Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 712 Secretly assassinating Chen Cang

After Logan left the island, he did not go directly to find other relatives and friends, but rushed to the place where he found the abnormality. Before, he only said that he felt the changes in the world, but did not tell Minato and Hiyori that the world seemed to be changing. Losing lives.

"This damn Li Feng will trick me even if he dies! If I hadn't gone back to the original world to see it first, the pirate world might have fallen into the hands of his little son!"

Logan crossed the space and came to the place he sensed before. This was a huge island with a volcano that could erupt at any time. Logan could see the magma rolling violently inside the volcano, and from time to time, magma would erupt from the crater. out.

There are no humans on the island. There are large forests and some animals. However, due to the violent movement of the volcano and the high temperature, almost all the trees and animals on the island have become extinct.

"The activity of this volcano is very abnormal!"

Logan sensed the situation of the volcano and found that it did not enter the active phase on its own. It seemed that an external force forced it to enter the active phase. The island is located in an earthquake zone. If this volcano erupts, it will It will cause a series of huge damage, and earthquakes and tsunamis will occur one after another.

It can be said that this volcano is a fuse. Once ignited, it will form a violent chain reaction. In the most serious case, it will cause the destruction of the world!

"Who did it? Why is there DYNA Rock here! Wait! Is this an end point?"

Logan suddenly discovered a rock that he had never seen before. Logan thought that this should be the DYNA rock that appeared in the theatrical version of the original work, a rock that explodes violently when it encounters air.

In the theatrical version, Zefa once wanted to use DYNA Rock to destroy the three end points of the new world and completely destroy the sea of ​​the new world to eliminate the pirates. Unexpectedly, he was secretly used!

"This should be after the World Government was destroyed, someone secretly hid the DYNA Rock. If they used the DYNA Rock to destroy these three end points, then the new world would be swallowed up by magma, and no one would be able to escape! And! New naval headquarters and coalition government in the new world!”

"No matter who does it, if he succeeds, not only the pirates, but also the navy and the coalition government will suffer a devastating blow! He is killing three birds with one stone!"

Logan thought about the solution in his mind.

The other party wanted to use DYNA Rock and this huge volcano to start the mode of destruction, and no one noticed it. If Logan hadn't discovered the abnormality when he came back and came to check, it would really be possible for that person to Did it!

"Let's go and see if the other two END POINTs are like this first!"


Logan's figure disappeared from the place and went to check two other places.

"Sure enough! Although the other two places are not as severe as this one, they have also done a lot of tricks!"

Logan's face was very ugly.

He discovered a more serious problem. The volcano in front of him was not about to erupt, but the eruption time had been artificially extended in order to allow the volcano to accumulate enough energy to erupt once it reached the critical point. , this will become the outlet of underground magma, the entire island will be destroyed by the accumulated magma, and a volcanic eruption zone will be formed. Even if the other two END POINTs are discovered by then, as long as this one is not discovered , enough to destroy the new world.

"It's really insidious! The person who planned this thing definitely had a long time to operate! He couldn't have done this in just a few years! He wants to completely destroy everything! Even the other two END POINTs are attracting other people. It’s a bait for people’s gaze, so as to relax your vigilance against this place!”

"Once we reach the final stage, even if someone discovers the anomaly here, no one can stop it! The only ones who can do this are the remnants of the World Government! These bastards really deserve to die!"

Logan gritted his teeth with hatred. No matter who did it, once he finished it, countless people would die in this disaster, and almost no one would be able to escape it!

"Li Jian's attacks on other pirates and the conflicts between the pirates, the new navy and the coalition government are all to distract people from other things and give him more time to complete this vicious plan!"

"The reason why my treasure was leaked has a lot to do with him, right? This method is really clever! Fighting between pirates, pirates and the new navy, he will To cause some sabotage in the middle and make the conflict between them more irreconcilable, such an insidious plan is worthy of Li Feng’s son!"

Luo Gen has decided to get rid of Li Jian. This man's existence is too dangerous! Absolutely crazy!


"Boom, boom, boom..."

Logan squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground. With Logan as the center, fluctuations like heartbeats continued to spread out. The range continued to expand, gradually wrapping up the three EMD POINTs, and the continuously surging magma It began to fall silent, and the red light of DYNA Rock also began to dim.

Slowly the power to control the magma disappeared. The magma completely solidified and became extremely hard. Logan also severed the connection between the three END POINTs. Even if these three places are destroyed in the future, It will not cause any harm to the new world, DYNA Rock has also turned into an ordinary rock, and the life and death crisis in the pirate world was solved silently by Logan.

"Fortunately, the Samsara Eye has evolved to its highest form and can absorb energy of all kinds. Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to solve this problem!"

Logan stood up and looked at the calm volcano in front of him and said.

"Li Jian is crazier than Li Feng! He must not stay!"

A cold chill flashed across Logan's eyes. He was preparing to be cruel. If the world of pirates ended, it would have a big impact on Logan, not to mention that many of his relatives and friends in this life would die tragically. , which he would never allow.

"It seems that the pirate world needs to be better equipped! Minato's Six Paths Mode is not perfect. Maybe Ten should be left to Minato to protect the world!"

Logan secretly made a decision in his heart to leave Xiao Ten to Minato. Only in this way can Minato truly master the Six Paths Mode and be able to better solve other difficulties in the future.

"In this way, the trouble caused by END POINT was solved without alerting anyone. Li Jianfang didn't know that their plan was ruined by me. This way, we can take advantage of this and completely eliminate these bugs before leaving!"

Logan thought in his mind.

One of the biggest troubles caused by Li Jian was solved by Logan. Next, Logan was ready to check out the pirate world in case Li Jian had other preparations.

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