Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 976 Panic Park Qi Rui

"When did she change her gender?"

Li Qingxiong asked.

"Based on the fact that the case started a year ago, we don't know the reason for her gender change!"

Han Shanmei said.

"You said she volunteered herself? What was her purpose for doing this?"

Li Qingxiong asked, looking at Cui Anna, who was leaning on the chair with her arms folded on the monitor.

"I don't know. I always feel that there is an indescribable feeling of awkwardness about this Cui Anna. Moreover, she is the only one among all the suspects who has no reaction when seeing the photos of the victim. Those photos are normal to her. There is no difference in the photos, nothing unusual can be seen!”

Han Shanmei dragged the progress bar of Cui Anna's surveillance video and said.

"No reaction at all? You didn't notice it either?"

Li Qingxiong asked in surprise.

"No, there is no abnormality in the eyes, expressions, or movements. But this lack of abnormality is the biggest abnormality. Logically speaking, no matter who it is, there is no way that no one will have any emotional changes after seeing these photos of underage girls being murdered. No matter How to hide your emotions, you will find out if you look carefully."

"But this Cui Anna is really not at all, completely indifferent. She is the object of my most doubtful suspicion. To be honest, I have never encountered a situation like her. It was in the cases I came into contact with when I was in school in the United States. There is no situation like hers. I put her last because I was not sure whether she was a suspect or not!"

Han Shanmei said truthfully.

Trianna's existence is special. Regardless of whether she is a serial murderer or not, as long as she is a murderer, she will never have emotional fluctuations when facing the victims of the murder.

The emotions shown by these murderers are either excitement, guilt, regret, or regret, and they will never be expressionless.

Not to mention the photos of ordinary people facing the deceased. Usually when ordinary people see these photos of the deceased, they usually express regret, pity, intolerance, hatred and fear of the murderer, not to mention Trianna's situation will arise.

"Have you found out all the information about Cui Anna?"

Li Qingxiong asked after watching Cui Anna on the surveillance camera for a while.

"I have retrieved Cui Anna's information, but in order to prevent any omissions, I asked Patrolman Wu Zhixun to verify Cui Anna's information. I believe there will be news soon!"

Han Shanmei said.

"Tell me more about Trianna."

Li Qingxiong said.

"Cui Anna, whose real name is Cui Anzai, is thirty-five years old and single. Her parents died in an accident when she was very young. She also has a sister Cui Anli. Cui Anli is two years older than Cui Anzai, but this Cui Anli was born twenty years ago. She ran away from home before, but there has been no news since then. I have asked people to investigate Cui Anli’s information, but there is no news yet.”

"After Cui Anzai completed his military service, he wandered around the society without a serious job and worked as a thug. He joined the Truth Religion a year ago and has been responsible for security work in the Truth Religion since then. Cui Anna's gender reassignment surgery was I did it before joining the Truth Religion.”

Han Shanmei revealed Cui Anna’s information.

"Wait a minute, you said she joined the Truth Religion after having a sex change a year ago?"

Li Qingxiong asked.

"Yes, that's what's recorded in the data."

Han Shanmei nodded and said.

"Then how did the photo of Cui Anzai, one of the thirty suspects of the Shinrikyo cult, who lived as Cui Anzai before she transitioned, appear?"

Li Qingxiong asked.

"I checked and found that Cui Anzai joined the Truth Religion ten years ago. However, Cui Anzai rarely attended the meetings of the Truth Religion in the past nine years. Moreover, people in the Truth Religion do not know that Cui Anzai is Cui Anzai. Cui Anzai is now known as Cui Anzai. When I joined the Truth Religion, Cui Anzai had not appeared in the Truth Religion for two years."

Han Shanmei said while looking through the information in her hand.

"What is the reason why Triana joined the Truth religion again as a transgender? What is her purpose in doing this?"

Li Qingxiong asked with a frown.

"We don't know yet, but her suspicion is indeed very high. Judging from the comprehensive information, Trianna's suspicion is very high!"

Han Shanmei couldn't figure out the situation, but according to the information in her hand, it was true that Cui Anna was more suspicious than the other two.

"Oh? Tell me in detail!"

Li Qingxiong said in surprise.

"When these thirty suspects were brought back, we collected all their belongings. When searching their belongings, I found that Cui Anna appeared at the scene when the bodies of the four victims were dumped. nearby."

Han Shanmei said.

"Is there any direct evidence?"

Li Qingxiong asked.

"Yes, Deputy Chief, you see, judging from the time on the notes that Trianna kept, she appeared not far from the scene of the corpse before the victim was dumped!"

Han Shanmei took out Cui Anna's bag and took out a pile of bills. Four of them showed that Cui Anna had appeared near the scene where the victim was dumped. It was the existence of these bills that increased Cui Anna's suspicion. Anna's suspicion.

"Furthermore, Trianna was a man before. She was a soldier. She was strong and powerful. She was also at her strongest age. Carrying the body of an underage girl was not a problem at all for her."

Han Shanmei continued.

"It seems that she is indeed very suspicious. Immediately send someone to investigate the surveillance near the scene to see if we can figure out Cui Anna's route that night. We will also focus on monitoring all her actions. No aspect can be missed. Finally Arrange someone to investigate clearly about his sister Cui Anli, whether she ran away from home or is missing!"

Li Qingxiong thought for a moment and said.

"Secretary, do you think his sister might have been killed?"

Han Shanmei was stunned and immediately understood the reason why Li Qingxiong wanted to investigate Sister Cui Anna.

"It's just a feeling. We have to investigate anyway. Don't miss any possible place. Regardless of whether this Cui Anna is a suspect or not, there must be some secret hidden!"

Just as Li Qingxiong was speaking, Cui Anna who was under surveillance suddenly looked up at the surveillance camera. Li Qingxiong looked at Cui Anna's expressionless face and eyes without any emotion in the surveillance camera, and suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. Cui Anna was under surveillance. It's not that Anna doesn't have mood swings, but her heart is dead.

"Understood, deputy commander, I will make arrangements immediately. Do you have any other instructions?"

Han Shanmei asked.

"Send the detailed information of these three suspects to my office and try to make a breakthrough within today, otherwise we will not have enough time!"

Li Qingxiong thought for a while and said.

"Yes, deputy commander, then I will make arrangements now!"

After Han Shanmei finished speaking, she left the monitoring room.

Li Qingxiong was still standing in the monitoring room without leaving. He looked at Cui Anna in the monitoring screen, and thought of a face that was almost the same. It was not that they looked alike, but that the feeling expressed on the face was almost the same.

It was Li Qingxiong's tenth year as a police officer. He encountered a murder case. The victim was a young woman who had just gotten married. She was assaulted and killed. The expression the victim's husband showed at that time was exactly the same as Cui Anna. It's just that Triana acted more thoroughly, without any expressions or emotional fluctuations at all.

The emotion that the husband showed at that time can make people clearly feel a kind of despair and dead silence, as if life has no goal at all.

At that time, Li Qingxiong investigated for a long time, but never found the murderer. The husband committed suicide shortly after his wife was killed, so Li Qingxiong was very impressed. This case is one of the few unsolved cases in Li Qingxiong's hands, and the murderer has still not been found. , this is also a regret of Li Qingxiong.

At this time, the entire Seoul Police Department was operating at full speed, and almost everyone was mobilized to search for relevant clues. However, there was no movement from Park Qi Rui, as if the thirty people taken away from the Shinrikyo Cult had nothing to do with them.

But some politicians who were closely related to Park Qi-rui couldn't help it. They were anxious. Once the murderer of the serial murders was really found among these 30 people, even if Park Qi-rui did not do it, Park Qi-rui would still be punished. Have a great impact.

Park Qi-rui was affected, and they could not avoid it, because many of them relied on the help of Park Qi-rui's South Korea and North Korea Group to get to where they are today.

Politicians all have factions and backings, and there is competition between them. If Park Qi Rui has a problem, his opponents will definitely not let go of this perfect opportunity to attack Park Qi Rui.

Although it is said that Pu Qi Rui covers the sky with one hand in the Bangzi Kingdom and is a veritable local emperor, he does not have no enemies. A single family does not exist in a capital society. Pu Qi Rui also has enemies. Whenever there is an opportunity, he can attack Pu Qi Rui. None of his opponents would give up.

And now Park Qi-rui's opponents have taken action. Black materials about Park Qi-rui have been exposed frequently outside, and the South Korean and North Korean groups have also been hit to varying degrees, but there is no substantive evidence now.

"President, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. There have been wild rumors outside that the Truth Religion is a gathering place for evil. The recent serial murder case is a test for the believers by you, President. Many people have already protested outside our group. Got it!"

Park Qirui's subordinate Zhao Taiyu reported anxiously.

"Oh, they're just a bunch of clowns. Don't pay attention to them. The more you care, the prouder they will be. They won't be able to clown for long!"

Pu Qirui stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office and looked outside and said disdainfully.

But what Zhao Taiyu couldn't see was that Park Qirui had an excited expression on his face and madness in his eyes. He really didn't care about the current unfavorable situation at all.

"However, our company's stock has fallen sharply. If we did not come forward to issue a statement, the losses would be very huge. Many shareholders have already protested!"

Zhao Taiyu didn’t understand why Park Qirui was still so calm. Even if the news broke outside was false, the impact on the company was real, not to mention that the police really sent out to take the person away, and it was said that they would also send people I came to the company to investigate the information of several people. The current situation is very unfavorable to the Han Dynasty Group.

"Just arrange for the public relations department to issue a statement. Your main task now is to focus on the most important projects at the moment. You don't need to deal with these rumors without actual evidence. The company does not keep so many people just to look good."

Pu Qirui still said unhurriedly.

Park Qirui has experienced countless storms in his life, and this crisis is nothing to him now, not to mention that he was responsible for all this. To him, the development of the company is far less interesting than the current games.

"Yes, President, I understand!"

Zhao Taiyu bowed and said.

"President, President Li has contacted you several times and wants to see you."

Zhao Taiyu said.

"Tell him I'm not free. Let him do whatever he wants. There's no problem on my side. Tell him he doesn't need to worry, everything is under control!"

Pu Qirui didn't turn around but just waved his hand and said.

"Yes, President, I will reply to Director Li right away."

Zhao Taiyu understood that Park Qirui meant to chase away guests, so Zhao Taiyu left after saying that.

Zhao Taiyu, who closed the door, was still a little uneasy. Although he had been following Park Qirui for nearly twenty years, he had never been able to see through Park Qirui, and he did not understand Park Qirui's obsession with Shinrikyo.

But as a subordinate, he can't talk too much. Doing his job well is the only thing he can do. But every time he faces Park Qi Rui, Zhao Taiyu has a gloomy feeling, and the happier Park Qi Rui smiles, the more Zhao Taiyu Taiyu felt more and more creepy.

This was the feeling just now. Although he couldn't see Pu Qirui's expression, he could tell from Pu Qirui's voice that Pu Qirui was in a very good mood at this time, as if he had encountered something interesting.

After Zhao Taiyu took a deep look at the door of Park Qirui's office, he turned and left. After the incident with the Truth Cult happened this time, Zhao Taiyu's work became even busier. There were quite a lot of things that needed to be coordinated and handled. He was equivalent to Park Qirui. As the spokesperson, he has to handle many things, including Park Qi Rui not showing up to contact those politicians. It is his job.


"Interesting, interesting! These police officers are not all trash! I actually underestimated them for being able to think of this! But this is what makes it interesting. Let me see how far you can find out! Don't let it go I’m so disappointed!”

Park Qi-rui was very excited. Others thought it was a crisis between the Korean and North Korean groups and Park Qi-rui, but in Park Qi-rui's eyes, this was just a game, a game controlled by him.

He didn't care at all what outsiders said. What he cared about was the excitement of the game. He was only worried that the police were not smart enough. Park Qirui originally planned to give some tips if the police made no progress. I have to say that Park Qirui's The madness and perversion are beyond anyone's imagination.

"True God, where have you been? Why haven't you responded to my prayers? Did I make you angry in some way? Please tell me, True God, and I will definitely change it!"

Pu Qirui, who was laughing wildly just now, became panicked. The true god Pu Qirui believed in communicated with him every once in a while, and issued some tasks from time to time.

But when the time came to communicate this time, Pu Qirui was horrified to find that he could not contact the true god. Pu Qirui was afraid that he would be abandoned by the true god. If it were not for the gift of the true god, Pu Qirui would not have what he has now.

Pu Qirui is not afraid of anything but the true god abandoning him. Poor Pu Qirui still doesn't know that the true god he talks about is currently being punished in hell, and he will soon go to see the true god he admires most in person.

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