Moriah looked at the thunder giant who was taller than himself and couldn't help but be even more angry.

"Bastard Mo Ye, look at my thousand shadow gathering place!!"

Another batch of shadows flew towards Moria's mouth, and his body continued to swell, as if he had vomited, covering his mouth to prevent the shadow from escaping, and finally became as tall as Mo Ye's thunder giant.

"Moriah, die to face and live to suffer!!"

While Moria was still covering his mouth uncomfortably, Mo Ye didn't talk about martial virtue at all, and the thunder giant thunder lightning punched the giant Moria's stomach.

Moria instantly couldn't stand it, spit out hundreds of shadows, and changed back to the appearance of more than thirty meters, Moria had red eyes, became angry, and frantically rushed towards Mo Ye, fucking a Wang Ba fist.

Mo Ye, the thunder giant who is more than fifty meters old, and Moria, the shadow giant who is more than thirty meters, the huge battle between the two is like a hooligan fight, punching and kicking indiscriminately.

The spears condensed by the two giants of 'Super Giant Shadow Horn

Gun' and 'Thunder Gun'

collided together, and the huge energy collided, instantly destroying more than half of Moria's castle, which is why Mo Ye hates home battles, and any building will be destroyed.

Mo Ye didn't know what it meant for the Warring States to set a trap against Whitebeard and choose the battlefield in the headquarters of the Navy? Knowing that Whitebeard's earthquake fruit is extremely destructive to terrain buildings, and setting the battlefield at the headquarters of the Navy, isn't it taking the initiative to find a draw?

Although there is a certain geographical and numerical home field advantage, in this world, high-end combat power is the factor that determines the direction of the battlefield.

"Moria, if there are no other moves, this battle will be over!"

The 'Thunder God Embrace'

Thunder Giant faced the shadow giant like an adult holding a child, came to a death hug, and the thunder and lightning erupted, electrifying Moriah to the outside and tender, straight to black smoke.

The shadow giant continued to spit out shadows from his mouth, restoring Moria's original form six or seven meters high, his eyes kept rolling his eyes, what made Mo Ye speechless was that in addition to being injured by the thunder attack, Moria was also eaten back by his own big move shadow gather, almost unconscious.

The shadow gathering place requires great mental power control, and will lose consciousness or run away when the mental power is not enough to support, Moria is too dependent on the power of others, but he cannot control his own moves, no wonder the world government now looks down on him and wants to remove his position in the Seven Wu Sea.

Mo Ye guessed that there must be spies of the world government on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, so he would know Moria's situation well, maybe the current situation would have been reported to the table of the five old stars.

Soon, this guess was verified, and a bear's paw air compression ball fell, smashing out a huge dirt pit.

A tall man with burly white hat with trapezoidal white hats on his head with staggered brown spots, two bear ears on his hat, and black wool curly hair walked out.

Bartholomew Bear is not smiling, wearing a black jacket with a front sight printed on the front, white trousers with brown spots on the lower body, brown boots at his feet, brown gloves on his hands, and a book with "BIBLE" on the cover.

Scanning the surrounding environment, the big bear saw the moonlight Moriah who fell at the feet of the Thunder Giant, and his expressionless face also frowned.

Big Bear was ordered by the world government to go to the Terror Three-masted Sailing Ship to inform Moonlight Moria of the new candidate arrangement for "His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas", but this situation happened.

Mo Ye also dispersed the thunder and returned to his human form, looking at the sudden appearance of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Bartholomew Big Bear, the news of this world government is too fast, right? Just after the fight sent someone to save people?

"Yan Di Moye, why did you appear here?" Big Bear spoke expressionlessly, it seemed that this mission could not be completed.

"Yo~, Big Bear? So why are you here?

Mo Ye also asked rhetorically, anyway, he knew the undercover identity of Big Bear, holding the handle, not panicking at all, and he was not weaker than him.

"On the order of the world government, inform Moonlight Moria of the new candidate arrangement of "His Majesty the Seven Wuhai". Big

Bear was honest about the purpose of the trip.

"Are you teasing me? Isn't this something that a phone bug can do? Still need you to do it yourself? Mo

Ye didn't believe that the Five Old Stars would send Big Bear to do such a simple task, there must be other purposes, such as preventing him from defeating Moria, the Seven Martial Sea.

What Mo Ye didn't know was that the dense fog in the Devil's Triangle had a certain interference effect on the signal of the phone worm, and news birds rarely came in, which led to the information change of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship a little backward.

Big Bear saw that another Qiwu Sea had been defeated, and began to take off his gloves to prepare to save Moria, because he knew that Yuren Jinping had been secretly arrested for refusing the conscription, and he would soon lose consciousness and withdraw from His Majesty the Seven Wu Sea, and the world government could not let the Seven Wu Sea be short of so many personnel at once.

Now it is also necessary for Moonlight Moria, the battlefield where the Seven Martial Seas to encircle and suppress Whitebeard, to act as face, to be cannon fodder, and to exert residual heat.

"Are you sure you want to do it? Revolutionary Army Big Bear.

Mo Ye's words stopped Bartholomew Big Bear's hand movements, and the atmosphere suddenly froze.

The big bear erupted with a furious aura worthy of his title 'Tyrant', and his eyes began to glow red, like a bloodthirsty demon bear.

"Hey~ don't be so scary, okay? Didn't Dorag tell you that I have a cooperative relationship with the Revolutionary Army? Mo

Ye was also taken aback by the furious state of this big bear, could it really be that Dorag, the street boy, did not communicate with the big bear?

The big bear really quieted down, took out a high-grade copper-colored phone worm that had been modified by Vegapunk, and dialed the phone through the thick fog of the Devil's Triangle.

An air hood surrounded the big bear, and he spoke inside, but Mo Ye couldn't hear who he was communicating with, and after a while, he took out another copper-colored phone worm and made another call.

The air hood dispersed, and the big bear's unsmiling face became even more paralyzed.

"Yan Di Mo Ye, the latest instruction of the five old stars, asking you to let go of Moonlight Moria, and not to spread the news that you defeated him, if not, then you yourself will become the next king Qiwu Sea!!"

"Lying groove, the operation of the five old stars is very slippery! However, Big Bear, the phone worm in your hand seems to be very advanced. This

is how Mo Ye pulled the topic away, and he was more interested in Big Bear's phone worm.

"The advanced strong signal one-on-one phone worm transformed by Vegapunk is now only owned by the World Government."

"Are you sure Dorag didn't?"

The atmosphere condensed again, making the expressionless bear can't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.


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