Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 139 Shanks and Logan

Two-thirds of a huge wild boar was eaten by Shanks. Although he was young, he had a big appetite. Logan really admired these foodies in the pirate world. Can their stomachs hold so much food?

"I'm so full. Uncle, do you know how to use swordsmanship?"

Shanks asked, looking at the Pheasant Sword beside Logan.

"Well, I know a little bit, and I can be considered a master of swordsmanship."

Although Logan doesn't use swords much, he can be considered a master in using swords. He is one step away from being a great swordsman. However, Logan doesn't care whether he is a great swordsman or not, just let nature take its course.

"Uncle, can you teach me the way of the sword?"

Shanks asked looking at Logan longingly.

"Why do you want to learn swordsmanship again?"

Shanks' thoughts are jumping and confusing.

"I think it's very cool to use a sword. When you think about fighting, you can pull out the sword and swing it, and the enemy's head will fall off. How cool."

Shanks's reason for learning the sword made Logan feel helpless.

"Okay, learning the sword is very hard. Are you sure you want to learn it?"

"Uncle, there is no shortcut on the road to a strong man. I have been prepared for it."

Shanks said firmly.

"Well, take this sword and swing it a thousand times first, and let me see how your endurance is."

Logan took out an ordinary sword and handed it to Shanks.

"It's so simple. It can be completed quickly after a thousand times. Wow, why is it so heavy?"


Shanks accidentally dropped the sword to the ground.

"Uncle, this sword is so heavy!"

Shanks raised his sword with all his strength.

"Of course, do you think I will give you a sword casually? I have attached gravity to this sword, so now it weighs five hundred kilograms. If you find it too heavy, I can make it lighter."

Logan cast a weighted rock technique on the sword.

"No, if I can't bear this weight, how can I become a master of swordsmanship?"

Shanks insisted through gritted teeth.

"Tsk tsk, you're right. Work hard. I'm optimistic about you. Is there anyone else in your family?"

Logan asked, looking at Shanks who was struggling to swing his sword.

"No, it's just me. What's wrong, uncle?"

Shanks had difficulty speaking.

"Then you can stay here until you get started with swordsmanship."

Logan didn't ask where his family members were, they must all be gone.

"Okay, uncle, then I can eat barbecue every day."

Once he could eat barbecue every day, Shanks became very motivated.

"I'll build you a wooden house first."

"Uncle, let me help you."

"I don't have to do it myself."

"Mudun Four Pillars Family!"

"Bang bang..."

A simple wooden house is easily completed.

"Wow, uncle, you can build a wooden house so easily, why do you need me to help you chop wood!"

Seeing that Logan could easily build a wooden house, Shanks felt a little unhappy at the thought of having to help him in the beginning.

"Because that's a test for you. If you see a disabled old man like me working so hard to build a house and you don't help, do you think I will still teach you skills and swordsmanship?"

Logan said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it, I understand."

"Stop talking, keep your strength to swing the sword. Don't fall down before you reach a thousand times. Remember, feel the sword in your hand with your heart. When you can become one with the sword, then you will feel it. It no longer weighs as much as it does, and the sword becomes part of your body."

Logan looked at Shanks who was swinging the sword carefully and explained to him the way of swordsmanship and the direction of his efforts.

"Don't make any unnecessary movements when swinging the sword. It will waste your energy. Now you are just swinging the sword. Next, I will place a thin rope in front of you. Don't cut the rope while swinging the sword. You still have a long way to go. Here you go, work hard.”

Logan took out a recliner and lay down leisurely while observing Shanks' movements and correcting him one by one.

"Shanks, pay attention to the angle of your arms. Don't spread them too far apart. This will waste a lot of energy. Yes, keep it tight."

"Raise the sword above your head. What's wrong? Don't you have any strength?"

"Don't move your legs. Stay steady. If the lower body is unstable, it will deform your movements. Stand still!"

At this moment, Logan transformed into a strict teacher, guiding Shanks' training just as strictly as Modi guided Logan.




After swinging the sword a thousand times, Shanks fell directly. For the last hundred times, he gritted his teeth and persisted, and his physical strength was completely exhausted.

"Don't lie down, stand up. I've prepared a medicated bath for you, which can relieve your fatigue and physical injuries. Quickly take off your clothes and go in to soak."

Logan said sternly.

"I know, uncle."

Shanks used all his strength to stand up, dragged his clothes off unsteadily, and jumped into the barrel.

"Ah, it hurts so much!"

Shanks screamed in pain.

"Hold it, because your body has been damaged and is now being repaired."

"Ah, it's so itchy!"

The medicine took effect and slowly seeped into Shanks' body. The pain turned into itching, making him feel like countless ants were biting him.

"Bear it, now is the time when the medicine enters your body. You will get used to it after a while."

Logan pushed Shanks back as he was about to get out of the barrel.

"Ah, it's so comfortable!"

Slowly, Shanks felt that his body was warm, as if being illuminated by the sun. At this time, fatigue kept coming, and Shanks fell asleep.

"As expected of the future Yonko, his will and talent are the best I have ever seen. Success is indeed no luck. If I hadn't had a cheat, I would have been tortured to death by these perverts."

Logan looked at the sleeping Shanks and admired.

"Okay, this kid consumes so much, I have to prepare more food for him."

"The technique of wood escape clone."

If your legs and feet are inconvenient, you can use a clone to take your place.

"Go, cook, make more!"

Logan ordered.

"I'll go! I'm the worst clone, I guess. They all come out to fight, and I'm the only one who comes out to cook. Are you mistaken?"

The clone said angrily.

"What nonsense? If I can do it, why should I use you?"

Logan stared at the clone.

"You deserve it, you did it yourself, why don't I kill you!"

The clone said angrily, but still went to cook honestly.

"It looks like I'm disabled, and my clones are starting to be dishonest!"

Logan said helplessly.

After a busy meal, a large table full of rice was cooked.

"Shanks, get up and eat!"

Logan wakes Shanks from his slumber.

"Ah, did I actually fall asleep? Hey, my body doesn't hurt at all, and I'm full of strength. Uncle, what a magical liquid. Where did you get it from?"

Shanks jumped out of the barrel and was jumping around.

"Don't worry about where you did it, and hurry up and eat."

Logan said looking at Shanks who was regaining his energy again.

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods, let me start!"

Shanks' hands turned invisible and he quickly grabbed the food and stuffed it into his mouth.

Logan looked at Shanks with a smile. For a moment, Logan fell in love with this kind of life away from conflicts.

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