Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 846 Request (two in one)

Tony did not delay when it came to his parents' vendetta. Instead, he quickly finished the matters at hand and went straight to Logan's house.

"Come back so soon?"

Logan looked at the panting Tony with some surprise and said.

"There's someone who wants to see you!"

Tony said straight to the point.

"Oh? Is it Nick Fury, the bald director of SHIELD?"

Logan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"you know?"

Tony asked looking at Logan in surprise.

"Yes, I also know that he made a deal with you. I can tell you that his suspicion is right, but I don't mind if you go for revenge now!"

Logan nodded and said.

"What's the meaning?"

Tony asked.

"Now you will only die when you meet Anthony Masters. He is proficient in all fighting skills and is super strong. Facing him is as vulnerable as a three-year-old child facing a burly man!"

Logan said without mercy.

"You mean my parents' revenge can't be avenged?"

Tony asked reluctantly.

"No, it's just that it's not the time yet, and he's hidden very deep. Ever since he defected from SHIELD, he's been changing his identity and never showing his true face. It's not that difficult to find him!"

Logan shook his head and said.

"As long as I know who the other party is, I will be confident to find him! I must avenge this! I will use all means to find the other party!"

Tony said firmly.

"Blind confidence is arrogance. This kind of character of yours will bring you bad luck. You will experience it soon!"

Logan reminded.

"What's the meaning?"

Tony asked.

"Buddha said: It cannot be said, it cannot be said, it is not appropriate to say it!"

Logan's nagging made Tony speechless for a while, but he didn't care about it now, and all his thoughts were still on the hatred of his parents.

"It's mysterious. What should I say to the bald guy?"

When Tony saw Logan, he had no choice but to deal with Nick Fury's matters first.

"Let him come! I also want to meet the director of SHIELD who will play a huge role in the future!"

Logan rubbed his chin and thought for a moment before saying.

Anyway, if you have nothing to do, let’s meet this bald director who always appears at critical moments!

"Okay, then I will inform him, but what will happen to the magic array outside when he comes? He doesn't have a treasure like me!"

Tony said, holding out his thumb.

The treasure Tony was talking about was the ring given to him by Logan, which allowed him to move freely within the phantom formation. Moreover, Tony found that since he put on this ring, whether it was an illusion or not, his entire body was constantly getting stronger. , and my energy is getting better and better. No matter how tired I am during the day, I am immediately energetic again the next day.

Even if he was hungover, he would not have a headache the next day. He simply couldn't put it down and would never take it off at any time. It became his most precious treasure.

"No need to worry about this, he will be able to see me naturally after he comes!"

Logan said.

"This thing is really good. Do you have any more? Can you give me another one?"

Tony asked, touching the ring on his thumb.

"What are you doing? You still want to wholesale? Each person can only wear one, and it won't work if you wear more!"

Logan said, glaring at him.

"No, don't I want to get one for my future wife?"

Tony said shamelessly.

"Future wife? It's impossible for you to get married in a short time! Wait until the day you actually get married!"

Logan refused.

He was very clear about Tony's future. It was still early for him to get married. If he gave it to him now, he didn't know who would get an advantage then!

"Tch, stingy, isn't it just a finger ring? So what if you give me one more!"

Tony muttered under his breath.

"What? Not satisfied? If you are not satisfied, just give me back your thumb ring! How many people want it but don't have it!"

Logan stretched out his hand and said.

"No, I didn't say that. There is an old saying in the East: You cannot refuse a gift from your elders! You already belong to the elders, how can you still want to go back!"

Tony quickly hid his hands behind his back and said.

"You know a lot! If you have something to do, get out of here!"

Logan cursed with a smile.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll get out right away!"

Tony turned around and ran away, fearing that Logan would take the ring back. This was his lifeblood and he must not lose it.

After laughing and joking with Logan again, Tony's painful and angry mood was somewhat relieved. He still believed in Logan's words. After all, Logan's realm was there, and there was no need to fool him.

It's just that he knows that the enemy who assassinated his parents is still at large, and he is unwilling to wait for him like this, so Tony is ready to find out the enemy's traces and find out the enemy's strength, and wait for the time to avenge this blood feud.

Now Tony needs to tell the other party that Logan is willing to meet Nick Fury, and then obtain Anthony Masters' information. Before that, he tried to invade SHIELD's system to find Anthony Masters' information. But he found nothing, which showed that there was something he didn't understand.

Tony didn't waste any time. After leaving Logan's house, he immediately contacted Nick Fury and informed him that Logan had agreed to let Nick Fury take Anthony Masters to meet downstairs in the building where Logan's house was located. , now that it has been confirmed from Logan that the real murderer is Taskmaster, there is no need to ask for the information of Sergeant Barnes of the Winter Soldier.

After receiving the notice, Nick Fury rushed to the agreed location with the information to be handed over to Tony.

"This is the information we agreed on about Anthony Masters! He is very difficult to deal with. S.H.I.E.L.D. has dispatched many high-level agents, but they all failed. You are no match for him. If you need my help, feel free to ask! "

Nick Fury said as he handed Tony Masters information.

"You don't need to worry about this. I won't do anything without being completely sure!"

Tony said.

"Our deal has been completed, you can just go up there and Mr. Logan will meet you!"

Tony said after taking the information.

"Tony, thank you, we will meet again!"

Nick Fury said before parting.

"I don't want to see you again!"

Tony said with a face.

"It's not up to you!"

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he entered the building.


Nick Fury took a deep breath as he entered the elevator. Thinking of the people he was about to meet, Nick Fury was still very nervous. The whole world has seen Logan's devastating strength. What if there is a chance? How can anyone be calm when seeing such a fairy-like figure?


The elevator reached the top floor. Nick Fury tidied up his clothes and walked out. He did not encounter any illusions along the way and arrived at Logan's residence safely. What surprised Nick Fury was that There was no door to Logan's house, but Nick Fury was relieved after thinking about it for a moment. If there really was the illusion that others said, no one would be able to find the door without permission, so there really would be no need for a door.

"My lord is waiting for you on the balcony!"

As soon as Nick Fury entered the door, he saw a burly man waiting for him. He could tell that the other person was speaking in Chinese, but he could understand what he meant. This surprised him, but thinking about it when God descended During the day, Logan also spoke Chinese, but everyone could understand it. Nick Fury guessed that this should be a kind of magical power.

Nick Fury nodded to the big man, and then walked to the place indicated by the other party. When he walked through the living room, he found that the magical panda was playing games as Tony said, and was still talking about it. It was really cute. To the extreme, Nick Fury's nervousness suddenly eased a lot.

According to the information obtained by Nick Fury, he knew that for Logan, the panda who called himself Fatty was the most important existence to Logan. Nick Fury guessed that the reason why Tony can come and go freely here must be because of this. Panda established a good relationship, and he saw many things around Fat Bear with the Stark Industries logo on them, which showed that they were gifts from Tony to Little Fat Bear.

Nick Fury didn't want to think too much. He had already walked to the balcony and saw the hell monarch who killed everyone on God's descent. At this time, Logan was turning his back to him and looking into the distance.

"Hello Mr. Luo, I am Nicholas Joseph Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., you can call me Nick!"

Nick Fury came up behind Logan and introduced himself.

Nick Fury revealed his full name as a sign of respect for Logan.

"Come over here, sit down and chat!"

Logan came to the rest area and sat down and said.

"I know you, a comrade of Captain America Steve Rogers. Because you took the anti-aging drug invented by Professor Berthold Sternberg, your body's aging rate has been greatly slowed down. You have participated in many wars. S.H.I.E.L.D. One of the founders."

After Nick Fury sat down, Logan revealed all the details about him.

"how do you know?!"

Nick Fury stood up in shock.

These are all his secrets. Even in SHIELD, there are only a handful of people who know these secrets. All records have been destroyed by him.

"Sit down and talk!"

Logan pressed his hands and said.

"There is no secret to me, it just depends on whether I want to know or not!"

Logan's words make people want to criticize him, he is so good at pretending.

"You mean nothing can be hidden from you?"

Nick Fury asked, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"You can say that, but I usually don't explore other people's secrets. It's boring to see too many secrets. Okay, why did you come to me?"

Logan said.

"you do not know?"

Nick Fury asked in surprise.

Didn’t you just say that you can’t hide anything from him? Why don't you know now?

"I said it wouldn't be interesting to know everything in advance. Tell me the purpose of your coming!"

Logan said helplessly.

I will definitely not do this kind of pretense in the future, as it can easily be misunderstood.

"I came here to know who the alien enemy you were talking about on the day of God's descent? What kind of enemy will we face in the future?"

Nick Fury asked after a moment of silence.

"Are you sure you want to know? If I don't tell you what's going on in the future, then your future enemies will still be those enemies. Once I tell you who your future enemies are, then the future will change, and the enemies that come will be stronger! I Your words and deeds will have a great impact on the future!”

"That's why I don't want to see people. The future is changeable, but it can be good or bad. Some things will get better, and some things will get worse! Such as war!"

Logan asked, looking at Nick Fury whose expression changed.


Nick Fury didn't expect that there was this level, which made him a little embarrassed. If a more powerful enemy comes because he detects the future, then the threat will be even greater. Although the earth may not be destroyed, it will be a disaster for mankind. It is inevitable.

"For you, it's better not to know too much about the future. Even if I don't have to, I won't change the future casually. For example, I didn't tell Tony about the disaster he was about to face, because once I told him, it might have been... He is seriously injured and will lose his life. Do you still want to know about such a future?"

Logan said again.

"Tony Stark? What disaster will happen to him?"

Nick Fury asked, stunned.

"It's better that you don't know. This is his most important transformation. No one can stop it. But I can tell you that what you want to do is right. The first superhero will appear soon, and other Heroes will gradually appear, all you have to do is be prepared!"

Logan said.

"Who was the first superhero?"

Nick Fury asked.

"You know him!"

Logan said with a mysterious smile.

"You mean Tony Stark?"

Nick Fury asked in surprise looking at Logan's mysterious smile.

"Don't say it, don't say it!"

Logan said with a smile and shook his head.

But Nick Fury could tell from Logan's expression that he was right, but he still couldn't figure out how Tony, that playboy, could become a superhero!

He is very rich and smart, but his fighting ability is completely scum. It is not a problem to kill dozens of Tony Starks by himself. But since it is what Logan said, Nick Fury has to believe it. He suddenly Thinking about what Logan said about the disaster Tony encountered, maybe this was the turning point. It was this disaster that prompted Tony to become a superhero.

But Logan didn't say anything, and he didn't understand what would happen, but he knew that although Tony would suffer a lot, his life would not be in danger. Nick Fury could only hold back his curiosity and wait and see what happens. .

"The Avengers can indeed protect the earth, but you must also be prepared. These people or gods are not simple. How to make them work together is a big problem, and how to avoid the infiltration of politics is even more important. The key is not to let these superheroes become weapons in the hands of politicians!"

Logan warned.

"Now the Avengers' proposal has been rejected by the committee, but I will try my best to solve it. I hope it's not too late!"

Nick Fury understood that what Logan said was true. Everyone wanted to hold such a powerful force in their hands. The government would never ignore such a powerful force. The mutant incident was still vivid in his mind. Nick Fury still has a lot to do!

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