Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 861 What a tragedy (two in one)

"OOPS, you are such a weak believer! I'm sorry!"

Although Logan was apologizing, his expression showed no sign of apology at all. Dormammu was so angry that his teeth itched after seeing it. This was a slap in the face!

But Dormammu was so angry that he didn't take any action. He just looked at the indifferent Logan with an ugly expression. He could have saved Jibo just now if he wanted to, but when he was about to take action, Dormammu suddenly had something to say. With a creepy feeling, he, who was cautious by nature, immediately chose to stand aside and let Jibo die in front of him.


Dormammu hates Logan so much that he gnashes his teeth, but now he can't take any action. Dormammu can feel that Logan's powerful energy is tightly locked on him, and any move may cause Logan to attack crazily.


Malekith, who was blown away, returned to Dormammu again. Only by standing with Dormammu could Malekith feel safe. If it were not for the protection of the Reality Stone just now, Malekith might have been with Jibo The end was the same as being shattered to pieces.

"What's next?"

Malekith did not dare to look away from Logan. For him, Logan was far more dangerous than Odin, who had defeated him.

"You continue to attack him with the Reality Stone, and I will look for opportunities to defeat him!"

Dormammu was secretly preparing. He had already looked up to Logan as much as possible, but unexpectedly, he still took advantage of it. This made Dormammu very angry. When had he ever been so cowardly?

"But it's hard for me to have any impact on him by myself. My own life is even in danger!"

Malekith was unwilling to face Logan alone. It was too dangerous for him, and he and Logan had no deep hatred. Malekith had the idea of ​​​​retreating, because not only Logan was dangerous, but Doma Mu is also a ticking time bomb.

From what happened to Gibo just now, Malekith can imagine that once he encounters a dangerous situation, Dormammu is likely to give up on himself just like he gave up on Gibot. To put it bluntly, he is a chess piece that can be given up for Dormammu. Between them The alliance relationship is simply vulnerable.

"You use the Reality Stone to harass him and distract him from attacking with all his strength, so that we can defeat him!"

"Don't even think about running away. You have completely offended him. Don't think that you can survive by running away. You have also experienced his strength. Even the Reality Stone may not be able to protect your safety, so you should stay with me honestly. Defeat him! Otherwise you will never be safe!"

Dormammu has lived for countless years and has a good understanding of people's hearts. He can feel Malekith's fear. He has a headache himself, not to mention Malekith, who is far less powerful than him. .

"I see!"

Malekith said with an ugly expression.

He knew that he had been tricked by Dormammu. What Dormammu told him about Logan's strength was much worse than his own experience. Malekith no longer expected to defeat Logan. As long as he could survive, it would be enough. alright.

"Have we discussed it? If we have discussed it, let's start! Finish it early. I still have things to do!"

Logan stretched and said.

That way did not take Dormammu and Malekith seriously at all. Such behavior made Dormammu even more angry. After all, he is also the top powerhouse in the universe. When did he suffer such a humiliating experience!

And Malekith wished that Logan would ignore him, and he would be safer if he ignored him.

"Do it!"

Dormammu shouted.


Dormammu regained his huge body, and the battlefield immediately became dark, making it impossible to see his fingers.


Malekith's face turned green when he saw Dormammu's move. The battlefield was completely dark, but the light from the Reality Stone in his hand made him the most obvious target in the darkness. Malekith had already done all he could. Maybe he was wary of Dormammu, but he didn't expect to be tricked by Dormammu. Malekith was so angry that he cursed.

But Malekith did not dare to stay where he was. He quickly activated the Reality Stone to protect himself, and at the same time hid the light of the Reality Stone, and then ran away in a panic. This series of actions were all completed in an instant. It can be said that Malekith has performed beyond his level.


Just when Malekith had just escaped, an explosion occurred where he was standing. He was obviously under attack. The strong explosion shock waves continued to impact Malekith, making him stagger.

"What a danger! Damn Dormammu, you are using me as bait!"

Malekith cursed bitterly in his mind.

He now regrets getting involved in the battle of such a powerful person. This is completely an act of committing suicide, and the Reality Stone he relies on can no longer make him feel safe.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

There was a fierce battle in the darkness, which made Malekith tense up. Fortunately, the battle was still far away from him and he was safe.

"Asshole, didn't I tell you to attack Logan with the Reality Stone? What are you doing!"

Dormammu's voice rang in Malekith's ears.

"I can't see anything, how do you want me to attack! I was almost hit just now, did you do it on purpose?"

Malekith still had nowhere to vent his anger. In this environment where he couldn't see his fingers, let alone Logan, he couldn't even tell the direction. How to attack, Dormammu even complained about him.

"Idiot! The Reality Stone does not need to be able to see the target at all. You only need to think about attacking the opponent. It is a waste of the Reality Stone in your hands! I deliberately plunged the entire place into darkness just to create opportunities for you to attack. , and it also makes you safer, yet you don’t know what to do and blame me!”

Dormammu was also furious. He had never thought of using Malekith as bait. He swallowed all the light here just to block Logan's sight and at the same time ensure Malekith's safety, so that the two of them could Only then can we better join forces to attack Logan.

"Then you should tell me in advance, otherwise how would I know! You swallowed up the light here, why didn't you swallow up the light from the Reality Stone as well? As a result, I became a conspicuous target and was almost beaten to death by him!"

Malekith realized that he had misunderstood Dormammu, but Dormammu had indeed put him in danger just now.

"Ahem, stop talking nonsense and quickly use the Reality Stone to attack Logan! This bastard is stronger than I thought. If he doesn't die today, we will be in danger!"

Dormammu was blushing in the dark. The Reality Gem Theory level was much higher than him. It wasn't that he hadn't swallowed it, but that he couldn't swallow it at all. Dormammu wouldn't expose such a shameful thing, so he urged Malekai Si quickly attacked.


Malekith also knew that now was not the time to argue, so he could only hold back his dissatisfaction with Dormammu and began to activate the Reality Stone to imagine attacking Logan.

The effect of this was obvious. All the attacks of the Reality Stone were directed at Logan. At the same time, the Reality Stone also fed back Logan's location and status to Malekith's mind, allowing him to see clearly. To what Logan looked like at this time.

"Can the Reality Stone still be used like this?"

Malekith was pleasantly surprised. The dark elves had obtained the Reality Stone for countless years, but their understanding of the Reality Stone was not comprehensive, and the development of the Reality Stone's abilities only remained on the surface.

After being able to "see" Logan, Malekith wholeheartedly used the Reality Stone to attack Logan. Although it did not cause much harm to Logan, it did cause a lot of trouble to Logan. Much to Logan's annoyance.

"These two guys are working together more and more tacitly! The effectiveness of the Reality Stone has been further brought into play by Malekith, and Dormammu is much stronger than what Ancient One told me!"

"If Dormammu goes all out, Ancient One shouldn't be able to hold on much longer! What has this Dormammu been planning for all these years?"

During the battle, Logan was distracted and thinking, but he didn't know that Dormammu was also suffering at this time. Although the dark world gave Dormammu infinite life and powerful strength, it also devoured his soul all the time. .

Therefore, in every battle, Dormammu not only has to fight against the enemy, but also has to deal with the erosion of his soul by the dark world, which also causes him to dare not use his full strength.

But when facing Logan, Dormammu didn't dare to hold anything back, otherwise even if he could escape with his life, he would still be seriously injured and dying. So at this moment, he couldn't care less about the dark world devouring his soul. Logan is the most difficult problem to face.

So Dormammu put up countless defenses for his soul before the battle to delay the dark world from devouring his soul, and he went all out, hoping to defeat Logan before the dark world broke his defenses. If it came If Dormammu still can't gain the upper hand, he can only escape.

"This damn Logan, how can he be so strong! I have already used my strongest moves, how can he still deal with it easily? Is this guy really a human!"

Dormammu thought angrily.

When Dormammu gave up the human body, it was because the human body had limitations. At that time, Dormammu had reached the pinnacle that humans could reach. If he wanted to go further, he needed to give up the human body. It was because of this that Dormammu could This person today looks like a ghost or a ghost.

Seeing Logan deal with him with ease, Dormammu was shocked and angry at the same time. Why did he have to give up his human body and become like this to gain powerful strength, while Logan still maintained his human body? He looked even more powerful than him, which made Dormammu hate Logan even more.

“The intersection of fiction and reality!”

Malekith controlled the Reality Stone to turn Dormammu's attack into an illusory and unpredictable one, making it unclear whether this attack was real or fake.

"Elemental storm!"

Dormammu, on the other hand, quickly controlled the fusion of various elements to form a powerful elemental storm, trapping Logan.

"The Reality Stone is indeed extremely troublesome! Such an attack combined with illusion is hard to guard against!"

Logan, who was in the center of the storm, frowned and looked at the elemental storm changing in various colors. He did not expect that combining the Reality Stone with attacks could produce considerable power.

"I can only reveal some of my trump cards!"

Logan understood that it would be difficult to defeat the Reality Stone and Dormammu if he kept hiding his cards, so he could only show off some unique tricks.


The magatama in Logan's right eye, the Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan, quickly rotated, and the elemental storm began to slowly dissipate, and the battlefield began to gradually become brighter.

Logan combined the power of reincarnation with the Eye of Reincarnation, and the resulting deprivation was far more powerful than before, causing Dormammu's layout to begin to collapse.

"Reincarnation·Open Heaven!"

At this time, the magatama in Logan's left eye also started to rotate. The power of reincarnation overflowed from Logan's left eye, and then gradually wrapped around Logan's left hand. Then Logan held tightly and was wrapped in the power of reincarnation. He punched the air with his left hand.



There was a violent explosion, and then there was the sound of something breaking. The dark space created by Dormammu began to shatter inch by inch, and the light gradually penetrated in, and the darkness was dispelled.


Dormammu spurted out a mouthful of black blood, and looked at Logan who was still holding his fist in shock. Logan's punch obviously caused Dormammu to be seriously injured.


And Malekith also fell hard to the ground. If the Reality Stone hadn't used a light to protect Malekith at the last moment, he might have been torn into pieces by the aftermath of the shattered space.


Malekith gasped for air. The suffocation just now felt like someone was strangling his neck. The overwhelming momentum made Malekith unable to even think about resisting.

Malekith looked at Logan with fear in his eyes, his whole body was trembling, his clothes were wet with cold sweat, and the feeling of being on the verge of death lingered in his mind.


Malekith stared blankly at the Reality Stone that began to vibrate in his hand. What he felt was the fear transmitted by the Reality Stone, as if telling him that if he continued to fight, he might be broken.

This discovery made Malekith even more afraid of Logan. He did not want to get involved between Logan and Dormammu anymore. The Infinity Stones were actually afraid, which was unprecedented.


The sound of Logan's footsteps came from the battlefield, and every step seemed to step on Malekith's heart. The abnormal rhythm made Malekith extremely uncomfortable.


Malekith spurted out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Logan in horror. He didn't know how Logan did it. It seemed that everything was illusory, but the severe pain in his heart reminded him all the time. Everything is so real.

"No, don't come here!"

Malekith backed up in horror. It could be said that he had been frightened out of his wits by Logan. For Malekith, nothing could make him feel safe at this time, not even the Reality Stone.

"Dimensional barrier!"

Dormammu shouted.

"Ms. mist mist..."

Suddenly, layers of transparent barriers appeared in front of Logan, isolating Logan from them. This was Dormammu's superpower to control different dimensions. He wanted to isolate Logan from them. But can it really succeed?

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