Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 836 Follow-up

What happened today can be said to have completely changed the world. Logan was completely exposed, the whole world knew of his existence, and the future trend will also change as a result.

Although most people in this world know about the existence of mutants and have some understanding of superpowers, they almost all regard God and hell as fiction and a kind of human belief. However, Logan’s identity was exposed. , completely shaken this belief.

People hope that a god will come to help them and save themselves, but when the real god appears, the first thing they think of is fear. Just like the Chinese legend Ye Gong loves dragons, the real appearance of a god does not necessarily bring peace.

The first thing people think of is the power of God. Then every move of God will be magnified, and the fear in people's hearts will gradually deepen. This is inevitable.

Just like people have always discussed the existence of aliens, and there are many so-called witnesses. Many people are even looking forward to the appearance of aliens, but when real aliens appear, people will be afraid of the purpose of aliens. What is it? Will there be genocide? Will people be caught and experimented on? A series of problems that people are afraid of will appear.

The appearance of gods is much more terrifying than aliens, especially after seeing the power of Logan. After the excitement of seeing successive miracles passed, people were followed by unerasable worries.

The strength of the motherland is reflected in people's hearts. Countless people have seen the strength of the motherland. The motherland has been attacked by all known weapons except nuclear weapons, but in the end he was not harmed. He is so powerful. Everyone was kicked to pieces by Logan, and not even a complete body was left behind.

Not to mention that Logan's sword cut off the giant eye that was like destroying the world, and the gate of hell summoned by Logan. This made everyone agree that if Logan wanted to destroy the earth, it should not be one thing. Difficult matter.

Although Logan has made it clear that he only cares about human affairs, who can guarantee that one day Logan will not intervene again like today. Of course, ordinary people will not worry too much about such things. They are more in awe. No matter how powerful Logan is, he has nothing to do with them. There is no chance of communication at all, so there is no need to worry about angering Logan.

But those ambitious people, companies like the Vought Group, will be afraid. The Vought Group has been completely destroyed, all relevant personnel are dead, the man-made mutants have also been deprived of their superpowers, and all Compound No. 5 has been destroyed. , including all relevant materials and researchers.

There are not a few companies that secretly carry out shady activities like the Vought Group. I don’t know how many people have died because of them over the years. The experience of the Vought Group has made them all temporarily stop their projects, hoping to wait for the limelight to pass. , and then plan for future development.

So after this day, the whole world has changed. Even crime has almost disappeared. There are no cases of petty theft. It can be said that during this period, the house is open at night.

Of course, Luo Gen doesn't care how the world changes or how the world views him. After this experience, Luo Gen understands his true nature more clearly and regains his true self. But after all, where is Luo Gen's current state and how he treats people and things? It is inevitable that the senses will never be the same as they once were.

In the past, Logan could destroy a kingdom and royal family for the sake of one person's fate, but now, Logan will not do so. It's not that Logan doesn't care anymore, but because Logan's current tasks and positions are different and need to be considered. There are more people, everything is based on the safety of the earth, and human beings should not interfere too much in matters.

Moreover, people have a dependence mentality. If Logan intervenes if something goes wrong, people will easily become dependent on Logan. Not to mention that Logan hates trouble, people will also lose their sense of crisis and slow down the pace of progress. This will not Instead of helping people, it’s hurting them.

Therefore, Logan decided that it was not the most critical moment. He would not easily interfere in the development of mankind. Of course, when he was bored, Logan would still do it when he was bored.

However, Logan believed that based on what he had done today, no one would dare to come to him.

"Gu Yi, the trouble must be eliminated as soon as possible. You have seen what the people of the motherland have done. What kind of disaster will be caused when an evil person takes control of powerful power. You know very well that sometimes it is not You can't save a person, but he doesn't want to be saved by you at all!"

The Ancient One is still here and has not left.

"Maybe I was wrong! I thought I could influence him and make him take the right path, but I didn't expect that his evil thoughts would become stronger!"

Gu Yi said regretfully.

"There is an old Chinese saying that 'people are born with good nature'. Some people have always been able to restrain their greed, but if someone lights the fuse, their greed will become out of control and become It’s extremely evil, this is what the Buddha says, ‘one thought becomes a devil, one thought becomes a Buddha’!”

"Modu doesn't show anything strange now. That's because he has not encountered any threats. He is the most outstanding one among your disciples and the one with the best chance of becoming the Supreme Mage. Therefore, he can control his desires, but how can he control his desires?" Dr. Strange will appear in the next few years, and Strange is the fuse, and Mordo will become an existence like your partner Karu, but the degree of harm will be far greater than Karu!"

Logan said.


Ancient Yi was startled when he heard Logan talking about Karu, and he thought of those days again.

Kalu is a friend of Gu Yi who is both a teacher and a friend. He is also the first person to discover the secret of magic and teach it to Gu Yi. After the two became wizards, they joined forces to eliminate the disease and poverty in the village, and possessed magical power. The Ancient One hopes to build his hometown into a utopian ideal nation, while Karu wants to use this power to become king, not only to rule Kama Taj, but also to conquer other nearby villages.

In the end, it was inevitable to stand on the opposite side. After a great battle, Kalu was exiled to a different space, and Gu Yi lost his originally infinite life. Although his aging process was very slow and he had a long life, he would still grow old and die.

Magic can not only make people stronger, but also amplify the evil thoughts and desires in people's hearts. Kalu was defeated by his own evil thoughts and desires.

"Go back and think about it carefully! This is my suggestion. What you do is your choice. I will not interfere. I will not interfere in the affairs of the human world in the future. The responsibility of protecting mankind still lies with you. I can solve your problems. I’ll solve it for you, but you need to decide other issues yourself!”

Logan finally said.

"Thank you for your advice, sir. I will deal with Modu's problem as soon as possible after I return!"

Gu Yi said sincerely.

"Well, leave!"

Logan nodded.

The Ancient One returned to Karma Taj after paying his homage.

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