That night, Ace, Baijing, and Little Oz began to officially gallop on the sea.

The two of them didn't know where their destination was, so they drifted along the sea.

I don't know if the boat is sturdy or not, but if you encounter any pirates on the way, you can borrow it.

If you don't borrow it, you can only convince people with virtue.

Anyway, he Bai Jing is a person who has crossed over, what this virtue is, everyone understands it.

"Let's just let him drift now, or let's just go and kill the other pirates. "

Little Oz's huge body sank in the ocean.

He could push the boat forward with every move he made below, so they were extremely fast.

Little Oz also wanted to resurrect the others earlier.

So he can help kill the pirates and save some Nine Shades Qi for Bai Jing.

But Ace shook his head slowly, "Oz is wrong in what he said, pirates' lives are also fate.

"Those who slaughtered deserve to die.

"This kind of thing goes naturally, and Mr. Bai Jing has his own ideas.

Ace's name for Bai Jing has also changed, at first he was a brother, and now he is a gentleman.

He is the true respect for Bai Jingzhen, one is the respect for the strong, the second is the respect for their resurrection, and the third is the respect for enlightening him.

Bai Jing lay on top of the boat, his head resting under his hands.

He smiled lightly and looked at the stars on the sea, "This is what it feels like to be free."

"And I already have a candidate for my next target, have you ever heard of a sentence?"

"A real man is no more than Xiao Feng, no more gentle than Corazon, and no more affectionate than Seigor." "

It's a pity, one of these three people is a cadre of Doflamingo, and he shouldn't be able to dig it up.

"But it's enough to fill the regrets of this love.

"But I just don't know if there's anyone in there to look for, so let it be."

"But we have to find this person first, and our first stop is to go to Marinfando."

"I believe that it won't be long before we can see Luffy and them again, and at this point in time, they should have arrived at Big Mom's territory, in the territory of Big Mom.

Ace listened quietly and asked aloud.

"But it's still a long way to Marinfando.

"I guess it's going to take a lot of days.

"By the way, we can rob a naval warship, and that warship is fast, and semi-automated, much faster than our little wrecked ship.

Bai Jing jumped up, and there was ambition in his eyes.

Ace nodded, this method is feasible.

The three of them have been adrift on this sea for three whole days, and they haven't seen any pirate ships, not even Mao.

Bai Jingbai lay bored on the bow of the boat, they had already eaten all the food in the past few days.

Now there is nothing to eat, so I can only go to the sea to catch the sea kings, but this sea kings do not appear often, and there is no place to go if you want to eat something.

Little Oz, who has been pushing the boat forward day and night for the past three days, has lost some weight.

They have no place for Bailey to spend.

The Bailey on their bodies, including the head of the leader of the red and gold pirates, and the gold, silver and jewels exchanged for cash, totaled 15 million Bailey.

It's a pity that this is money, and you can't eat without being full.

"Look, there's a restaurant on the sea in front of you, let's go there and rest first!" Little Oz's

voice sounded heavily, attracting the attention of Ace and Bai Jing.

The two stood up and looked at the restaurant on the sea in the distance.

Bai Jing looked familiar with it, and exclaimed, "Isn't this the sea restaurant opened by Redfoot Zhepu?"

"That is, Sanji's master."

Bai Jing couldn't help but be excited, and the soul of the Huangquan fruit floated out of the body and landed in this restaurant on the sea.

The body alone is still in place.

There are many people coming and going in the sea restaurant, and the number of pirates eating is about hundreds.

Bai Jing's soul body, the moment he came to the restaurant, shouted, "Boss, come here, 50 servings of seafood fried rice." "

I rely on

ghosts!" "There are ghosts here!" Bai

Jing's voice immediately attracted the attention of the waiters of the sea restaurant, as well as the pirates.

Looking at the green soul body floating in the air, the soul was scared.

The pirates shouted from the sidelines.

And the people who were eating looked at Bai Jing like this, and couldn't help shouting, "It's really a ghost!"

"It's haunted in broad daylight." Ace

hugged Bai Jing's body and came to the restaurant.

Then Bai Jing's soul slowly floated back into the body and returned to its original state.

Little Oz didn't come closer, he was too big, and when the time came, they would cook the rice into a very large portion of seafood fried rice, and it would be good to bring one to Little Oz.

Moreover, they had to find a nearby island, otherwise little Oz would be soaked in dried fish after three days in the sea.

When the white scene changed back to its original state, everyone slowly returned to their seats.

Looking at Bai Jing's youngest appearance, he had bad thoughts again.

A few people had already secretly written down Bai Jing's appearance, waiting outside the restaurant, and laughed fiercely, "Little ghost, you dare to let me lose face."

"Doing this kind of prank in broad daylight, it seems that you have a few lives that are not enough for you to die. "

Boss, the people have been arranged, and our boat has already sailed outside.

"The guys on the ship are a full 100 of them, and they have surrounded them for the past 4 weeks, just waiting for this little ghost. "

Very well, wait a minute, when this little imp comes out, he will be chopped up, and he will dare to make our Cheniu Pirates lose face like this. "

Hehe, don't worry, boss, everything is ready. "

Outside, the pirates are quietly gathering.

Bai Jing and Ace found a place to sit down, waiting for the seafood fried rice.

As for the movement outside, it was all under Shirai's observation.

With the domineering ability to see and hear, and the Thunder Fruit can also hear the heartbeat of others, he has a clear perception of every move of everyone in this entire sea restaurant.

The corner of his mouth sneered, "Hmph, I'm looking for trouble, these pirates are really stupid."

"Just over 200 people sent me some Nine Shades Qi. "

Jepp the Redfoot, who is in the kitchen at this time.

The amount of 50 servings of seafood fried rice poured in at once, and he looked curiously at who wanted so much, and it was very steady to make seafood fried rice.

Two bowls of fried rice, served quickly.

Looking at the golden seafood fried rice in front of him, Bai Jing started directly.

Take a spoon and put it into your mouth, and that's called a delicious.

His eyes bloomed with golden light, and he praised, "Good cooking skills, worthy of Shanji's master."

"This seafood fried rice is even more delicious than I expected, and the umami of this seafood blends perfectly with the aroma of fried rice. "

It's a treat for the taste buds, a few more.

Shirai shouted, he had eaten it completely.

Compared to Ace's eating, his eating appearance is very different.

After Ace learned the etiquette, he ate very elegantly, and slowly sent it to his mouth one bite after another.

Zhepu, who was cooking seafood fried rice outside the kitchen, limped out when he heard what Bai Jing said.

His foot was cut off because he saved Shanzhi at the beginning, so he got the name of Red-Footed Zhepu.

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