Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 808 Critical Period

Tony did not stay with Logan for long. Even the cynical Tony was very uncomfortable in front of Logan. Moreover, Tony had already gained a lot today. He actually had the opportunity to make up for the regret of his parents' death.

But what Tony said also made Logan think deeply. Is it because he has experienced too much that he is unwilling to do things that he has the ability to change? Maybe he is no longer the person who is willing to resist for the sake of the common people. .

In the past, Logan was able to destroy a kingdom for ordinary people, and was able to destroy the world government at all costs. Countless people lived a prosperous life because of Logan.

But now Logan has lost hope in people and destroyed the entire human race. He is too focused on the safety of the earth and ignores that human beings are the main force maintaining the world. He has lost his original intention.

"Unknowingly, did I go down the wrong path? Is this what I noticed before?"

Logan's expression was a little confused. He thought he had survived the thousand-year retreat, but after Tony's unintentional reminder, Logan realized that his real problem lay in his weak humanity.

"The old man once said that the path to a strong man lies not in how far you go, but in how you go!"

"Have I gone this far on the wrong path? I didn't expect to be educated by an ordinary person!"

"Practice is to go against heaven and earth. There are rules in heaven and earth. Practitioners break the rules one by one and challenge their own existence. This in itself is the rule for practitioners!"

"Everything is an important part of the universe. Human beings are the most special existence. I have ignored a lot for the sake of the general trend. The sea is open to all rivers and has tolerance. When the realm is improved, has the mind become narrower?"

Logan looked at the horizon absentmindedly, and the scenes he had experienced over the years flashed through his eyes, including scenes of him resisting the world government, scenes of fighting against the Otsutsuki clan, and scenes of his indifferent destruction of mankind.


A crisp sound woke Logan up.

"This is……"

Logan looked at the former gate to the fairy world floating in front of him in surprise, which had been transformed by Logan. When entering the lower dimension universe, Dongfang Yuhua once gave Luo the gate to the fairy world made of the earth's world stone. root.

This gate to the fairy world was only activated when Logan left the earth, and it has been silent since then. Logan had forgotten about it, but he did not expect that it would appear on its own at this time.


The gate to the fairy world is not its original size. It is now only two inches left, center and right. However, when it opens, the momentum it creates is like a gate to the fairy world standing tall on the sky, and even the surrounding space vibrates.


The door to the fairy world was not fully opened, but only half opened, but there was a light that even Logan could not look directly at. Logan was confused for a moment as to what happened, but He didn't feel any crisis.

"call out!"

Just as Logan was staring at the Gate of Fairyland, a beam of light suddenly shot out from the Gate of Fairyland and went straight into Logan's head and into Logan's soul space. The speed was so fast that even Brother Luo couldn't react. This made Logan He was startled, and then Luo Gen guarded the spiritual platform with all his strength, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Huh? It feels familiar!"

Just when Logan thought it was a fish that had slipped through the net in the fairy world, he suddenly discovered that the light did not have any malicious intent, but instead gave Logan a familiar feeling.

"This is the old man's breath!"

After Logan's spiritual consciousness carefully examined the light in the soul space, he found that it was the aura of his father Dongfang Yuhua. This made Logan a little confused. His father was always mysterious.

"What did the old man do?"

After knowing that it was his father who did it, Logan let down his guard. No matter what, his old man would definitely not harm him, so Logan took the initiative to use the power of his soul to communicate with the light, but did not miss Logan's soul. As soon as his power came into contact with the light, his father appeared.

"Old man, why are you here?"

Logan asked in surprise as he looked at Dongfang Yuhua who was gradually taking shape.

"When the Gate of Immortal Realm senses that you have reached a critical moment, it will activate the consciousness I left on the Gate of Immortal Realm. When I appear, it means that you have reached the most critical moment!"

Dongfang Feathered Spiritual Consciousness Body said.

"The most critical moment? What do you mean?"

Logan didn't quite understand what Dongfang Yuhua said. Although he felt that he had some problems now, they were not serious. How could he have reached a critical moment?

"Have you had doubts about your behavior recently? Do you feel that what you are doing now is not what you can do?"

Dongfang Yuhua asked.

"A little bit, but that's nothing, right? Although I have some mental problems, they have been almost solved!"

Logan said.

"Wrong, it's still far behind!"

Dongfang Yuhua shook his head.

"I have also experienced your period. Do you still remember the dark moments in the spiritual practice world? At that time, I almost destroyed the entire Central Plains practice world!"

Dongfang Yuhua asked.

"I remember! Isn't that because the cultivation world at that time was controlled by the Canxian? Weren't you doing what you did to eliminate the forces of the Canxian? Several ancient families at that time supported your actions!"

Logan didn't understand why Dongfang Yuhua mentioned that period of dark history. It can be said that that period was the most tragic period in the Central Plains cultivation world. Canxian fooled ordinary people with beautified stories and made ordinary people worship and yearn for them. And many of the cultivating families and sects have contributed a lot.

After Dongfang Yuhua was discovered at that time, he went on a killing spree. At that time, there were only ten practicing sects and families left, and many of them were wiped out. Except for children and women, almost no one was spared.

Canxian's plan was ruined by Dongfang Yuhua, but the price was very high. The entire cultivation world was full of resentment towards Dongfang Yuhua, but the guardian family supported Dongfang Yuhua's behavior, otherwise if he was killed by Canxian If it succeeds, it will be extremely harmful to the earth.

"That's wrong. I was actually the same as you are now. My behavior at that time didn't have to be so intense. So many people wouldn't have died!"

Dongfang Yuhua's spiritual body sighed and said.

"What's the meaning?"

At this time, Logan realized the seriousness of the matter. According to Dongfang Yuhua, there was something inside that he didn't understand!

"When we reach the later stage of our practice, there will be a period of self-lostness. This period does not come suddenly, but begins after entering the fairyland. It will change you little by little but it will not be you. If you don’t discover it in time, you will eventually become like the people in the fairy world, who regard all things as stupid dogs and respect themselves!”

Dongfang Yuhua said seriously.

"so serious!"

Logan broke out in a cold sweat. The most straightforward meaning of what Dongfang Yuhua said was that emotions were wiped out and became the carrier of Tao.

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