Pirate's Rescue

Chapter 983 Sacrifice

With Han Shanmei's gunshot, Sang Xixian's sinful life came to an end. However, Han Shanmei did not feel the joy of exterminating the devil in her heart. Instead, she felt a great sense of guilt. If their task force had dumped the body in the first place, If the murderer had been caught when the crime occurred, there would not have been many victims later. In the final analysis, Han Shanmei felt that she had not done her job well, so these girls suffered so much torture.

"Chief Police, Chief Police, the murderer is dead!"

After Han Sun-mi shot Sang Hee-hyun to death, she still maintained her gun-holding posture. This was the first time Han Sun-mi shot and killed a suspect. Her whole body became stiff due to the fear caused by killing.

Both the members of the task force and the Guangzhou Search Team respected Han Shanmei very much. More than a dozen men came, but it turned out that the only girl reacted faster than them and shot the prisoner immediately.


After the kidnapped girls saw Sang Xixian being shot dead, their emotions became even more excited, and their tears couldn't stop flowing down. They thought they were dead, but they didn't expect the police to descend from the sky and save them. This kind of narrow escape They will never forget this experience, and they never want to go through it again. This time, the girls will need psychological counseling for a long time, and they don’t know whether they can get rid of this nightmare for the rest of their lives.

"Are you okay?"

After hearing the girls' voices, Han Shanmei reacted. She didn't even want the gun, and hugged the girl who was almost violated by Sang Xixian.

"Don't be afraid, you are saved, no one will bully you again!"

Han Shanmei hugged the girl. The girl's body kept shaking, which showed how scared she was. Han Shanmei quickly took off her coat and put it on the girl, then untied the girl.


As soon as she was freed, the girl hugged Han Shanmei and cried wildly. If Sang Xixian was a devil, then Han Shanmei who rescued her was an angel. Only when she hugged Han Shanmei could she feel Safe, safer than ever.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Han Shanmei kept comforting the girl. After the girl cried for a long time, due to the double physical and psychological injuries, the girl fell into a deep sleep. This is a self-protection mechanism of the body. The other two girls also relied on Han Shanmei closely. Shanmei, because of the psychological shadow Sang Xixian left on them, the girls are now repulsive to men.

There is nothing that can be done about it. If you want to change this situation, it will take time to heal. However, although the physical injuries will recover quickly, the psychological trauma is not a matter of time. Outsiders can only Guidance, if you want to get through this difficulty, the girls still need to overcome it themselves.

Even if they were asleep, the girls' bodies would twitch and tremble unconsciously, with tears hanging from the corners of their eyes, their brows furrowed tightly, and expressions of fear on their faces. When the police were searching for evidence, they He was careful and gentle, not daring to make too much noise for fear of waking up the three sleeping girls. This should be the most peaceful sleep the three girls had after being arrested!

"Chief Police..."


As soon as Gu Qingtan walked to Han Shanmei and called her name, Han Shanmei stopped her. She was afraid of waking up the sleeping girls. Han Shanmei carefully looked at the sleeping girls and found that there were no After alarming them, they slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Han Shanmei carefully placed the girl leaning on her on the floor that had been covered with mats, then stood up gently and stretched her sore shoulders.

"Did you find anything?"

Han Shanmei pulled Gu Qingtan to the side and asked softly.

"There is a video that proves that Park Qi Rui has indeed been here, and it is only a short part. It should be that Park Qi Rui was accidentally recorded, but there is no video of him committing violence, but it is enough to prove that Park Qi Rui is inseparable from the serial murder case. , he can’t escape!”

Gu Qingtan said in a low voice, but the excitement in Gu Qingtan's voice could not be suppressed.

This is indeed a very exciting thing. Although Park Qi Rui was not directly involved in the murder case, the property belongs to Park Qi Rui, Sang Xixian belongs to Park Qi Rui's followers, and Park Qi Rui also appeared in the cave. In the surveillance video, these evidences add up to the fact that Park Qirui will definitely not be able to escape.

Moreover, Li Qingxiong was still searching for evidence at Park Qirui's house. The name was not justified, but with the current evidence, everything is no longer a problem. Park Qirui will definitely not be able to escape, but the current problem is not direct. The evidence shows that Park Qi Rui is the murderer. Sang Xixian's death means that he has lost a direct witness.

Although the evidence at the scene has not yet been collected, it is unlikely that there will be evidence that can directly prove that Park Qi Rui is the murderer. Therefore, the only person who can find out that Park Qi Rui is the murderer is Li Qingxiong at Park Qi Rui's house.

"Great, Sheriff Goo, copy the video immediately, and then rush to Park Qi Rui's house to meet the deputy chief. With these evidences, the deputy chief will be more confident when facing Park Qi Rui and his minions. That’s enough!”

Han Shanmei was also excited, but the matter was not over yet. Sang Xixian was already dead. The girls were not in a suitable state to ask questions now. I don’t know if the girls had seen Park Qirui appear here. If this problem is not solved, , there is no way to prove that Park Qi Rui is the murderer. It can only be proved that Park Qi Rui is related to this serial murder case. With Park Qi Rui's power, it is very likely that Park Qi Rui will escape responsibility.

"I understand. Patrolman Wu and I will rush there immediately!"

Gu Qingtan also knew that time was urgent, so he didn't waste any time. After copying the video directly to his mobile phone, he and Oh Ji-hoon drove to Park Qi-rui's house. The time was too tight and there was no time to waste.

"Hey, deputy chief, we have successfully rescued the kidnapped girls. Sang Xixian was shot dead by me. Now Chief Gu and Patrolman Wu are driving to your place. They have Park Qi Rui participating in the serial murder. There is evidence in the case, but there is no direct evidence that Park Qi Rui is the murderer."

"Although we are still collecting evidence here, I feel that the possibility of finding evidence of Park Qirui's murder is not high. Now it depends on whether you can find the evidence of Park Qirui's murder!"

Han Shanmei left the room where the girls slept and went outside to call Li Qingxiong.

"Great, are the girls okay?"

Li Qingxiong was very excited when he heard the news. Finally, his fortune had turned.

"It was a serious trauma. Physically, there's nothing wrong with it, but I won't be able to recover mentally in a short time. Fortunately, it's not life-threatening."

Han Shanmei turned to look at the sleeping girls in the room and said.

"That's good, as long as everything is fine, all other problems can be solved!"

Li Qingxiong said with a sigh of relief.

"Also, you should immediately collect all the evidence, bring it to the task force to sort out the categories, send the girls to the hospital, and send someone to guard the girls 24 hours a day to prevent Pu Qirui from knowing that the girls are out of trouble. Arrange people to get rid of them. They will definitely not be able to question them in their current state. You must always pay attention to the mental state of the girls. If they recover enough to question them, you must immediately ask for clues related to Pu Qirui!"

Li Qingxiong continued.

"I understand, deputy commander. The ambulance is already on the way. I will personally stay by the girls' side and let Officer Dongbaek be responsible for analyzing the evidence."

Han Shanmei said.

"Okay, notify me as soon as possible if anything happens!"

Li Qingxiong said.

"Secretary-general, what's going on over there now?"

Han Shanmei asked.

After all, all hope is now on Li Qingxiong's side. If Li Qingxiong's side does not go smoothly and cannot convict Park Qi Rui of serial murder, the danger to the girls will not be eliminated.

"We are not optimistic. We are blocked from the house. The security of Park Qirui's house is very high. Even the glass is bulletproof. It is impossible to break in without professional tools. We are still thinking of a way!"

Li Qingxiong said helplessly.

There has been such great progress on Han Shanmei's side, and the girls have been rescued. However, he acted first, but was blocked outside without making any progress, which made Li Qingxiong feel embarrassed!

"Ah! What should we do? Pu Qi Rui should have rushed back, right? If you can't enter the house before Pu Qi Rui gets home, there will be nothing you can do when he gets home, right?"

Han Shanmei asked worriedly.

"We are trying to figure out a way. We have dispatched professional locksmiths from the nearest police station. If that doesn't work, we will have to drive into the car."

Li Qingxiong said.

"Please be careful that time. The ambulance has arrived. I'll accompany the girls to the hospital first. I'll let you know if anything happens!"

At this time, people from the Guangsou team came to tell Han Shanmei that the ambulance had arrived.

"Okay, we must protect the safety of the girls. Whether it is for their own safety or to bring down Park Qiri, they cannot have any accidents!"

Li Qingxiong instructed.

"I understand, deputy commander!"

After saying that, Han Shanmei hung up the phone, and together with the medical staff who came to the cave, they took the girls out of the cave and took them to the hospital.

"What's going on there?"

After Jin Daozhu saw Li Qingxiong hang up the phone, he hurriedly came over and asked.

"Sang Xixian has been shot to death, and the girls have been rescued. A video of Park Qi Rui in the cave was also found. The task force has sent people over. They are not very far from us. I believe I’ll be there soon!”

Li Qingxiong said excitedly.

"That's good, then our search will be justified, and the commander-in-chief won't be able to stop us! This is great news!"

Jin Daozhu said excitedly.

After having the evidence that Park Qi Rui was involved in the serial murder case, Jin Daozhu's tense spirit could finally relax. Before, he was still worried that the chief would come to stop their search. The evidence on his side was insufficient and he could not resist. Now that he had the evidence, Not to mention the general ledger, even the Cheong Wa Dae has reasons to refute it.

"Now it's up to us. Although there is evidence that Park Qi Rui was involved in the serial murder case, there is no direct evidence of Park Qi Rui's murder. If we only rely on that video, there is no way to convict Park Qi Rui of a felony. Therefore, our search here is extremely important!”

Li Qingxiong said excitedly and then worriedly.

"Asshole, this can't go on like this. We can't wait around. We've already reached this point. If Park Qiri is not nailed to death, he will soon be able to do evil again!"

Jin Daozhu said bitterly.

"Let's work hard. Let people drive all our cars in. Even if they hit us with their cars, they will break them open. I don't believe that the floor-to-ceiling window in Pu Qirui's living room can't be broken open by all our cars!"

Li Qingxiong was also anxious. Judging from the time, Park Qirui should be back soon. They couldn't just wait outside the door for Park Qirui to come back and open the door for them, and there was no guarantee that Park Qirui would let the family members The servant destroyed the evidence, so the locksmith stopped waiting and just used brute force.

"Okay, that's it! We have six cars in total. If all six cars can't hit each other, then there's really nothing we can do. It means God is helping Pu Qirui!"

Jin Daozhu also agreed with Li Qingxiong's method. There was no evidence before, and he was not confident enough to forcefully break it. Now that there is evidence to prove that Park Qirui was involved in the serial murder case, the method of handling it can be changed.

After receiving the order, the police and prosecutors immediately ran outside the gate, drove all the cars in, and then lined up in a line, preparing to take turns ramming.

"It's going to be a collision, but you must be careful and don't risk yourself. It doesn't matter if you can't hit it. We'll think of another way!"

Although catching Pu Qirui is the top priority, they cannot risk their own lives, so Li Qingxiong and Jin Daozhu still gave some instructions to their own people.

"Prosecutor, deputy chief, don't worry, we won't make fun of our own lives. Even if there is an accident, as long as we can help you eradicate this demon, it's worth it!"

The men of Jin Daozhu and Li Qingxiong are people full of justice in their hearts. In their opinion, as long as they can get rid of Park Qi Rui, as long as they can prevent countless children from being harmed by demons, it is worth it even if their lives are in danger.

"must be careful!"

Li Qingxiong didn't know what to say, so he just warned him to be careful again.

It’s not like Li Qingxiong didn’t think about going up on his own. After all, he proposed this method. But when Li Qingxiong mentioned that he would be the first to go up, he was rejected by everyone. Li Qingxiong still had more difficult tasks, and he had to rely on his rich experience. With his experience in handling cases, he can find the murder evidence hidden by Park Qirui. This is something that other young police officers cannot do.

At this time, Li Qingxiong regretted making this suggestion. If something happened to these young police officers and prosecutors, how would he face their families? But sometimes, for the benefit of more people, small children must be sacrificed. For some people, this is no longer a question of whether they want it or not.

Li Qingxiong could only tell a few young police officers and prosecutors to be careful to ensure his own safety.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..."

Several young police officers and prosecutors stepped on the accelerator with solemn expressions on their faces. There was no fear in their hearts, only the determination to defeat Park Qi-rui. And although it was dangerous to do so, they would not lose it as long as they were careful. Life, at most, only injuries.


After a loud noise, the first car roared towards the huge floor-to-ceiling window, getting faster and faster, and slammed into it hard. Li Qingxiong and Park Qirui stared at the desperate figure in the car with their eyes wide open. I prayed in my heart.

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