Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 885 Turbulence of Time and Space

Logan's journey to save the DC universe officially ended when he left the DC universe. This time he acted as a firefighter again. It took a lot of trouble and almost went wrong in the process. Fortunately, everything passed in the end. Logan The emergence of Root has brought great changes to any universe, with both advantages and disadvantages. Although Logan tried to reduce his impact as much as possible, it is still impossible to completely avoid it. This cannot be changed.

However, Logan himself also took a great risk to leave the Marvel universe, because there is a big time difference between the two universes. Although Logan only stayed in the DC universe for less than a day, he actually left the Marvel universe. Nearly ten days have passed in the Wei universe, and this is what worries Logan.

And the more powerful the universe is, the faster the flow of time is. The more ordinary the universe is, the slower the flow of time is. Therefore, the speed of time in the upper-dimensional universe is the fastest. It can be described as one day in the sky and one year on the earth. Not an exaggeration.

The strong men in the Marvel Universe are much stronger than those in the DC Universe, so the time flow rate in the Marvel Universe is faster than that in the DC Universe. The difference between them is about ten times. That is, after one day in the DC Universe, in the Marvel Universe Ten days have passed.

Let alone ten days, unpredictable things may happen in a minute. Sometimes, the destruction of the universe is just a matter of an instant. If the DC universe was not in danger of complete destruction, Logan would not necessarily come over. After all, except for In addition to the time difference between each other, there is also the more troublesome time and space turbulence.

The universes are not directly connected. There is a space-time flow outside each universe that separates the two universes.

Therefore, if you travel between two universes, you have to go through the turbulence of time and space between them.

The danger of space-time turbulence is far greater than that of time turbulence. Space-time represents time and space, which means that in addition to time being disrupted, space is also misfolded and folded in space-time turbulence.

After entering the turbulence of time and space, you may think you are going south, but in fact you are going north. Maybe you entered from the east, but then the direction changed to the west.

In the turbulence of time and space, there is no correct concept of time and space. Here, you never know whether time is moving forward or backward, and the space you are in is changing all the time.

For people who do not have the ability to master time and space, after entering the turbulence of time and space, the chance of coming out is infinitely close to zero. Logan did not tell Superman and the others about this, because in his opinion, Superman and the others could not even find the boundary wall. , let alone leaving the DC Universe, so it doesn’t make any difference whether to say it or not. Another point is that the time flow in the turbulent flow of space and time is not fixed. Maybe the time flow rate is clockwise at this moment, but it becomes counterclockwise at the next moment, or it may cross the clockwise and counterclockwise directions, which is completely unpredictable. What will happen.

Moreover, the turbulence of space and time is invisible and intangible. If someone is lucky enough to break through the boundary wall and come to the place where two universes are adjacent, all they see is nothingness. If they are lucky, they may be able to go very far. If they are unlucky, they may be able to take the next step. He fell into the turbulence of time and space.

People caught in the turbulence of time and space will leave nothing behind after death. They may age and die instantly after entering the turbulence of time and space and turn into a pile of ashes. They may rejuvenate and return to their original state in an instant and then turn into nothingness. It is also possible that It will be directly torn into pieces by the turbulent flow of space, leaving nothing behind.

Anyway, 99.999% of people who break into the turbulence of time and space will end up dead. If you want to survive, except for people like Logan, others will depend on whether their ancestors have accumulated good deeds. Let them have the incredible luck to survive.

However, these things that are fatal to other people are not a problem for Logan at all. Not to mention that he himself has the ability of time and space. The Gate of Immortal Realm alone can allow Paul Root to survive any time and space turmoil safely, so Logan can easily Come and go freely.

Although Logan can ignore the danger of time and space turbulence, he cannot ignore the side effects of traveling through time and space turbulence. This side effect is that after traveling through time and space turbulence, Logan will feel dizzy, followed by vomiting. .

After traveling through countless universes, this side effect has been reduced a lot. At the beginning, every time after traveling, Logan would vomit and take a long time to recover.


Lightning flashes appeared high in the sky above New York, and then a space crack appeared, and a figure came out of the space crack awkwardly.

"Oh, that's enough. I've traveled through time so many times, but this dizzy feeling still exists!"

The person who appeared was officially Logan. As soon as he came out of the space crack, Logan shook his head fiercely and said angrily.

"I don't know if anything happened during my time away, so let's take a closer look!"

Logan slowly fell from the sky, and at the same time, powerful spiritual consciousness instantly enveloped the entire earth, and he began to check what happened to the earth during the time he left. Of course, Logan only checked things related to the safety of the earth and the changes that had taken place in the main characters. Logan ignored other things.

"Interesting! During the time I left, that green barbarian appeared! It's a pity that I missed a good show!"

Logan rubbed his chin and said regretfully.

"Oh? Has that little guy been dug out of the ice too? That's interesting! Is this the middle stage already? I guess Loki will also take action soon!"

Logan continued to go to his penthouse in New York. During the investigation, he discovered that Bruce Banner had failed to study gamma rays and turned into the Hulk, and also found the frozen Captain America Steve. husband Rogers was dug out.

The Avengers of the bald captain are also beginning to take shape, but they still need an opportunity, and this opportunity is Loki's attack.

Loki has gotten involved with Thanos, and Thanos' plan to use the infinite stones has begun.

"There is going to be a big show that cannot be missed. Fortunately, I didn't miss it. Otherwise, it would be a pity!"

Logan said with interest.

"Since nothing dangerous has happened, let's go to Ancient One's place to see the situation first! Will that bastard Dormammu give up so easily?"

After Logan discovered that nothing harmful to the earth had happened, and that the superheroes were all developing according to the established trajectory, Logan decided to go to Ancient One to see what Dormammu should and should not do after he left. Things to do.


After making the decision, Logan immediately arrived at Karma Taj's temple in New York, and Gu Yi had been waiting for Logan at the temple in New York early.

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