk about the shocking picture they just saw.


Only some of the older navies understand the origin of the matter.

“If you follow Lieutenant Karp for a certain amount of time, you will naturally understand. The scene just now was just an ordinary daily life. ”

Some old navy explained.

“What do you mean by that?”

Kirby, Berumeber and the rest of the nascent navy were confused.

“Speaking of this matter, we have to start with the identity of the old man.”

“Is there anything wrong with the identity of this old gentleman?”

“Oh? Hehe! That’s not a few words! ”


The old navy lit a cigarette and said, “Let me ask you a simple question, who is the reason why such a chaotic situation has formed in this sea area today?” ”

Everyone pondered.

Kebi blurted out: “One Piece Gor D Roger? ”


The old navy nodded, “That’s it!” ”

“But what is the relationship between this One Piece and this old man?”

“What if the reason why Roger went to sea back then was because of this one?”

The old navy said.

The words fell.

There was silence!

Everyone’s eyes widened, and their moods were shaken.

It is as if they have opened a door, a door to subvert the worldview!

This news!

They’ve never heard of it!

“Is the reason why One Piece went to sea because of this old gentleman?”

Kebi asked with a shocked face.


The old navy nodded, looked at the faces of everyone present, and said with a smile, “If this makes you behave so badly, how can I continue?” ”

“Is there anything else?”

Quite a few people were shaken.

Just send One Piece Roger into this sea.

This has already shocked them.

“Of course, the deeds of this person are endless!”

The old navy flicked the cigarette ash and continued, “Do you know about the people who were chasing the throne of One Piece in the same era as Roger? ”

These are all major events that once shocked the world.


The navy present heard about it.

“Whitebeard, golden lion!”

The rest of the navy quickly shouted.

These two are the famous people who competed with Roger for the throne of One Piece!

At that time.

Most famous for these three!


The old navy nodded again, with a bit of emotion in his eyes, “But how can you think that the whitebearded and golden lions back then, the two of them went to sea because of the same person!” ”

“Did you say…”

“Guessed right! This old man is the source of sending an era into this sea with his own hands! ”


Everyone couldn’t help but gasp.

The origin of an era!


Is it because of an old man?!

Come to think of it.

Their mood was even more shocked and could not be calmed at all.

Here’s the news.

Impacting their perceptions.

The amount of knowledge they received in the past was directly subverted here!

“Doesn’t that mean…”

“That chaotic era, the reason why it was lifted because of this old gentleman? This old gentleman, directly led to the beginning of a maritime age? ”

Many navy faces were horrified.

The news is too shocking!


None of them could accept it.

If this is true.

That’s really scary!


Leading a maritime age!

“Other than that…”

“Do you know why Lieutenant General Karp is called Iron Fist Karp by many pirates?”

The old navy asked with a smile.


“I thought about it because Lieutenant General Karp’s fists were indestructible. With a pair of fists, he beat many pirates in this sea, leaving an indelible impression in the hearts of pirates! ”

The old navy asked undoubtedly: “Then, why can Vice Admiral Karp’s fist be indestructible?” ”


“Armed color domineering!”

Speaking of which.

The old navy’s smile was even more meaningful: “The answer is correct, Vice Admiral Karp’s armed color domineering has been cultivated to the point of pure green.” In this way, a pair of iron fists has left a prominent and prestigious name in the sea! ”

“But have you ever wondered where Lieutenant General Karp’s armed domineering spirit came from?”


Many navies couldn’t help but swallow their saliva.

“Yes, I think you already have the answer in your hearts!”

“As you guessed, the old man in the tavern who called Lieutenant General Karp a little ghost.”

“He is the one who taught Lieutenant General Karp to cultivate armed color domineering!”

The old navy’s eyes were slightly adoring.

The navy present was shocked!

Including Kebi and Berumeber, the shocking emotions in their eyes could not be dissipated.

Lieutenant General Karp’s armed color domineering ….


Is that what this old man taught?!



Many emotions lingered in their hearts, making the expressions on their faces constantly change.

This moment!

They finally understood.


This, dare to call Lieutenant General Karp a little ghost!

The other party does have this qualification!

The old navy extinguished the cigarette butt and slowly spoke.

“He’s called…”


“An old man who has been legendary all his life!”

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