Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 981 Race against time

It was lucky to be able to find the murderer's route of action. Most people tend to ignore this aspect when checking the surveillance. Han Shanmei also connected all the routes that could avoid the surveillance video on a whim. Unexpectedly, she was actually caught. She discovered a route leading outside the city, so that she could roughly find out the route used by Park Qirui's accomplices to kidnap people.

Coupled with Dongbaek's suggestions about air raid shelters and underground tunnels, as well as the need for residential buildings nearby, the scope has been narrowed down a lot.

After all, the possibility of the murderer living in an air-raid shelter was very slim. There must be a residence near an air-raid shelter or a hole in the ground. This further narrowed the scope of the investigation. After Han Shanmei compiled the information, she immediately reported it to Li Qingxiong.

"Secretary-general, we may have found the general location where Park Qirui committed the crime!"

After answering the phone, Han Shanmei said impatiently.

"Really? Tell me quickly!"

Li Qingxiong was pleasantly surprised.

The investigation that had been stagnant before seemed to be solved all at once. He also obtained a search warrant for Park Qi Rui's house. Unexpectedly, Han Shanmei already had clues about the crime scene.

"I have been checking all the surveillance videos this morning, and accidentally discovered a route out of the city from the location of the missing girl last night. This route can avoid all surveillance. Moreover, I compared it and found that The corpse scene is also on this road, and it is basically certain that the murderer has been taking this route, so we have been unable to find the vehicle driven by the murderer."

"In addition, Officer Dongbaek just mentioned that Park Qi Rui might use the air-raid shelters and underground tunnels outside the city as crime scenes, so I immediately asked people to investigate the air-raid shelters and underground tunnels that can be reached outside the city, and I actually discovered them. A suspicious place."

"This cave is located under Pu Qirui's real estate, and there are villas far away nearby. Almost no one lives there. It is almost certain that this place is the scene of Pu Qirui's crime!"

Han Shanmei suppressed the excitement in her heart and said quickly.

"Great! In this way, let Patrolman Dongbaek and Chief Goo lead the Guangsou Team to investigate that place. You, Patrolman Oh Ji-hoon and I will join together. We will act together and take down Park Qirui and his accomplices in one fell swoop!"

Li Qingxiong was also very excited.

"Hey, what are you talking about! How could a person disappear for no reason! If you can't even do this well, find the person quickly!"

Suddenly at this time, Gu Qingtan received a call from the Gyeonggi Province Police Station. It seemed that someone had escaped from their surveillance.

"what happened?"

Li Qingxiong also heard Gu Qingtan's angry voice through the phone.

"Secretary, wait a minute, I'll open it for release!"

Han Shanmei quickly started the broadcast.

"Sergeant Goo, what happened?"

Han Shanmei looked back at Gu Qingtan and asked.

"Just now, the Gyeonggi Province Police Station said that Sang Xixian disappeared!"

After hanging up the phone, Gu Qingtan's tone was still full of anger, but the living person didn't notice and even ran away.

"How did you disappear?"

Li Qingxiong's voice asked on the phone.

"The Gyeonggi Province Police Station said that Sang Hee-hyun was always at home, and the police station kept an eye on him, but when he went home with Sang Hee-hyun's son, he discovered that Sang Hee-hyun was missing. The officers rushed in immediately, but could not find any trace of Sang Xixian inside or outside. Finally, the police officers found a hidden passage, and Sang Xixian ran away without knowing it!"

Gu Qingtan said quickly.

"From this point of view, there is no doubt that Sang Xixian is Park Qi Rui's accomplice. It is very likely that the police and neighbors saw Sang Xixian at home last night. He had already escaped at that time. In this case, the three people who were arrested were The captured children are in danger!”

Li Qingxiong said worriedly.

"Secretary, do you think Shang Xixian will jump over the wall and kill the three children and destroy all the evidence?"

Han Shanmei was also worried. The progress of the case had finally become clear, and there was hope of rescuing the captured children. Who knew that Sang Xixian disappeared at this time, which put those children in danger.

"The possibility is extremely high. Park Qirui and Sang Xixian are both murderous demons. No one can guarantee what they will do. Don't come here now. Just call the Shangguang search team and rush to find out who they are." The children must be rescued from that place, and no more victims can be added!”

Li Qingxiong said decisively.

"Yes, deputy chief, we will rush there immediately and we will definitely rescue the children!"

Although Han Shanmei said so, she had no idea in her heart. Now, Park Qirui and Sang Xixian were forced into a desperate situation. With their abnormal psychology, they would probably get rid of the three girls. Even if Sang Xixian is caught by then, the children will not survive.

And all the evidence about Park Qi Rui will probably be destroyed by Sang Xixian. In this case, the most they can do is catch Sang Xixian, and Park Qi Rui will probably get rid of the suspicion. In this way, they will lose .

"It's up to you over there. I will take action with the Pu Qirui family and the Western Supervision Office. I hope you can make it in time!"

Li Qingxiong also felt that there was not much hope, but there was still some hope and he could only do his best.

"Rush to the destination at full speed and be sure to rescue the children before Shang Xixian takes action!"

Han Sun-mi, who hung up the phone, said to Oh Ji-hoon who was driving.


Without saying a word, Wu Zhixun immediately turned around and rushed to the suspected crime scene found by Han Shanmei at full speed. Every minute and every second now is extremely important. If you arrive a second earlier, the children may be rescued earlier.

"Damn Park Kiri!"

Li Qingxiong held the phone tightly in his hand. He originally thought that he would soon clear up the fog and see the truth. Unexpectedly, Sang Xixian was out of the control of the police. This was really terrible.

"Hurry up and get to Pu Qirui's house!"

Li Qingxiong said to the driver.


The driver also knew the seriousness of the matter and drove very fast. The Western Supervision Office had already arrived at Pu Qirui's home and was waiting for Li Qingxiong's arrival.


Ten minutes later, Li Qingxiong arrived at Park Qi Rui's house and immediately opened the door and walked towards Prosecutor Kim Do-joo who was waiting outside.

"You're finally here, let's go in now!"

Jin Daozhu said with a somewhat ugly expression.

"What's wrong?"

Li Qingxiong discovered something unusual about Jin Daozhu.

"The chief called me. He was furious at me and refused to let me search Pu Qirui's home. Now he has rushed here. I think Pu Qirui must have known that we came to search his home. He should also be going there at this time. Come back!"

Jin Daozhu exhaled and said.

"Then we must speed up. We must find out everything before they arrive. Han Shanmei has also found the place where Park Qi Rui may have committed the murder and is rushing to the scene. If we succeed this time, we can strike at once It’s down to Park Kiri!”

Li Qingxiong concealed the news of Sang Hee-hyun's disappearance. At this time, Kim Do-joo could not let Kim Do-joo know that Sang Hee-hyun might be handling the aftermath for Park Qi-rui, otherwise Kim Do-joo would probably back down.

"Let's go! Let's hurry up!"

Jin Daozhu gritted his teeth and said.

At this time, there was only one way to go. At the moment when he applied for the search warrant, Jin Daozhu had no choice but to fight to the end. He only hoped that this time would not be in vain and that he could really find out about Park Qirui. Evidence of serial murders, otherwise all his sacrifices would be in vain.

Park Qi Rui was not at home. At this time, there were only a few servants in the house who were cleaning the house. They definitely did not know Park Qi Rui’s murder secrets, and Park Qi Rui was even less likely to let them have access to it. However, after knowing that Li Qingxiong and the Western Supervision Office had brought a search warrant, When they arrived at his house, Pu Qirui was still a little panicked.

Li Qingxiong's actions exceeded Park Qirui's expectations. In Park Qirui's plan, Li Qingxiong might go to the Han-Korean Group to take him to the police station for interrogation, or he might be monitored, but he never expected that Li Qingxiong would directly Take such a deviant step and search his home directly.

Park Qi Rui has a problem. He is different from ordinary serial murderers. Other serial murderers will collect the victims' belongings and keep them for a few years. Park Qi Rui doesn't do that, but he will treat every victim by himself. Write down and take pictures of everything you do. When no one is around, you can slowly appreciate your masterpiece by yourself.

If these things were searched by Li Qingxiong, he would be dead. Even if he covered the sky with one hand in Bangzi Country, he would have no way to survive. The evidence recorded by himself could directly crucify him.

So Park Qi Rui immediately left the Hanchao Group and rushed back to his home without stopping, but before that he had called the servants not to open the door except for him, so as to prevent Li Qingxiong and others from entering Park's home.

In fact, it would be in his best interest for Park Qirui to ask his servants to destroy the evidence directly, but Park Qirui could not do this. All of his evidence recording his evil deeds was hidden in a secret room at home, and in that secret room There were a lot of shameful things. Although the servants had been with him for at least ten years, Pu Qirui didn't dare to bet that those servants wouldn't betray him after seeing those things.

Although Park Qi Rui is psychopathic, he also has a thorough understanding of people's hearts. He understands that even his closest subordinates and family members will stay away from him after seeing those things about him. What those things reveal is no longer What one person can do is beyond the human bottom line.

He is more willing to believe that if his servants see those things, they will definitely give those things to Li Qingxiong regardless of his instructions. In that case, his plan will go bankrupt, although the impact of the serial murder case has already been huge. , but it is far from reaching Park Qi Rui’s expectations.

He still has several bombshells to throw out. He believes that if he throws out the last few bombs in his hand, let alone Bangzi Country, the whole world will tremble because of him, and then his influence will reach At the peak, Pu Qirui believed that only then could he become the most respected believer of the true God.

After the true god lost contact with him, Pu Qirui no longer had the calmness of the past. In addition, now that Li Qingxiong was heading straight towards Huanglong, Pu Qirui was even more caught off guard. There was no smile on his face, his eyes were full of gloom, and his whole person exuded The cold breath makes people feel terrible.

"The time has come to show your loyalty to the true God. Get rid of the tail. You should know what to do after that!"

On the way home, Park Qi Rui dialed Sang Xixian's phone. Such a big change happened. The previous plan could no longer continue and had to be changed, so the three girls must not stay.

Although the last girl has not seen him, the first two girls have seen him, and keeping him will be a disaster. Park Qi Rui will never let the girls live to testify against him.

"It is an honor for me to be a part of the true God. May Allah spread the light of the true God to the world!"

Sang Xixian was extremely solemn when he received Park Qirui's call, as if he was about to do something noble. He had completely lost the honesty he had when he was at the police station. His whole person exuded evil and cruelty, as if he had turned into a devil.

“The true God is with you!”

Park Qirui said solemnly and then hung up the phone.

Park Qi Rui didn't know that Han Sun Mi had already led the search team to where Sang Xixian was. Park Qi Rui always believed that the route of action he chose would not be exposed, and it was impossible for the police to find out where he committed the crime, so he He wasn't really worried that the hole would be discovered. He was just worried that Sang Xixian, who had been targeted by the police, would reveal his flaws and the police would seize the opportunity to find the place where he committed the crime that he had hidden for more than 20 years.

Now both Han Sun Mi and Li Qingxiong are racing against time, but compared to Li Qingxiong, Han Sun Mi's side is more critical. After all, once the search warrant is issued, Park Qi Rui will definitely not sit idly by. All evidence against him will be removed.

Han Shanmei must find Sang Xixian and the kidnapped children before Sang Xixian attacks the girls, otherwise even if they find the cave, it will be of no use.

"Found it, the same vehicle that was suspected of kidnapping the girl passed here last night!"

Han Shanmei called the surveillance cameras along the nearby road, and sure enough, he found the vehicle used by Sang Xixian to transport the kidnapped girl. The route Li Qingxiong found perfectly avoided surveillance in the urban area, but surveillance in the suburbs Li Qingxiong did not He cared about it because he believed that it was impossible for the police to find out about the suburbs, and there were only a few surveillance cameras in the suburbs as there were in the city, so Li Qingxiong ignored it.

"That's right. Not far ahead, there is a cave built during the war years. The land where this cave is located is under Pu Qirui's name. He built some farms in that place twenty years ago. It can be said that It’s a perfect place to commit a crime! If Chief Han hadn’t accidentally discovered the route Park Qi Rui used to kidnap the girl, we would never have found this place!”

Dongbaek looked at the map in his hand and said excitedly.

"Quick, I hope those three girls are still alive, otherwise it won't help even if they find the place!"

Han Shanmei was both excited and a little worried. Catching people was important, but more important was rescuing the three girls. She really didn't want to find three young corpses tortured to death when she arrived.

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