Oz Jr

. "Boom!"


"It's this guy again, how did he get here

?", "So big?",

"Is this a giant?".

In the northeast corner of this street, a loud noise caught the attention of Shirai.

Bai Jing muttered in a low voice, "The Huangquan Fruit has awakened for the first time, and the time to go to this Nine Secluded Land is absolutely limited.

"There is not much Nine Shades Qi in my body.

"If you can't find Ace within a day, you must return your soul to the yang world, otherwise you will stay in this Nine Shades of Yellow Spring forever." "

Because the time he took to get the Huangquan Fruit was short, and the development time was also short, he couldn't grasp the Nine Shadows of the Huangquan Fruit very well.

It has to be stored and used slowly in the sun.

Endless dead and cold qi to store the qi of the Nine Shades can make oneself stay in the Nine Shades longer.

"There's movement over there, let's go over there and take a look.

Bai Jing dissipated the aura of the Nine Shadows on his body and rushed towards the northeast corner of the street corner.

On this street corner, a strange-looking, firstborn man with two horns looked at the building he had destroyed in embarrassment.

He has long fangs in his mouth, pale green skin, long red hair, and long eyelashes.

The body is extremely tall, it is an ancient giant clan, much taller than the giant clan.

He wears a skull pendant around his neck, wears samurai armor, and holds a large sword.

When Bai Jing arrived here, he was stunned when he saw the appearance of this giant clan, isn't this the captain of Whitebeard's ship, Little Oz?

He is also carrying a straw hat that Ace knitted for him behind his back, and it is precisely like this, he thinks that Ace is very gentle.

He didn't listen to Whitebeard and rushed to Marin Fando, because Little Oz's huge body would be used as a live target, so Whitebeard didn't let Little Oz come.

But in order to save Ace, he was alone and rushed to the execution table to save Ace.

But as a result, he was seriously injured by the three-person bears of the "Seven Martial Seas", Don Quixote Doflamingo and Moria.

His right foot was cut off and his body was pierced, after which Oz collapsed from his injuries.

When the navy laid an encirclement network in an attempt to trap "Whitebeard" and the others, because his body was too large, the blood flowing from his body seeped into the navy's encirclement network system, making it impossible for some organs to operate smoothly.

And, before going to the execution table, he didn't let the siege completely block Whitebeard and the others, and then assisted "Whitebeard" to extradite the black Moby Dick into the siege, and finally fell down again after being hit hard by a cannonball.

That's why he died.

Many souls around looked at Little Oz with bad intentions.

"Such a reckless giant clan has destroyed so many street buildings.

"It's okay, the law enforcement team will come and detain this ghost in the Yellow Spring, and it will not be reincarnated.

"That's what happens to people who break the rules.

"What kind of anomaly is this?"

"Who knows, he looks so fierce, maybe he was a ghost in front of him."

"I didn't expect such a monster to be able to come to this Yellow Spring City and be reincarnated. "


Little Oz was already grumpy when he said this, and there was a hint of redness on his cyan face, as if he was annoyed.

However, because of the rules of this Yellow Spring City, he couldn't do anything.

Holding the long knife in his hand, he was stunned in place at a loss, and his eyes couldn't help but panic.


, Bai Jing was going to save Ace, but when he saw little Oz, there was no reason not to save him.

As the captain of the sixteenth ship, his strength is at the level of vice admiral.

Hearing that they said that they were going to send him to the Yellow Spring, and that he couldn't be reincarnated, what could he do?

He couldn't help but exude endless Nine Shadows Qi from his body, enveloping him.

Most of the Nine Shadows Qi enveloped Xiao Aozi's huge body, and his figure slowly disappeared in place.

Bai Jing also has some pain, he could have stayed here for 24 hours, but now he can only stay for 18 hours, which is already the top of the sky.

However, his people were still in place, just invisible.

The people around saw that little Oz had disappeared out of thin air, and couldn't help but wonder, "Where are the people

?" "Where did the people go?"

"I don't know, I was still here just now, what the hell."

Bai Jing came to Little Oz's side with the aura of the Nine Shadows, and he raised his head to look at Little Oz.

Since little Oz is here, maybe he has a certain connection with Ace.

"Do you know where Ace is?"

Little Oz heard the sound and looked down, the cautious look in his eyes becoming fierce.

If it was for someone else's sake, he could be restrained, but for Ace's sake, he would never divulge a little information about Ace.

What's more, the person in front of him actually knew Ace, and he didn't know whether he was friend or foe.

His voice was heavy, and he spoke, "How do you know Ace, who are you?"

Because of the Nine Shadows Qi wrapping, the bodies and voices of the two of them will not be discovered by others, so they can talk with confidence.

Bai Jing smiled lightly, "Not only do I know Ace, but I can also reunite Ace with his brother."

"All you have to know is that I have no ill will towards you.

"Don't you think I'm still going to help you through this now?"

"Take me to Ace, and you'll understand everything." "

He couldn't tell for a while, he couldn't say that he was a person who crossed over, because he was a pirate fan, so he wanted to fill all the regrets in the pirates.

The ghost would believe it, and it would be good if the little son didn't give him a knife to death.

The caution in Little Oz's eyes was still there, and he didn't relax his vigilance at all because Bai Jing said such things.

Instead, he asked again, clenching the long knife in his hand.

This is exactly the character of Little Oz.

Protect Ace as a brother, his own siblings, even if he risked his life.

During the top war, he carried bullets like this, in order to save Ace.

Seeing that it didn't work, Bai Jing couldn't help but sigh softly, he pointed to the hat behind Little Oz's back, and said, "Your hat was made for you by Ace himself." "

For Ace, he blocked a lot of bullets and bullets, and finally died in battle, what a big fool who cares about love!" "

Don't you want to go back to the real world with

Ace?" "Don't you want to see the three brothers Ace, Luffy, and Sabo reunited

?" "And don't you miss the rest of the Whitebeard group

?" "The immortal bird Marco is still alive, he lives in the pain of self-blame, don't you want to go back and see?"

"Don't you want to go back for revenge?" Bai

Jing spoke, and after a series of rhetorical questions, the vigilance in Oz's heart was slowly lowered, and he was aroused by a burst of anger.

During the Top War, it was the damn navy that killed Ace and killed Daddy.

Little Oz let down the guard in his heart, and his eyes softened when he looked at Bai Jing.

Although he didn't know why Bai Jing knew so much, he knew that his straw hat was made by Ace.

But with these words, he believed.

He also wants to return to the real world, and he also wants to see the picture of Ace reuniting with the three brothers, and see Ace's smiling face.

I have to say that Little Oz, a stupid big man, really values love and righteousness, and is only for his brothers.

He said, "Come with me."

Seeing that this worked, Bai Jing nodded and followed behind Little Oz.

Because of being wrapped in the Nine Shadows Qi, his steps and all his movements were completely obscured.

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