Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 967 Discovery

"Speak out and listen!"

Han Shanmei said.

"The girl seemed to have been tied into a special position before she was alive, but it didn't work anymore. No one paid attention to this clue, so they gave up!"

Gu Qingtan kept searching his memory, looking for the memories that he had hidden.

"What posture?"

Han Shanmei asked.

"let me see."

Gu Qingtan frowned and thought about the previous cases.

"It seems that the thighs and calves are tied together in a kneeling position, the hands are tied behind the back, and the body and legs are tied together. It should be a kneeling posture, as if repenting."

"But no one paid attention to this clue at the time. They just thought it was the murderer who tortured the victim and didn't pay attention to it. That's why I said this may be a clue that is not a clue."

Gu Qingtan slowly recalled the heart-wrenching scene in his memory.

"Kneel down? Repent? Why did the murderer do this?"

Han Shanmei couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was just as Gu Qingtan said, this was not a clue, but Han Shanmei always had a feeling that this information was important.

"Sehun, please contact the forensic doctor and ask him to check whether the four current victims have been tied up in the same way. If so, it means that the two cases were committed by the same murderer. If not, it proves that it is difficult to An incredible coincidence."

Han Shanmei chose to believe her own feelings and asked Wu Shixun to find a forensic doctor to verify the information.

"Yes, Chief Constable, I'll be there right away."

After receiving the order, Wu Shixun immediately left the conference room.

"Unfortunately, the bones of the previous victims have been buried or cremated, and we cannot compare this information, but in the nearly twenty years since the last known murder incident, I think there must be us The unknown victim.”

"Patrol Inspector Gu, contact all the police stations in Seoul and ask them to send people to investigate all the barren hills and ponds near Seoul. There must be corpses buried by the previous murderers in these places!"

Han Shanmei thought for a moment and ordered.

"Chief Police, this is a huge workload! How many ponds are there in the whole of Seoul! The scope of the barren mountains is also hopelessly large. The power of the police alone is simply not enough to search such a large area in such a short time. The scope!”

Gu Qingtan hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Patrol police of the bureau, do your best. If we find one more body, we may have one more clue to find the murderer. We must try any method that may help us catch the murderer! Do you understand!"

Han Shanmei said without any doubt.

"Yes, Chief Constable! I will contact all police stations immediately!"

Gu Qingtan immediately stood up and said.

There are almost no clues about the murderer, so Han Shanmei thinks of casting a wide net and not letting go of any clues that may help find the murderer.

After Wu Shixun and Gu Qingtan left the conference room, only Han Sunmi and Dongbaek were left. Dongbaek, like Han Sunmi, was an elite policeman. Both were military advisors with extremely flexible minds, so they were the only ones left. When two people are together, the discussion of the case officially begins.

"Patrol Dongbaek, what do you think of these two cases?"

Han Shanmei looked at Dongbaek and asked.

"Although the results have not come out yet and there is no evidence, my intuition tells me that these two cases spanning thirty years were committed by one person!"

Dongbaek said bluntly.

"Oh? Tell me why you think so?"

Han Shanmei looked at Dongbaek with interest and asked.

"It's very simple. It's impossible for two serial murder cases to have so many similarities, let alone span thirty years. This kind of coincidence is impossible!"

Dongbaek said.

"Then why the way corpses were disposed of thirty years ago is completely different from the way it is now. This has never happened before in serial murder cases. You should know that the most important feature in serial murder cases is the disposal of corpses, but this The way the bodies were disposed of in the two serial murder cases can be said to be contradictory. If it was the same person, why would the murderer make such a big change?"

Han Shanmei continued to ask.

"The reason why I think it was done by the same murderer is based on three points. First, the victims were tortured and humiliated before being beaten to death; second, all the deceased were wearing white robes. This The first point is definitely done by the opponent, and it cannot be worn by the victim himself; third point, and the most important point, the victims or missing persons in all cases have one thing in common!"

Dongbaek stopped here.

"What do they have in common?"

Han Shanmei asked.

"These girls are degenerates!"

The third point Dong Baek said made Han Shanmei stunned for a moment. She didn't understand why Dong Baek said that.

"Fallen? What do you mean?"

Han Shanmei asked with a frown.

"We can see from the victim's information that these girls once studied very well, but they also began to change at a certain period. They began to degenerate, from being good girls with excellent studies to smoking, drinking and fighting. Taimei, and they all disappeared shortly after this! Some of their bodies have been found, and some of their bodies have not been found yet. "

"It can be seen from this that the murderer hated the self-destruction of these girls very much, so he punished them. The murderer did not choose the victims randomly, but with a purpose, so I think the murderer is a teacher. Great sex!”

Dongbaek spoke out his thoughts confidently.

In his opinion, the only people who hate and regret students' self-destruction, apart from their parents, are teachers. Students who had high hopes from teachers suddenly began to degenerate. Some teachers must be very sad and hateful, and finally chose to personally Punish these depraved girls.

If other victims had been tied up in the weird posture mentioned by Gu Qingtan, it means that the murderer forced these girls to confess, which is a significant feature.

"Is that so?"

Han Shanmei really didn’t realize this. No one is perfect. No matter how powerful Han Shanmei is, it is impossible to take into account all the clues. Moreover, most people really won’t pay attention to the information Dongbaek said, but Dongbaek can. At this point, it shows that Dongbaek is indeed outstanding in observation.

"You can look at this information. These victims all turned from good students to gangsters. They have one thing in common. Their family conditions are very difficult. Studying hard is their only way out. The reason why I say the murderer Maybe he is a teacher, because of this, he is obviously a good prospect, and as long as he works hard, he will definitely have a good future."

"But they have fallen down and gone astray, which has greatly disappointed the teacher who had great expectations for them. When the teacher sees this kind of change too much, his disappointment may turn into hatred, and he hates them for wasting themselves. He hates them for being willing to let themselves down, so he has the idea of ​​​​punishing them."

"Maybe the murderer made a mistake when he killed the first girl, but he may have released his perverted psychology in the process and became obsessed with the pleasure of punishing bad students, and he has embarked on the path of serial killing since then."

I have to say that Dongbaek’s analysis is very reasonable. Judging from these files alone, it is indeed very likely that the teacher committed the crime. Han Sunmi also highly agrees with Dongbaek’s analysis. If it were not for the information from the United States, Han Sunmi would be very likely to commit the crime. According to Dongbaek's analysis, the suspect of the murderer may be the teacher.

But after reading the information, Han Shanmei didn't think the murderer would be a teacher, but a person with strength and background.

"Your analysis makes sense, but one thing is that these victims are from different schools and from different generations. The cases from thirty years ago are also distributed across the country."

"If a teacher committed the crime, he would have to teach and find the target. This would waste a lot of energy. At the same time, no one would notice anything unusual. No teacher can do this, right?"

Although Dongbaek's analysis is very reasonable, there is also a big loophole. The case started thirty years ago. How could a teacher commit crimes across the country thirty years ago without arousing suspicion? This is not something a teacher can do.

It is precisely because of this that Han Shanmei believes that he should be a person with strength, background and abnormal psychology. He should have dedicated subordinates to find targets for him and someone to deal with the aftermath.

"I have thought of what you said, so I said it is possible rather than certain. The murderer may also be someone who has had the same experience. There are too few clues now, and we can't draw any useful conclusions at all. We can only speculate a little bit. .”

Dongbaek said helplessly.

"Have you ever thought about whether the murderer might be a person with strength and background?"

Han Shanmei raised her head and looked at Dongbaek and asked.

"It's possible that many rich people have perverted ideas, and committing crimes like this across regions for a long time does require a certain amount of financial support."

Dongbaek nodded and said.

"I have another idea, I think this is a cult punishing the fallen!"

Han Shanmei thought for a moment and said.


Dongbaek was stunned.

"Yes, you see, these victims have all been abused. It can also be said to be violent punishment. If the forensic results from Inspector Wu come out and these four victims have also been tied up, then it is forced confession. This is the same as a cult. Some of the extreme behaviors are very similar, so I said it might be the behavior of a cult!"

Han Sunmi hid most of the top secret information and only raised the issue of the cult to avoid leaking secrets.

"When you say that, it's very possible, but none of these girls have joined any church!"

Dongbaek frowned and looked at the victim's information and said.

"Don't forget, if cults want to punish degenerates, they may not necessarily choose depraved members. Many cults take the purification of the world as their own duty. They believe that the existence of some people has polluted the world, so they will appear as substitutes. The possibility of the so-called god purifying the fallen is quite high!”

Han Shanmei said in a persuasive manner.

"It makes sense, this..."

"Chief Police, there is news from the forensic doctor. It proves that the four victims were tied up using the binding method mentioned by the patrol officer. It can prove that the case thirty years ago is closely related to the current serial murder case!"

At this time, Wu Shixun opened the door and came in to report.


Han Shanmei and Dongbaek asked at the same time.

"It's true, this is the appraisal report!"

Wu Shixun handed the forensic identification report to Han Shanmei. After Han Shanmei read it quickly, he handed it to Dongbaek. After reading it, Dongbaek raised his head and looked at Han Shanmei, and nodded in agreement.

"This way, my guess is very likely to be correct. This is a case of a cult. Investigate the entire domestic cult immediately. The murderer should be among them!"

Han Shanmei has determined the direction of the investigation. As long as the direction is determined, the investigation of the case should go much faster.


Wu Sehun didn't know about the discussion between Han Sunmi and Dongbaek, so he was a little confused.

"Yes, I just discussed with the East Patrol. The way the murderer tortured the deceased should be the way a cult punishes the fallen. In this way, it is easy to explain why the body is disposed of in a different way, because maybe the murderer is not one person, but a The organization, thirty years ago it was one person and now it’s another person, that’s why there’s such a big change.”

"But because they are all from the same cult, the punishment method is the same, but when it comes to disposing of the corpses, two people handle it. Therefore, one serial murder case involves burying the corpses, while the other case involves discarding the corpses."

Han Shanmei and Wu Shixun explained.

"That's it!"

Wu Shixun nodded.

"It's just that although there are not many cults in the country, there are still a lot of them. They have a large number of people, and these people have been brainwashed and are very loyal to their sect. It is very difficult to get clues from them!"

Wu Shixun said awkwardly.

"Even among cults, there are definitely only a few people who have the right to do this. They must be high-level people, even their leaders. And in order to protect their own image, they will never let others know what they are doing. As long as these cults are investigated clearly leaders, and then we should find out something by comparing their whereabouts.”

Dongbaek thought for a moment and said.

"Just do what Patrolman Dongbaek said. Patroller Wu, you go find Patrolman Goo immediately, and then work with him. Patroller Dongbaek and I will investigate these cults separately. The case occurred in Seoul. Let's start from Seoul first. Let’s start with the investigation and lock down the main target first!”

Han Shanmei said decisively.


Dongbaek and Wu Shixun stood up immediately and said.

"Set off!"

Han Shanmei got up and walked out of the conference room. Time was limited. After determining the direction of the investigation, she immediately started moving. There were less than six days left before the next victim's body appeared. If the case could not be solved within six days, Then there will be another body on the streets of Seoul.

At that time, a large number of people will be unlucky, and the task force will be the first to bear the brunt of the unlucky people. Being fired is a light matter.

Han Sunmi and Dongbaek drove away first, while Wu Shixun and Gu Qingdan fell behind.

"Interesting! The direction of the investigation has been determined so quickly. The fun is about to begin next!"

Wu Sehun, who was sitting alone in the car waiting for Gu Qingdan, had a strange smile on his face.

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