"You said you had nothing to do, it's not worth a lot of money, and now you're still playing with me........"

Bai Jing sighed softly, looked at the people who were already dead, took out the coconut from the side of himself, inserted the straw, and began to drink.

Put on your sunglasses and enjoy it.

Hua Zhiyin and Ain looked at Bai Jing like this, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly.

The rest of the people are all doing things below.

Bai Jing was fine, and began to be lazy, who called him the captain.

He hadn't killed anyone before, but now he just felt numb.

The world of pirates is like this, it's very simple for you to kill me or for me to kill you.

Seeing that all the pirates who had encroached on their land had been driven away, the sea people on the island immediately walked to the street and cheered.

"Great, those pirates are finally gone.

"Thank God.

"If they don't leave, we don't know how to live our lives, these pirates are so hateful. The

crowd of seafarers shouted, and some even shed tears, these days are really torturous for them.

Bai Jing and the others just glanced at it, then withdrew their gaze, didn't say much, and returned to the Xiangyang.

As for the corpses, he really had nothing to do with them if they were really decomposing here.


For a month, Bai Jing and Ace came to the tomb where the redhead buried them.

Above the two graves, one was Whitebeard's Tomb, where a large knife was inserted.

Whitebeard's mantle, draped over his body, symbolizes that Whitebeard is still there.

On the other side is the familiar cowboy hat of Fire Fist Ace with a crying face and a smiling face on it, these two people are very familiar, and they sigh in their eyes.

"I didn't expect someone to set up a tomb for me after I died, it's really weird, I think it should be the red-haired ghost. Whitebeard

guessed and guessed.

Ace stepped forward gently, stroking his grave, and picked up the hat and the blade again.

one on the head, the other on the waist, blowing the sea breeze, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Whitebeard didn't say much, but his big hand took the familiar cloud cut and raised it upward, and the white cloak flew in the air.

With his left hand, he pulled the cloak off and put it behind him.

With a knife in his right hand, the white beard returned.

The young whitebeard held Cong Yunche in his hand, and at this moment, the king's demeanor was undoubtedly revealed.

In fact, this scene is also very strange, that is, the dead are resurrected.

After the resurrection, look at your grave and retrieve the contents from the grave.

It's a rebirth, but it's always a bit weird.

Bai Jing watched from the sidelines and didn't disturb the two.

When the two of them stood for a while, Bai Jing smiled, threw out two jugs of wine from the bag behind him, and landed in front of them.

The two of them took it in their hands, looked at each other and smiled, and took a big gulp.

Then, pouring the rest of the wine over their graves, they turned and walked away, dashing.

"In the old days, we died when we died, but now we are living again.

Seeing the two of them like this, Bai Jing had a smile in his eyes, and turned around and left first.

And the two followed Bai Jing back to the Xiangyang.

The people of the Xiangyang are still happy.

The rest of the people drove the boat to another place by the way, and in this place, Bai Jing left with the black wrist Zefa.

A few people don't have to think about it to know that this must also be a person's grave.

And this tomb is about the black wrist Zefa.

Ain looked at this area with a complicated look in his eyes, it was in this place that Teacher Zefa was surrounded and suppressed by the students he taught by himself.

was killed by another of his beloved disciples, the yellow ape.

It's really emotional to be back here now.

This is what Bai Jing did on purpose, and he actually came to Whitebeard's grave, so he had to bring Zefa to his grave to have a look.

Zefa's grave is much simpler.

There was only a tomb-shaped cross, and Fang dragged a metal arm.

the two walked in front of them, and Bai Jing chuckled, "Teacher Zefa, say goodbye to your past self, now you have a new life."

"When all the noise is calm, there will still be a man who will drink alone at your grave with wine.

The black-wristed Zefa was wearing black sunglasses, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Stood in front of his grave for a long, long time.

Ironically, the one who lived again has returned to his own grave.

Everything is silent, and the sea breeze blows.

After being silent for a moment, the black-wristed Zefa turned his head and smiled, which was a relief for his past self.

This time, it was a real relief.

Seeing that the black wrist Zefa was like this, Bai Jing threw out a glass of wine, "This wine is called Shirley, you know, a man's wine." "

You said the next time you had a drink with him. But you can never wait for the next time you say.

"But you've said it's the most domineering of wines.

"Since then, there has been a man who drinks only this kind of wine – drinking the most handsome wine, doing the most handsome things, and becoming the most handsome person.

"This is a legend that never dies. "

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