Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 1005 The group was almost wiped out

"a ha ha ha……"

Drax suddenly laughed while holding his belly.

"What's wrong?"

After placing Nebula in place, Gamora came back and saw Drax laughing exaggeratedly, while Star-Lord looked at Fatty Bear with a look of shock, while Little Fatty Bear looked at Star-Lord seriously.

This strange combination caught Gamora's attention.


"Quil's father is not human!"

I really don’t understand why Drax’s laughter is always so weird. He can laugh so crazy about topics that others find boring.

"What's the meaning?"

Gamora looked confused. Didn't she say before that Star-Lord didn't know who his father was? Why did it come out that Star-Lord's father was not a human being?

"Quil's father is a very ancient creature, I can feel it is very powerful!"

Fatty Xiong turned around and looked at Gamora and said.

"Ancient creature? What kind of creature is it?"

Gamora glanced at Star-Lord and asked.

"I don't know, he doesn't seem to have a specific form."

Fatty Xiong tilted his head and looked at Star-Lord and said.

It’s no wonder that Fatty Xiong couldn’t tell what kind of creature Star-Lord’s father was. The main reason was that Fatty Xiong had almost never been in contact with any ancient creatures, so he couldn’t tell at all.

If Logan were here, he would be able to tell the identity of Star-Lord's father at a glance.

"Didi didi..."

Suddenly at this time the spacecraft sounded an alarm.

"How strange that a Sovrin fleet is approaching us from behind!"

Star-Lord, who heard the siren, immediately ran to the cockpit to take a look and found that the Supreme Stars had sent a fleet to catch up with them for some reason.

"Why did they do that?"

Gamora asked in surprise.

"Maybe it's because Rocket stole a batch of batteries from them."

Drax the Destroyer said with a loud mouth.

Only Drax knew about Rocket stealing the battery, so he told it without any secret.


Rocket looked at Drax angrily.

"Well, he didn't steal the battery, I don't know why they were chasing us, it's so weird!"

Drax, who was glared at by Rocket, immediately changed his words.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Suddenly at this moment Sovlin's fleet opened fire on the Guardians of the Galaxy! Star-Lord hurriedly controlled the spacecraft to avoid it.

"Were you out of your mind at that time?"

Star-Lord cursed angrily.

"Man, it's so easy to steal batteries!"

Rocket said.

"Is this a reason?"

Gamora asked.

"Please, you have also seen the attitude of the High Priestess towards us. I am just teaching her a lesson."

Rocket argued.

In fact, the Rockets have the characteristic of taking advantage and not taking advantage of it. This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, but this time the consequences are very serious.

"Oh, I really didn't expect you to be so considerate of others. It's such a pity that the Sovlin people have no solution for you, and now they want to hunt us down!"

Star-Lord said sarcastically.

"That's it!"

Rocket agreed.

"I was mocking you!"

Star-Lord scoffed.

"Oh, no, you should say sarcastically, I'm embarrassed!"

Rocket Raccoon yelled.

"Can we wait until the space war is over before we keep arguing?"

Gamora said while controlling the panel.

"Attention, another batch has arrived!"

Star-Lord warned as he watched another group of Sovlin fighters emerge from the opposite side.

"Okay! I'm going to kill a few people!"

Rocket was very angry. In his opinion, it was just a few batteries. Is it worth causing such a big fight? This makes the Rockets feel very embarrassed.

"Want me to help?"

Little Fatty Xiong tilted his head and asked as he looked at the busy people.

"There's no rush. Try not to start a war with the Sovlins if you can. They have a very high status in the universe. It would be very detrimental to us to have a deep hatred against them. Let's escape first!"

Gamora shook her head and refused.

The status of the Supreme Stars is relatively high in the universe. If there is an irresolvable feud with them, then the situation of the Galaxy Guardians in the universe will be quite dangerous in the future.

Not to mention that the Sovlin people are very wealthy. If a high bounty is issued to deal with them, then the Guardians of the Galaxy will really have no way to survive in the universe and will have to find a remote planet to hide.


Rocket fired wildly. He didn't care whether he was a Sovlin or not, he just wanted to vent his anger.

"You can't kill anyone. Those spaceships are all remotely controlled."

Gamora struck at the side.

In the war room of the Supreme Star, a large number of combat personnel were controlling the spacecraft to launch a crazy attack on the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"Why are you hesitating? General!"

High Priestess Ayesha asked the general beside her.

"Supreme Priestess, those batteries are flammable and can destroy the entire fleet once detonated!"

The general said cautiously.

The General's purpose is not to destroy the Guardians of the Galaxy, but to capture them and get the stolen battery back at the same time.

"What we care about is that they dare to despise our people. We hired them and they stole from us! To the Supreme Law, they are a cult!"

The High Priestess doesn't care what kind of fleet it is. Anyway, the fleet is controlled remotely. It doesn't matter if it is destroyed. For Ayesha, the most important thing is her face. It is a great insult to have the battery stolen. So what Ayesha wants is blood punishment.

"All combatants open fire to destroy the enemy!"

On the Supreme Star, the Supreme Priestess has the highest status, and the general can only obey her orders and directly order the complete destruction of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

The combatants who received the order were very excited. It was very difficult to capture the Guardians of the Galaxy alive, but it would be much easier to eliminate them. The vitality of the fleet immediately increased.


After becoming more energetic, the Guardians of the Galaxy's ship was hit, but fortunately it had a protective shield that could withstand the attack, but it couldn't withstand too many attacks, otherwise it would explode.

"What's the nearest habitable planet?"

Star-Lord felt great pressure. Now it was no longer a question of fighting, but whether he could survive. He had to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible.

"It's a planet called Herbert!"

Gamora said after making some inquiries.

"How many jumps do I need?"

Star-Lord asked.

"Once! But the entrance is forty-seven points away from here, and it also has to pass through the quantum asteroid zone!"

Gamora said.

Forced into a desperate situation, Star-Lord immediately controlled the spacecraft and headed towards the jumping point.

"Quill, you have to be the most remote pilot in the universe to get through this!"

Drax said.

"You're right, I am!"

Star-Lord said with a proud smile.

"I am!"

Rocket Raccoon said at the same time, before taking over the control of the car.

But it has to be said that the rocket's driving skills are very superb, controlling the spacecraft to easily avoid meteorite fragments, while the Sovlin people's spacecraft are constantly being hit by meteorites.

However, the operation of the rocket aroused Star-Lord's dissatisfaction, and Star-Lord immediately took back control.

"What are you doing!"

Rocket asked looking at Star-Lord dissatisfied.

"I've been flying this ship since I was ten."

Star-Lord said.

"I'm a professional engineer who flies a spaceship."

With that said Rocket took control.

"You're just a professional idiot engineer!"

Star-Lord complained, unwilling to be outdone, and then took back control again.

"Stop it!"

Gamora persuaded from behind.

"Tonight, when you're lying in bed, you're going to notice your pillow is sticky and you're going to say, 'What is that?' That's my poop!"

Rocket Raccoon was really angry.

"If you dare to put your poop on my bed, I will shave you!"

Star-Lord countered.

"Oh, that's not my shit, that's Drax's!"


Drax burst out laughing, his laughter was truly speechless!

"Have they always been like this?"

Little Fatty Bear asked Gamora as he stared blankly at Star-Lord and Rocket who were attacking each other.

"Well, they've always been like this. I really don't understand. Do the two of them have so much to argue about? It's really confusing to me."

Gamora looked at Xiaopang Xiong gently and said.

"However, I can feel that they both care about each other very much. Although they don't say it, they regard each other as family members!"

Fatty Xiong turned his head and looked at Rocket and Star-Lord again.

"What? Do I treat him as a relative? Absolutely impossible!"

Star-Lord said harshly.

"A genius considers idiot Quill his family member!"

Rocket countered.


While Star-Lord and the rocket were fighting for control, the spacecraft lost control and hit a meteorite, causing damage.

"Asshole! I blame you!"

Star-Lord cursed.

"Idiot, if you hadn't fought with me, this wouldn't have happened!"

The Rockets were not to be outdone.

"Shut up, all of you! We're not out of danger yet!"

Gamora was angry. If there was no danger, it wouldn't matter how two people quarreled. But now the situation was very critical. The back cabin of the spacecraft was smashed and the weapons could no longer be used. If this continued, they would be doomed.

"Son of a bitch, they've surrounded this area!"

After finally breaking out of the quantum asteroid belt, they found that the Sovlin fleet was already waiting for them.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

As soon as the Guardians of the Galaxy showed up, the Sovlin fleet launched a fierce attack. The Guardians of the Galaxy's spacecraft suffered serious damage and was about to disintegrate.

"I come!"

Xiong Xiaopang knew that it was time to take action on his own. Heroes always appear at the last moment to appear great.


Just when Xiaopang Xiong used his magic power to cover the spaceship and was about to enter the space battle, something happened.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Suddenly a light appeared from nowhere and destroyed all the Sovlin fleets.

"What bastard stole my spotlight!"

Fatty Xiong was stunned for a moment, then cursed angrily.

"Someone destroyed all our ships!"

In the battle room of the Supreme Star, the general looked at the alarm in front of him in shock and said.


High Priestess Ayesha was furious.

"who is it!"

Ayesha asked in a cold voice.


The general couldn't answer, because he didn't see the enemy at all. The entire fleet was suddenly destroyed, and no enemy was found at all.

"What it is?"

When approaching the jumping point, Rocket discovered a luminous object in front of him.

"Whatever! That's the jump point! Hurry! Hurry!"

Star-Lord yelled.

"There's a guy there!"

When Rocket was about to enter the jumping point, the bright spot flying not far from the spaceship turned out to be a spaceship, and there was a person standing on the top of the spacecraft waving to him.

Immediately afterwards, Star-Lord controlled the spacecraft and passed through the jump point.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As soon as it crosses the jump point, the Guardians of the Galaxy's ship begins to burst into flames and disintegrate, apparently unable to withstand it anymore.

"Your spaceship sucks!"

Fatty Xiong complained in a low voice.


"Prepare for a shitty landing!"

Star-Lord tried to control the spacecraft and warned the others.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The spacecraft flew lower and lower, rushing into the deep forest and crashing into countless trees.

"Looks like I still have to do it!"

Little Fatty Xiong sighed pretentiously and suddenly disappeared from the spaceship.

"Little Fatty?"

Gamora was shocked when she saw Xiaopang disappear suddenly.


Star-Lord yelled, land was right in front of him, and he was about to hit it. Star-Lord closed his eyes unconsciously.


After waiting for a while, Star-Lord realized that there was no violent collision as expected. Then he opened his eyes and found that the spacecraft had stopped.


There was a violent jolt, and the spacecraft fell to the ground.

"Little Fatty!"

After the spacecraft landed, Gamora immediately unbuckled her seat belt and rushed out.

"Hmph, I'm awesome!"

Little Fatty Xiong looked at Gamora who was running towards him and said in a sullen voice.

"Did you do it?"

Star-Lord, who was following behind, looked at Fatty Bear in surprise and asked.

"It's funny, if you had let me take action earlier, you wouldn't have encountered this situation. As for those broken fleets, I wiped them out with just a sneeze. How could something like this happen again?"

Little Fatty Xiong said with his head held high.

"Look, where is the other half of our spaceship?"

Once safe, Gamora exploded, scolding Rocket and Star-Lord.

"Any one of you can take us through that area! As long as you use your brains and not that thing between your legs!"

Gamora was furious. If Star-Lord and Rocket hadn't fought for control, the spaceship wouldn't have been hit by a meteorite, and they wouldn't have nearly crashed. In the final analysis, it was just the grudge between two bastards.

"If there's a hand that can touch that thing between my legs, I guarantee I can land safely with that thing."

Star-Lord still dares to talk nonsense at this time.

"Pete, we almost lost our lives because of your arrogance."

Gamora said without mercy.

"We almost died because he stole the Anulex battery!"

Star-Lord retorted.

"They're called Habrari batteries."

Drax corrected.

"Do you know why I stole the battery? Star-Lord?"

"I want to steal because I want to steal. Why do we keep worrying about this! A villain just blew up fifty ships and saved us!"

Rocket thought about the ship he had seen before jumping and the people on it.

"How small?"

Drax's focus has always been different from others.

"I don't know either, maybe this is it?"

Rocket was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand and made a mark with his index finger and thumb, just a few centimeters.

"A one-inch guy saved us?"

Gamora was speechless.

"If he's close enough to go into the store, I'm sure he can be older."

Rocket explained.

"That's because near is big and far is small, you stupid raccoon!"

Star-Lord complained.


At this moment, a slight mechanical sound alarmed everyone. When they looked up, they saw a strange-looking luminous spacecraft following in from the jumping point.

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