"You keep probing and wait and see, we are slowly sending out troops.

"This time, if that person is a black-fisted Zefa, it should be considered in the long run.

"Marshal Akainu couldn't leave for a while, so he could only let them wander in this new world for a while.

"Then lead the navy and break it with thunder. The

voice of the messenger snail sounded, and the spy on the island had no choice but to nod, looking at Bai Jing and his party with palpitations.

Whether it is Bai Jing or Zefa, their combat power is very high.

It has long been impossible to solve it by simply dispatching a general.

When the naval spies heard this, they had no choice but to give up and let Bai Jing and them on this island.

On the second day, the pirates on this island were forcibly removed by force by Whitebeard and others.

After all, this was once one of the residences of the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

Now that Whitebeard is back, it's time for the lost territory to be subdued.

Bai Jing stood at the edge of the island, and beside him stood Whitebeard, Blackwrist Zefa, Ryoma, Fire Fist Ace, Little Oz, as well as the Golden Emperor and Corazon.

Such a team stood in a row, except for Bai Jing standing in front, everyone else was slightly half a step behind Bai Jing.

Bai Jing said loudly, "The pirates on the island can leave."

"Give you time to wait for ten breaths to consider, if you don't react after ten breaths, those who stay on the island will be killed."


"There are pirates who actually take the initiative to stir up trouble, it's that supernova Bai Jing, what should the boss do?"

"We can't go. When

the pirates on this island heard this, they panicked.

Hearing Bai Jing's name and knowing that he was worth 3 billion Bailey, many pirates immediately chose to leave without any hesitation.

After all, Bai Jing has so many bounties outside, so his strength must be very strong.

Don't join in the fun with these nameless little pirates like them, the gods fight and mortals suffer, just go, don't have any decisiveness.

Of course, there must be a head iron.

The other pirates, whose net worth was hundreds of millions, had golden lights flashing in their eyes, thinking about whether to leave or not.

Among them, the swamp pirates, the gas pirates, and the black dragon pirates are the leaders.

The three pirates gathered, and their leader also united with some small pirates.

The number of people gathered to more than 8,000 people, and they hid on the island one by one, secretly looking at the 10 people standing on the edge of the island.

"What to do, if this piece of fat is lost, we will have to find it somewhere else.

"Most of the other new worlds have been taken over by famous pirates. "

If we still want to get a piece of the pie in the past, we definitely don't have a chance, do we fight or not fight now?"

The man from the Black Dragon Pirates was the first to speak, his face covered in scars.

The muscles up and down his body exploded, and his height came to more than three meters, and he was a reckless man.

The Swamp Pirates and the Gases Pirates looked at each other, unwilling.

Let them give up this area for nothing, then how can they do it

?" The three of them glanced at each other, gritted their teeth, and said, "I don't believe that a few of them can really beat more than 8,000 of us?"

"Although it is said that there is Fire Fist Ace, but the amount of reward that Fire Fist Ace once offered was more than 500 million Bailey.

"And we're both worth more than 500 million berry, so it's not a problem to fight them."

"As for the supernova Bai Jing, it is absolutely feasible for so many people to use him with crowd tactics. The

one that had already been discussed here flew up, and Bai Jing and the others stood on the beach, indifferently counting from 1 to 9.

By the time the count reached 10, the edge of the island had long since run away.

Many of the pirates have already retreated, leaving only some of them still on top.

There are also some weak ones, these people really know that they can't beat and run, and they still stay here and don't know what they're doing.

The Yellow Emperor was bored and said, Bai Jing smiled lightly, "There are many people in the world, and they don't want to give up this territory.

"Then you can only give something else, like life.

"It just so happens that my Nine Shades Qi is almost finished, and now, it's good that someone can come over and replenish my Nine Shades Qi.

Bai Jing clearly captured that on this island, in addition to the people on those islands, there were other pirates hiding in the shadows.

It is estimated that it will not be long before it will come out, and he clasps his fists to his chest, looking so thin.

looked at a certain place, with interest, and jokingly said, "They are here, these iron-headed babies are here."

As soon as Bai Jing's words fell, where Bai Jing's eyes were looking, three men took the lead in coming out.

Then, they were followed by more than 8,000 pirates.

One by one, they were either holding guns or long knives in their hands, secretly encircling this coast, as if they were encircling a few people.

Whitebeard's height of more than 6 meters made these pirates stunned and slightly frightened.

Then after seeing Little Oz's height of dozens of meters, he was even more frightened, and his legs trembled.

Knowing the bottom of his heart, the last few soldiers spoke, "Is

the regiment commander serious?" "Let's fight these monsters, can we really fight?"

"I don't know if this is the meaning of the regiment commander, we can't disobey the ship." "

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