Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 256 Non-human (please subscribe)

"You recovered so quickly! I thought it could have some impact on you!"

Logan looked helplessly at Li Feng who reappeared and said.

"If you don't step into this field, you will never understand the horror of this level!"

Li Feng said expressionlessly. He was too lazy to talk nonsense to Logan and leaned forward directly.

At this moment, Li Feng restrained all his momentum and formed an air film to wrap around his body, isolating Logan's Overlord Domain. At this time, Logan's Overlord Domain could no longer have any impact on Li Feng. Li Feng Use all your strength!

"Logan can deprive me of my abilities for about ten minutes, and I can recover after ten minutes. However, I have no way of knowing the cooling time of Logan's deprived abilities. In this way, I cannot use the fruit easily. Ability must be taken advantage of when one is not prepared!”

When fighting Logan, Li Feng calmly analyzed that he now felt that Logan might have reached his own level, but he couldn't figure out how Logan did it. Although he had reached the level of strength, However, the aura on Logan's body still stayed in the ranks of people, which made Li Feng even more afraid of Logan. Now he has to make every effort to deal with Logan here. He cannot let Logan grow any longer. If Logan once incarnates Liu Dao, then I really can’t do anything to him.

"The dragon swings its tail!"

Luo Gen's right leg turned into a dragon's tail and swept towards Li Feng with a force that broke through the air. The air vibrated, and a penetrating black space crack appeared, exuding a devouring aura.

"Ba Fist!"

This time the domination fist was even more terrifying than the previous ones, because at this time the two of them really used their full strength. No one was allowed to get close to this area. The two of them had fallen into a state of madness and completely let go of their hands and feet. , the sky was broken by the two of them, and a huge crack that was one thousand meters long stretched across the sky, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

"Uu...the two monsters have finally left the Push City, otherwise the Push City will be destroyed!"

Magellan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the already crumbling Impel Down City. He felt like crying. How could such a terrible thing happen during his tenure? Since the establishment of Impel Down City, there has never been a situation where it was almost destroyed.

The Impel Down City was originally the six levels of hell. Now the first three levels have been completely destroyed. Even the prisoners are dead. The remaining three levels of hell are almost half destroyed. It will take a lot of money to rebuild the Impel Down City this time. Many things happened. At this time, Magellan no longer thought about how to capture Logan. He just hoped that this disaster star would get out of the way quickly.

He had been on tenterhooks since Logan entered Impel Down City, fearing that one day Logan would break out of prison on a whim. Unexpectedly, this day came, and it happened so violently that it was so shocking that the ghosts and gods cried!

"But why does that crack in the sky make me so uneasy! Nothing will happen!"

Magellan looked up at the huge crack in the sky and muttered.

"Gulu gulu..."

"No, I'm going to shit my pants!"

After the tension eased, Magellan's stomach began to make revolution again. Regardless of whether the cracks were cracked or not, he held his stomach and ran into the Impel Down City to find a toilet.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The thunderous collision sound spread dozens of nautical miles away, and Zeng Guo and others who were halfway there heard the sound of Luo Gen and Li Feng fighting.

"It's so scary! The battle should be dozens of nautical miles away, but you can actually hear it here. What a fierce battle it is!"

Kizaru looked at the sky in the distance with a serious expression and said.

"The teacher seems to be more powerful!"

Qingzhi frowned and looked at the sea in front of him, which had finally turned into a devil's sea.


Akainu looked at the battlefield without saying a word and with a livid face. He found that the situation seemed completely different from what he thought. Logan didn't look like a dying person at all. He had never seen a battle of this level. He had praised it before. Haikou can't be realized. If Logan is so strong, let alone defeating him, whether he can survive from the other party is a question.

Everyone else also had mixed emotions, because everything in front of them was beyond their imagination, especially the huge kilometer-long crack in the sky. Even if they were far away, they could feel the destructive power emanating from it.

"Go to Impel Down at full speed!"

Warring States gave a big order with a gloomy face. The current situation has exceeded his expectations. He is resentful of the Five Old Stars in his heart. The strength of the one who is fighting against Logan is almost stronger than all of his side combined. , actually went to support him! Warring States now wants to spit out the toilet water on the five old stars' faces!

But he was also worried about the situation of the Pushing City. Judging from the momentum of the two people's battle, the Pushing City was probably destroyed, and he didn't know how many people were still alive.

"Logan, you must survive!"

Garp looked at the battlefield in the distance with great worry. Among this group of people, Garp was the strongest. He could vaguely feel the strength of the two people in the battle. It was a kind of power that transcended the limits of human beings. At this level, Garp has already entered that level with half of his body.

At this time, Luo Gen and Li Feng had been fighting for a long time. Both of them had minor or serious injuries. Because Luo Gen still had reservations, the injuries were more serious.


After the two collided again, they separated. The fierce battle just now made them both overwhelmed. They ignored the injuries on their bodies and used more energy on the fight. After all, every time Recovering from an injury requires energy consumption.

"It's good to live as long as you can! You really can withstand beatings!"

Logan took this opportunity to recover his physical strength. This battle also gave Logan a general understanding of Li Feng's strength, but Logan knew that he had six ways to use, and the opponent must have the ability to beat the opponent, but two No one wants to use it first.

And although Li Feng said he wanted to kill Luo Gen, he also understood after the fight that Luo Gen was not that easy to kill. A strong man of this level would have to pay a high price if he wanted to kill the opponent, and this price Li Feng Don't want to pay!

"Logan, I have to admit that your strength is indeed beyond my expectations, but compared to me, you are still far behind! You must be only 40% of your strength now, and I am at least 60% stronger." Cheng’s strength is retained, do you think you still have a chance?”

Li Feng took a deep breath and said.


Logan did not reply. In fact, he had been borrowing natural energy during the battle, so his consumption was not as great as Li Feng said. At least 50% of his strength was left, but he estimated , His current state is indeed unable to defeat Li Feng. He is hesitating whether to use the Six Paths mode here. There are advantages and disadvantages to this, so Logan is a little hesitant.

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