Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 288 Excited Shanks

"If you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

Barton rushed towards Shanks with red eyes.

"Hahaha, great, come on!"

Shanks rushed towards Barton excitedly, and his impatient look made both Itachi and Skater confused. Was he high on drugs?

"Double Fierce Slash!"

"Red Dragon Slash!"

"Shadow Whirling Slash!"

"Guan Feng Slash!"

"Shattered Dragon!"



At this time, Shanks was like a madman, squandering his excess energy wantonly. The violent storm of moves hit Barton with only the strength to parry, making the onlookers' pirates' jaws drop in shock.

"Old, Dad, is the redhead crazy?"

Margao said in shock as he looked at Shanks flying in the sky fighting with Barton.

"When will this kid fly? His strength is much stronger than before! What happened to make his strength improve so much!"

Whitebeard looked at Shanks in the sky solemnly and said.

"Vice, Vice Captain, what's wrong with the boss? The boss looks a little strange! I've never seen him like this before!"

Lucky Lu said while looking at Shanks who was already going crazy.

"Shanks was venting his excess energy. After he took the immortality liquid sent by Payne, he became a little too excited. He always wanted to find someone to discuss with, and now he got his wish. I just don’t know if the other party can hold on until Shanks has finished venting his anger."

Ben Beckman said helplessly.

"Red hair! Are you going to die with me?"

Barton was cornered and yelled at Shanks angrily.

"Hahaha, come on! I can't wait!"

Shanks shouted excitedly, and then rushed towards Barton like a madman.

"Damn madman!"

Barton didn't give in at all and slashed at Shanks with his sword.

The battle scene between the two may not be as grand as the battle between Itachi and Scat, but it is more dangerous. There are sword slashes scattered by the two people everywhere, and several pirate ships have been cut off.

The current situation is that Shanks has a clear upper hand. The effect of the ultimate longevity liquid was stimulated in this battle, and Shanks' previous insights also became part of Shanks' strength in this battle. , the shackles in his body were cut off, and he was getting closer and closer to that realm. Maybe when this battle was over, he would be able to enter that realm with half of his body.

"Hahaha, come on, put more pressure on me, it's not enough now!"

Shanks urgently needs someone to bring out his greatest potential. It is difficult to encounter this kind of battle today, so Shanks will not let Barton leave until he achieves his goal.

"We can't go on like this. This madman is using me as a training hand. He seems to have mastered a new power that he is not familiar with yet. Once he becomes familiar with it, I will be in trouble! The current situation must be changed!"

Barton is preparing to summon his partners to sneak attack Shanks. This is his usual method. Although Barton is a top master, he will never put himself in danger, and Shanks will not be as sensitive to space fluctuations as Itachi. Sensitive, Li Feng prepared some small means for these people, one-time space travel consumables.

"Aha, I'm just waiting for you to show up!"


As soon as a master of the World Government appeared from the space behind Shanks, he was discovered by Jiraiya who was hiding nearby. He came up with an old punch and knocked the person away.

"Your world government is as disgusting as a moth!"

At this time, Shanks was very angry about being almost attacked by a sneak attack. Before, he still had a game mentality, but now he became serious and decided to teach the opponent a lesson.

"Just deal with him with peace of mind! Leave this rat to me!"

Jiraiya said excitedly. Jiraiya, who had changed his clothes, wanted to vent his frustration at Aibo at this time, and was ready to vent his anger on this unlucky guy who suddenly broke into the battlefield.


"Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken!"

A huge harsh sound sounded, and a huge shuriken made of wind properties appeared in Jiraiya's hand. The brutal power contained in it could be felt from a distance. Jiraiya threw it towards the mysterious man. The speed of the Rasen Shuriken is not very fast, so the mysterious man can easily dodge it.

"Hmph! Are you looking down on me by being so slow!"

The mysterious man had a disdainful smile on his lips, but when he saw Jiraiya's mysterious smile, he suddenly felt that things were not that simple. Before he could react, Jiraiya made a move.


The huge spiral shuriken exploded around the mysterious man, shrouding the mysterious man.


A huge explosion sounded, and the mysterious man felt like millions of needles were pricking him. His skin and nerves seemed to be suffering damage. The mysterious man reluctantly escaped from the explosion range, but his left arm had been damaged. The arm was in terrible shape and dripping with blood.

"Aren't you awesome! Don't run away!"

Jiraiya looked at the other person and mocked.


The mysterious man was so angry that he was speechless. He didn't expect that the other party's move seemed inconspicuous, but in fact it was extremely destructive, which made him suffer a lot.

"Bond, be careful! These are all top powerhouses, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Barton, who was fighting against Shanks, saw that his partner was deflated when he came up, and hurriedly gave instructions.

"You still have the energy to take care of others, think about what to do yourself!"

When Shanks got serious, his lethality increased by a few percent, and Barton was overwhelmed and miserable. The sneak attack by Barton and Bond just now completely angered Shanks, and their attacks were both tricky and spicy.

"Asshole! Why has he become stronger again! He actually keeps getting stronger during the battle. He can't continue like this. Everyone needs to be mobilized and left here! But they also have an even more terrifying leader, Payne. He hasn’t appeared yet, I don’t know if he is also hiding in the dark, waiting for our people to show up, but with that adult here, it’s enough to deal with that Payne!”

Barton secretly thought that the current situation was very unfavorable to the strong men of the World Government. All three battlefields were at a disadvantage, especially the battle between Itachi and Custer. Custer had been completely suppressed by Itachi at this time, and the situation was already in danger. , once Itachi defeated Scat and got out, he and Bond were also in danger. They were already barely able to deal with one person. If another person was added, they would lose quickly, so Barton decided to give it a try.

"Shattered Dragon!"

Shanks noticed that Barton was distracted, and took advantage of the opportunity to slash Barton away with a powerful sword slash.

"You dare to be distracted while fighting me, who gave you the confidence!"

A cold light flashed through Shanks's eyes. He didn't know what the other party was planning, but what Barton did made Shanks angry.


An extremely oppressive overlord-colored domineering energy emanated from Shanks, and the clouds in the sky were blown away, shrouding Barton. Barton was so oppressed that he almost fell into the sea.

"The Domain of Overlord!"

Barton said in horror.

"Hurry up and take action!"

The horrified Barton no longer cared about his face and shouted at the World Government ship in the distance, and suddenly two figures came through the sky!

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