Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 296 Secret

"Everything starts from nine hundred years ago..."

The old man fell into memories.

"Nine hundred years ago, there was only one empire in the world. It was an extremely developed and powerful country. It was ruled by the D clan. My name was Hussein. I was the steward of the D clan at the time. Now these twenty heavenly dragons The Ren family was the minister of the empire at that time, and everyone was in peace at that time, doing their own things for the empire. If such things had not appeared, there might not have been any subsequent wars."

The old man named Hussein said.


Minato asked curiously.

"Devil Fruit Mother Tree!"

Hussein said every word.

"Devil Fruits actually grow on trees? But why are Devil Fruits scattered across the sea?"

Minato asked in surprise.

"You don't think Devil Fruits appear out of thin air, do you? Of course they are grown on trees. As for why Devil Fruits are scattered all over the sea as you said, that's because the Devil Fruit mother tree was destroyed by us!"

Hussein explained.

"Destroyed? Why?"

Minato asked.

"That's because they don't want others to have the ability to obtain Devil Fruits! They think that by destroying the Devil Fruit mother tree, they will cut off the source of Devil Fruits!"

Logan, who had been silent, said.

"Yes, it is indeed the case. The Devil Fruit mother tree was discovered by four families of the Celestial Dragons. At that time, they went out to put down the rebellion. They accidentally arrived at the island that did not exist on the sea map and discovered the Devil Fruit. At first, they did not I don’t know what the Devil Fruit does, but after taking it, they found that they had some strange abilities. After learning about it, some people also wanted to have multiple abilities, but as everyone knows, the only option is to explode and die!"

"Those people picked all the Devil Fruits, but they did not destroy the mother tree of Devil Fruits. They wanted to wait for the mother tree to bear fruit again, and then harvest a batch. You also understand that when people possess unparalleled power, After gaining strength, their ambitions grew. The four Tianlong families were no longer willing to be just ministers. They also wanted to become emperor-like existences, but they understood that the strength of the four families was simply not enough. To overthrow the D clan, they had to win over more people, so they gradually changed from four families to twenty-one! The Tianlong people were worried that the D clan would find the Devil Fruit mother tree, so they destroyed the island where the Devil Fruit mother tree was. .”

"Wait a minute, are you saying that there were twenty-one Tianlong people participating in the rebellion at that time?"

Minato asked, interrupting Yusain's story.

"Yes, there are twenty-one groups, but one group does not want to completely destroy the D family. They only want to overthrow the D family, because the D family is their benefactor. According to records, before the establishment of the empire, The Celestial Dragons were slaves and were rescued by the D clan. When the D clan established the empire, the Celestial Dragons contributed a lot, so the D clan made them kings, so there is a group of Celestial Dragons who remember the D clan. I don’t want to kill them all because of their kindness, but they had a conflict over this matter, so this group of Tianlong people was destroyed by the joint efforts of several Tianlong families!”

Sister Hussein said.

"I didn't expect that the Tianlong people were slaves before. No wonder they are now fond of catching slaves everywhere. This is to release everything they suffered before! Keep talking!"

Minato said, rubbing his chin.

"I was the general manager of the D clan at the time. Because I had access to many secrets that they could not access, they bribed me. But those Tianlong people didn't know that all their actions were discovered by the D clan. But the D clan did not take action directly. They were observing and wanted to eliminate all those who participated in the rebellion. The D clan was stronger than the Celestial Dragons expected. They were a clan favored by God, even those with devil fruit abilities. The Tianlong people can only barely compete with the D clan, but cannot overthrow them."

"But the D family didn't expect that one of the Tianlong people, with the help of the fruit's ability, developed a magical potion - Shenyin! It was the appearance of Shenyin that changed the final outcome, and the Tianlong people obtained After the victory of the war, only a few masters and descendants of the D clan escaped. The victorious Tianlong people began to implement the Great Purge. They erased all information about the empire and the D clan. For a full hundred years, Only a small number of people escape the purge!”

"History was changed by the Celestial Dragons. The empire and the D family disappeared in the long river of history. The Celestial Dragons became the rulers of the sea. They wantonly compiled the history they wanted people to know, so people only know the blank part. Hundreds of years, but I don’t know what happened in those hundred years. Later, the Tianlong people also launched two purges, completely eliminating those who knew about it, but this world is too vast, and there are always some world governments that don’t know about it. The place exists, so there is probably real history of that blank hundred years."

"The World Government has never relaxed its exploration of the sea in the past eight hundred years, just to completely erase all information that is unfavorable to them. Rafdru is where the D family and the Celestial Dragons once lived, and the Celestial Dragons have not As for the reason for destroying that place, I don’t know. I can only be regarded as an outsider among the immortals of the Tianlong people, and I am also the existence with the lowest strength. My immortality is also brought by the immortal fruit. As for them I don’t know much about the core secrets, and the Tianlong people don’t have high trust in people outside their ethnic group.”

Hussein told Logan and Minato about the blank hundred years and some of the actions of the World Government.

"How many immortals are there in the World Government? Don't try to lie to me. The restriction in your mind can detect whether you are lying!"

Logan said looking at Hussein.

"Including me, there are eight people in total. Those seven were the patriarchs of the Tianlong family at that time. Some of them were able to live forever because they took the fruit that can lead to immortality, and some of them were affected by the surgery and performed the immortality surgery."

Hussein replied honestly that he had no way out now.

"Where are you all sleeping?"

Logan asked.

"Sleeping in the King of Heaven who is placed in the multiple spaces created by Bess. The multiple spaces where the King of Heaven is located are above Mary Joa!"

The bass Hussein received was Li Feng, and his name in this world is Bes.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right. How much do you know about Organization X?"

Logan asked.

"The middle."

Hussein thought for a moment and said.

"This bastard is really difficult to deal with! It seems like we have to find a chance to investigate!"

Logan said with a frown.

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