
Robin stared at Qin Hao in puzzlement, but did not continue to ask deeply, after all, she is not a child, she knows very well, knows such a thing, if he wants to say, he will definitely say it, he doesn’t want to say it, and there is no point in asking further.

“Your biggest symptom now is dehydration, fortunately not poisoned, according to your explanation, your physique is more special, sleep is almost fine!” Robin showed a faint smile, and seemed to be still worried that Qin Hao didn’t tell him the truth again, and said with a smile: “You can rest here tonight!” Don’t worry, no one here knows except me! There was such a big movement over there at the rain banquet, I have to go back and preside over the overall situation! ”

Saying that, Robin didn’t pay attention to Qin Hao, turned around and walked outside…

Qin Hao looked at Robin’s back helplessly, shook his head and sighed and said: “The old saying is really true, only villains and women are difficult to raise!” Especially smart women! It’s even more powerful! ”

After Robin left for a while, Qin Hao breathed a deep sigh of relief, although he solved Klockdar, it did not mean that he had the capital to compete with His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, each of the seven of them had their own characteristics, and it was really difficult to define which was stronger and weaker.

Slowly retracting his mind, Qin Hao closed his eyes and focused all his thoughts on his body for rapid recovery…

The ability to recover quickly is related to the strength of the challenger’s will, and Qin Hao was only in the fight with Klockdar, most of his mind was focused on the confrontation with Klockdar, and he did not have the same mental concentration as in the ring, so he did not reach the star recovery ability.

Gradually, as time passed minute by minute, the wounds on Qin Hao’s body took the lead in subsiding, and the obvious scars on the surface of his body disappeared little by little, and then a warm stream of heat flowed in the limbs of his body.

This heat current was not as hot as during the boxing match, but it was enough to regenerate Qin Hao’s dehydrated body…

The night passed quickly, and when the warm sunlight spilled into the room, Qin Hao’s body had completely recovered.

Compared to the silence indoors, the rain at this time has exploded!

A shocking piece of news spread all over the place, reaching everyone’s ears… His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Shah Klockdar, who originally had a bounty of 81 million Bailey, is dead!

For the inhabitants of the rainy land, this news is almost equivalent to lighting a thunder in their hearts, and Klockdar has always been their patron saint, an invincible existence that can be easily solved no matter what difficulties!

However, now, Klockdar actually died in an assassination!

Even the rain banquet, the largest casino in the rainy land, was destroyed in nearly half of last night’s battle, and the gravel and sand on the ground showed how fierce the battle was last night….

“What the hell is going on?”

“How could Klockdar die?”

“He’s dead, what are we going to do? What to do with Alabastan? ”

Everyone shouted with every word, and everyone looked listless, as if the faith in their hearts had been shattered with it.

In the rain banquet, the acting boss, Nicole Robin, who is also known to everyone, is busy, last night’s battle is not only Qin Hao and Klockdar’s, the aftermath of the battle also affected many innocent people, in order to eliminate the impact, there are still many things to do.

Robin sat in his office, and after handing out the last disposition, there was a knock on the door, and then two figures walked in.

One is a sea otter with sunglasses, and the other is a vulture with sunglasses.

“Mr.13, Miss.Friday, you are here, there is something that you need to convey to all the senior agents of the Baroque Work Society.” After Robin saw the person coming, his face was grim, and he said with great aura: “A week later, the Baroque Work Club gathered at the rain banquet to meet the boss behind the scenes!” ”

As soon as Robin’s voice fell, Mr. 13 immediately nodded, stepped onto the vulture Miss.Friday, and flew out through the office window….

Meanwhile, the Holy Land, Mary Joya.

“What? Klockdar is dead? An old man exclaimed, and then said to the phone worm: “After all, His Majesty Qiwu Hai is a pirate recognized by the world government, and he can’t be defeated like this!” Let him go! ”

“It seems that we have to find a suitable candidate again, the killing of His Majesty Qiwuhai has a very bad impact on the world government.” The old man continued, his voice solemn.


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