Around Bai Jing, there are Stella and Hua Zhiyin.

He looked at the navy that was constantly killing him, and couldn't help but be stunned, "Tell me, what are you doing with nothing to do with abuse?"

"You still come to me to fight, isn't this looking for death?" "

Look at the stupid big guy on the side, he is weaker, looking for him to fight, so honest and honest at first glance, he is the type of bully."

"And the boy in the cowboy hat on the side, his body is so weak, you go to him."

"What are you looking for me for?" Bai

Jing complained in his mouth, looking at the navy he had killed, without any mercy, the corners of his mouth raised slightly to reveal a mysterious smile.

That being said, the movements in the hands are not like that.

The corner of the eye suddenly released the domineering aura of the overlord color.

The golden domineering, in the form of a ripple, centered on him, shook all around.

The tens of thousands of navies who attacked and killed him, under the influence of this terrifying overlord domineering, rolled their eyes, their bodies went weak, and they all fell down.

The navy of 50,000 fell 40,000 at this moment.

There are also 10,000, with a firm will, and they are going to kill Bai Jing.

Little Oz grinned, swinging the long knife in his hand forward.

And the five lieutenant generals hurriedly stepped forward to block this huge physique giant

, and with a swing of his sword, thousands of navies were blown away.

5 lieutenant generals and Oz Jr. got into the middle of the fight.

Vice Admirals are also not vegetarians, especially Vice Admiral Six.

The two generals shouted and jumped into the sky.

"Shave Iron Cube!"

Jump off the ground and spin your body at high speed, then use "Iron Block" to turn to the enemy at high speed with "Shaving".

All of your attack power will be concentrated at the very top, and when you hit the enemy, you will be able to unleash a powerful attack with the power generated by the high-speed rotation.

"Iron Block, Shattered!" the

other two navies, with their whole bodies in the "Iron Block" state, punched Little Oz.

The power can shatter the ground.

It also kills little Oz, who is a big physique.

The corners of Ace's mouth twitched, and he heard what Bai Jing said just now.

Obviously, he is the strongest here, but now he is going to cause trouble, and it is very bad.

The old opponent is against the old opponent, and Smoker is against the fire fist Ace.

As for the rest of the navy

, there is no sea building stone, pure miscellaneous fish.

The guns and bullets of this Hailou Stone gave Ace a headache.

But in the fight with Smog, he will still let go of his hands and feet, and there will be no water fight.

That's it, you live or die!"

Ace stretched out ten fingers with both hands, formed a cross, and shouted.


The two index fingers crossed to form a cross, and a cross-shaped ray of light shot out from the fingers, aiming at the other person.

After that, it shoots flames at the target in the shape of a cross-shaped ray.

The flames erupted violently, shooting at Smoker.

And above Smoker's fist, smoke.

Hit the crossfire with brute force and fight forward.

Ace is not a vegetarian either, and when he was done with all this, his figure disappeared in place, and Ace, who was known for his physical skills, appeared behind Smoker.

The fist slammed into Smoker's body, erupting in flames.

The navy of the fourth week raised a bullet made of sea tower stones and fired at Ace.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ace glanced at the movement of the navy here, and jumped to the side, dodging the bullets of these sea building stones.

These bullets from Hailou Stone, when they reach him, will limit his ability.

On Bai Jing's side, the 10,000 navy was constantly surrounding Bai Jing, and a full 10 vice admirals were deployed here to kill Bai Jing.

Bai Jing shouted, "You really think of me!" "

I'm really good, I don't need to send so many people."

"See that stupid big man, you see that your navy has been suppressed by others, and you don't send a few more combat forces over.

"And the kid who plays with fire over there, he's also strong, there's no need to just stare at me and fight alone." "

Bai Jing's body is filled with thunder and lightning.

When everyone saw Bai Jing's appearance, the corners of their mouths twitched.

If they can take your word for it, they're really stupid.

Of course, the strongest of them, who doesn't know that it's you kid, and you still want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

You are also the one with the highest bounty.

"Don't talk nonsense, die

!" "Obediently tie your hands and be captured, or be killed by us!" The

vice admiral shouted, and the man had a navy six on his body, and his hands were covered with domineering.

The other 9 killed Bai Jing in all directions, not giving him the slightest chance to counterattack.

"Damn, you don't talk about martial virtues, so many people beat me up!"

"Are you still a righteous navy?"

"Your justice, what about your face?"

"Justice is behind you, as for the face .......

" "That thing doesn't matter."

"It's right to be able to arrest you. The

navy who had killed him shouted, and at this time, Bai Jing sighed softly, "Why do you say this?"

"30 million volts thunder beast. "

30 million volts Thunderbird. On

his left and right hands, the thunder light turned into a huge thunder beast.

The thunderbeast kept running, killing the few people in front of it.

The Thunderbird turned into a huge phoenix and slew the vice admiral in the sky.

As for the one behind him, Bai Jing jumped to the side, his hands folded, and endless thunder surged.

Powerful thunder and lightning spread all around.

In the void, he drooped down sharply and shouted, "God's sanction." "

Form a thunderbolt on your wrist and release it according to the user's will.

The final release of thunder rains down a huge pillar of lightning from the sky, destroying the target.

The vice admirals in the rear were slammed down by this huge and thick pillar of thunder.

A terrifying thunderbolt slammed them aside.

The body is in disarray.

Several people hurriedly summoned out their armed colors and covered their bodies to resist.

But this terrifying thunder and lightning high pressure, as well as this powerful impact force, knocked them all to the side, and their figures were embarrassed.

One by one, they flew upside down.

10 vice admirals were easily solved by Bai Jing's three moves.

And the remaining 10,000 navies are still approaching Baijing and surrounding Baijing.

Hailoushi's gun was loaded at this moment, and the bullet was fired.

On the warships of the Navy, the cannon sounded one after another.


" "Boom!" "Boom!"


cannonballs with large skulls came one after another, towards Ace, towards Little Oz, and towards Bai Jing and the three of them.

Hua Zhiyin was comfortably in the small fish tank on the side, looking at the navy around him.

Stella approached the sound of flowers, her expression unflustered.

Since we are all partners, then believe in partners.

It was Bai Jing who saved her, and it was Bai Jing who gave her the chance to see Tezzolo again.

Even if she died like this now, she wouldn't have any complaints.

Bai Jing looked at the black cannonballs in the sky, black and pressing, like a rain of cannonballs.

He snapped his fingers on his hand.


There seemed to be a sound in the air, like broken glass.


The space above it shattered little by little, revealing a pitch-black black hole.

These shells were all destroyed in the air by the force of the air shock, and they exploded in unison above, not falling and injuring everyone.

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