Qin Hao’s indifferent eyes swept over the people around the ring, and finally fell on a man, this man was wearing a straight suit, slightly curly hair floating behind his head, and the whole person cleaned up very sharply.

However, there was disbelief and timidity in his eyes at this time.


Qin Hao jumped up, jumped out of the ring, and landed directly in front of this man, his sharp eyes were like two sharp blades stabbing straight towards the man.

“You… What are you doing? The man couldn’t help but take two steps back, the whole person’s momentum weakened, his voice also trembled, and the fear in his heart was all written on his face.

“Powell was sent by you!” Qin Hao asked coldly, without any expression on his face, but it made the man feel even more terrifying.

“I… That…” The man was stunned, his eyes dodging, not wanting to admit it, but not denying it.

“I am always waiting for your people to challenge me.” Qin Hao patted the man’s shoulder, and then a gloomy coldness flashed in his eyes, and said calmly: “I will kick them one by one.” ”

Saying that, Qin Haotou would not walk towards the boxer’s passage, leaving a group of shocked managers and crazy spectators, whose enthusiasm had not yet faded, obviously betting on Qin Hao’s body and letting them win a lot of money.

Qin Hao walked straight to his training room, locked the door after entering, took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes.

The scene of Fangcai’s boxing match appeared in his mind like a movie, and every side kick and flying kick of him were repeatedly presented, and if the audience seriously watched Qin Hao’s match just now, they would find that the height and angle of each of his feet were different.

After a long time, Qin Hao exhaled heavily, suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

“The God of War Leg Method is indeed much more powerful than I thought! Chinese martial arts are indeed broad and profound! Qin Hao said to himself excitedly, he originally just regarded the God of War leg method as an attack technique, and after experiencing the actual battle just now, he found that this leg method has many routines and variables, and it can exert different powers for wrong situations.

“It’s worth serious study.” Qin Hao came to the sandbag, Tony had already changed a new sandbag for him, and he was quietly hanging in mid-air at this time.

Qin Hao stared at the sandbag quietly, not moving, if someone saw his current state, they would definitely think that he had slipped or lost his mind.

Suddenly, Qin Hao moved, a side kick quickly kicked out, the trajectory of the toes was like a sharp blade, and there was even a slight sound of wind in the training room.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kick after kick, Qin Hao tirelessly immersed himself in the training of the God of War leg method, and now he seems to have discovered a new continent, and is in the highest heat of practicing the leg method.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The windy whirlwind flying legs continued to hit the sandbag, and gradually, Qin Hao also joined his own movement, fine-tuning his body’s center of gravity before he came out, constantly putting himself in a favorable position to attack.

The leg shadow flickered, the figure swayed, and the entire training room was immersed in the sound of striking….

It wasn’t until Tony knocked on the door again and brought breakfast to Qin Hao that Qin Hao knew that before he knew it, he had trained for one night.

What made Qin Hao strange was that he didn’t feel any fatigue, but instead refreshed, more energetic than waking up!

However, Qin Hao didn’t think much about it, after eating breakfast, he walked outside the rain banquet, he had been training for one night, and now at this time he wanted to go out and feel the same warm sunshine.

At this time, the hot sun had climbed into the sky, and the hot air flow was constantly blowing on Qin Hao’s face, even in the rain, the temperature was still very high.

There is already a bustling flow of people on the street, and everyone is working for their own livelihood, which is no different from Qin Hao’s world, no matter where they go, people have to make a living and live.

However, it didn’t take long for the peaceful atmosphere to change somewhat.

Qin Hao noticed that many people were running towards the city with panicked expressions, which immediately made him curious in his heart.

Just as he was wondering, a loud shout was heard not far away: “Pirates… The pirates are coming! ”


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