Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 282: Getting What You Want (Added update for friends who voted)

As the auction progressed, all the warm-up auction items were sold at high prices, making Doflamingo and Gilder Tezolo a lot of money. This was also the first auction. There are some warm-up activities that will no longer be held in the future. At that time, it will be a simple auction of the first fluid of longevity. After all, those rare things are not just easy to get. At this time, Gilder Tezzolo's smile Even more brilliant.

"Okay, now it's the auction of the most anticipated longevity liquid. There are a total of 500 bottles of longevity liquid. They will be divided into fifty groups of ten bottles. There are about a hundred forces present, so there will be Almost half of the people can’t get it, but you don’t need to worry about it, because we hold an auction every year, and everyone will always have a chance to get it. Do you have any questions?”

Gilder Tezzolo asked, looking at the people in the audience.

"Tezolo, how do we know that this so-called elixir of longevity really has the miraculous effects you say! What if what we photographed is some useless potion!"

Perospero spoke.

"OK, we have also considered this issue, so we will do a verification for everyone here. Here we would like to thank the Don Quijote family. In order to reassure everyone, they specially provided a bottle of longevity serum for free for testing. Now I will verify it for everyone!”

After speaking, Gilder Tezzolo called up one of his men.

"Since it is Mr. Perospero of the Big Mom Pirates who has raised the question, it is up to you to conduct this experiment. First, just cut his throat!"

Gilder Tezzolo invited Perospero to the stage and handed him a knife.

"you sure?"

Perospero asked, looking at Gilder Tezzolo.

"Sure, but don't cut off his head, otherwise the primordial liquid of longevity won't be able to revive him no matter how miraculous it is!"

Gilder Tezzolo joked.


Perospero cut the throat of Gilder Tezzolo's man with a wave of his hand, and blood spurted out. The man immediately fell down clutching his neck, his body twitching continuously.

"Everyone can feel that this man of mine will die soon. His breath has become weaker and weaker. Now please Mr. Perospero give him this first liquid of immortality!"

Gilder Tezzolo handed Perospero the First Liquid of Immortality, and then Perospero poured the First Liquid of Immortality into the mouths of Gilder Tezzolo's men. Suddenly everyone present felt that this subordinate The breath of life began to recover quickly, and the wound on his neck healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving no scars at all. If it weren't for the fact that there was a large pool of blood stains on this person's body, no one would believe that this person had just experienced the threat of death. This person came back to life in just a few breaths!

"Mr. Perospero, are you satisfied with the results of this test?"

Gilder Tezzolo asked, looking at the stunned Perospero.

"What a wonderful thing!"

Perospero's big tongue began to drool. He had done all the experiments, and he could guarantee that he had not missed anything.

"Now, do you have any questions?"

Gilder Tezzolo asked, looking at everyone excitedly.

"We must get this First Liquid of Immortality, at least one set. As long as we have it, we will have an extra life!"

Someone stared at the longevity liquid on the stage with jealousy and said, if it weren't for the dozens of powerful auras around them reminding them not to act rashly, some people would have been unable to resist their impulses and rushed to the auction table to steal the longevity liquid. First fluid.

"Well, well, well, Doflamingo really got something nice!"

A cold light flashed in the aunt's eyes, and she was a little angry now. After all, if she got all these things, her plan would have a greater chance of success.

"Shanks, this is actually the lowest level of longevity liquid? The effect of your highest level of longevity liquid should be even more amazing!"

Ben Beckman looked at Shanks and said.

"A true rebirth!"

Shanks felt that his body was still changing.

"Dad, can this longevity liquid cure you?"

Margao looked at the longevity liquid on the stage excitedly and asked. As the ship's doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates, Margao had worked hard on Whitebeard's injury, but he had always been trying to find a good way and could only delay Whitebeard's injury. The injury recurred, and this first serum of immortality allowed him to see the possibility of success.

"Margao, Pain said, this can't cure me! But it should be able to provide some relief!"

Whitebeard shook his head and said that he understood his body. Whitebeard understood that he could not guarantee that he could persist in a battle now. His body was really on the verge of collapse.

"Chief, this elixir of immortality is more powerful than the potion given to us by the World Government!"

Douglas' men looked at the auction table in shock and said.

"The world government's longevity liquid research has been hijacked by the Akatsuki organization. Their research must be much more advanced than ours, and they may even have developed a real longevity liquid! We must take a photo of the longevity liquid!"

Douglas said seriously that the emergence of the First Liquid of Immortality poses a greater threat to the world government. The Five Old Stars must have a huge headache now.

"How terrifying! How could such a thing exist! If the Warring States Marshal knew about this situation, he would definitely have a headache!"

Kizaru said, rubbing his head.

"General Kizaru, if this elixir of immortality can be equipped in the entire army, then the navy will once again become the ruler of this sea!"

Vice Admiral Mole said with rapid breathing, the idea is good, but Minato will not let too many primordial fluids of immortality appear in this sea. Once the world government is overthrown, this deal will be terminated!

"Now that everyone has no questions, the auction of the Primordial Liquid of Immortality has officially begun!"

Gilder Tezzolo looked around for a week and found that no one asked any more questions, and most people were now extremely eager to get the First Liquid of Immortality, so he simply announced the start of the auction.

"The starting price for the first set of longevity serum is 10 million Baileys! Each bid increase must not be less than 1 million Baileys! Please start bidding!"

Gilder Tezzolo said while standing in front of the auction table.

"Twenty million Baileys!"

Someone directly raised the price to 20 million beli, and the urgency was clearly visible.

"You want to get this kind of thing with 20 million Baileys. What a beautiful idea you have! We, the Storm Pirates, want to get 40 million Baileys!"

"Fifty million Baileys!"

"Seventy million Baileys!"

"One hundred million Baileys!"

The auction of the First Essence of Immortality was extremely fierce, with prices rising to 10 million to 10 million. However, all the top players were bidding, and the top forces did not take action, because there were a total of fifty groups of First Essence of Immortality. These top-notch The forces don’t worry about not getting it at all!

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