"Is this a duel between top swordsmen?"

"It's too terrifying.

Bai Jing took the time to glance to the side, and when he saw that there was really a word to describe it, it must be a sword and a sword.

The two turned into afterimages and kept fighting on the field.

The surrounding continent of gold is falling apart under the influence of their gaps.

Ryoma, in the eyes of Bai Jing, is still in the upper hand, because the sword he holds is not as good as the supreme fast work held by Hawkeye Mihawk.

And until now, he hasn't used his skills, all of them are learning Hawkeye's skills.

Bai Jing had a whim, he always had a sword move in his mind, and he didn't know if he could make it.

Because in this reincarnation, he didn't go to the sword cultivation.

I don't know anything about these swords, but after all, I also crossed over from the Blue Star, and I have always had a dream in my heart.

That is, it can also be like martial arts novels and fantasy novels, where the powerful swordsman opens the gate of heaven with a sword and slashes the sky with a sword.

That's so majestic, that's so handsome.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he shouted to Ryoma, "Ryoma, I have a sword move here, there is only one style, whether you can learn it depends on you."

"This move is tangible and powerful, but it lacks the key point, this sword, I call it the sword drawing and slashing the sky, you can see it."

Bai Jing shouted, his gaze rang, and once again a golden flash of light condensed from his hand, launched it, and landed in front of Bucky.

Looking at Bucky, who was still flying upside down in the distance, Bai Jing smiled weirdly, looking at Bai Jing smiling like this, Bucky always felt a sense of foreboding.

Immediately, in the midst of his gaze, a sluggish light condensed from Bai Jing's hand and fell on him.

Bucky's speed slowed down visibly, and he flew backwards as slowly as a snail.

Bai Jing was so satisfied that he took a few hundred steps back from the air.

There was thunder and lightning in his hand, and a thunder knife was condensed.

The thunder knife slowly put it into the palm of his left hand, and his body condensed slightly.

Ryoma and Hawkeye glanced over here, especially when Ryoma heard what Bai Jing said, his eyes were curious.

Bai Jing held the hilt of the knife in his right hand, looking at Bucky, who was constantly flying upside down in the distance, but slowly like a snail, the corners of his mouth were grinning, and his eyes were solemn.

At this moment, he slowly closed his eyes and brewed momentum.

On top of this thunder knife, the power of fire, ice, and flash is blessed.

The flash made the knife faster, and the ice, thunder, and flames increased its power.

After all, he is not a real swordsman, and he can't have sword energy like fantasy novels.

A sky-high momentum erupted from Bai Jing's body.

Bai Jing opened his eyes suddenly, and the thunder knife quietly came out of its sheath, and only the roar of the sword could be heard, like thunder on a spring day, and there was an explosion.


!" "Boom!"

In fact, this is really the sound of thunder, but in order to increase the momentum, Bai Jing used the ability of the thunder fruit to imitate the sound ......of thunder

The right hand slashed forward.

The momentum of this knife is very fast.

Bai Jing also performed according to the imaginary sword drawing and slashing technique.

This knife pulled out a sword light that was more than a hundred feet long, and suddenly appeared on the field.

Everyone only felt a flash of white light, and they lost sight for a moment.

After his gaze was restored, the half-moon-shaped silver sword qi slashed directly at Bucky with the four attributes of ice, flame, thunder, and light.

Bucky was panicking to death at this moment, and he almost didn't get scared out of his pee.

I wanted to dodge but couldn't, because I was exerted the ability of the sluggish fruit, this terrifying sword slashed out, and the clouds above were forced to cut out a crack.

A cloud fault was formed.

The Golden Continent below was cut in half by this sword.

After doing all this, the thunder knife in Wang Xuanzhi's hand slowly dissipated.

And Nabaki also took the terrifying knife head-on.

The knife momentum, unstoppable, unstoppable.


It's just that he's a Fragmented Fruit Ability, so of course he's immune to this sword technique.

But the attachment effect of that sword light really hit the damage.

Bai Jing also thought of this, so he attached the ability of the 4 elements to it.

The lightning destroyed the functions in his body, causing him to faint for a short time.

The hot flames exploded all over him, burning his clothes to the ground.

Ice, let him enjoy the two heavens of ice and fire, the ultimate treatment.

As for this light, of course, it is to increase the speed of this knife.

On the other side, Ryoma and Hawkeye both saw the sword and saw the style of the sword.

It can be said that since they were called the Great Sword Heroes, they had never seen such a perfect sword.

Although Bai Jing did not describe the complete god of slaying the sky, they were also able to speculate through the style of this sword and the momentum of the sky.

In my heart, I have begun to secretly figure out how to use this sword to the extreme.

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