As for Trafalgaro, he is now actually inheriting the will of Rosinandi and is moving forward.

And about Doflamingo......

There will be opportunities in the future.

He would take Doflamingo to the ship, and the conflict between the two brothers, Corazon and Doflamingo, was not a problem in Bai Jing's eyes.

In fact, what Brother Ming values most is not to betray him.

Corazon betrayed him, so he killed him with his own hands.

Because the Don Quixote family did not betray him, he treated them with great affection.

Looking at their attitude towards Brother Ming, you can understand that Brother Ming is definitely the person they trust the most.

He is also one of the most worthy of follow, Virgo, who was willing to be an undercover agent in the navy for many years, and Monet still trusted Mingo until the moment before his death.

Doflamingo, who has already killed Corazon once, has repaid and betrayed, so the problem is solved.

Now that I suddenly see Corazon resurrected, what kind of sparks will the two collide with, this is all a story for later.

Time passed quietly, and with the sailing of the sea, the news of Bai Jing and his party once again spread throughout the new world.

As for whether it will reach the ears of the Straw Hat Boys, it is unknown for the time being, because according to the time course, they are still fighting Big Mom, preparing to flee, and the target is to go to Wano Country.

So Bai Jing has plenty of time, as long as he can complete these previous regrets in a few months, and go to meet Luffy again, then all this will finally be completed.

A few days of sailing, they were one step closer to Dressrosa.

The closer and closer to Dressrosa, the white scene is also more and more expected.

The main thing is to see what Rebecca looks like, and it's really not because she's wearing a gold ......

there's also a photo I commented on

whether it's really as hot as it is shown in the anime.

Three days passed quietly, and under the rapid rush of the pirate ship of Baijing, they came to the coast of the Dressrosa Kingdom.

Docked the pirate ship, Bai Jing and his party jumped off the pirate ship in unison.

Little Oz, still because his body is too big, guarding the pirate ship on the pirate ship, Ace feels uncomfortable, and he also stays here to accompany Little Oz.

After that, Bai Jing is going to make a fruit that can be enlarged and reduced, otherwise Little Oz will not be able to go anywhere.

Ryoma and Corazon, the Golden Emperor, Stella, and Hua Zhiyin, the five of them accompanied Bai Jing and came to this Dressrosa Kingdom.

Corazon wanted to see if the old place, which he had been away for more than ten years, was as he remembered it.

Ryoma, on the other hand, is to buy a few good swords, anyway, the Golden Emperor is not short of money.

The Bailey on them has tens of billions, to say the least.

And there is an unknown amount of gold, and it is more than enough to buy a few good swords.

In the kingdom of Dressrosa, the construction of a luxury pirate ship with the Golden Emperor's characteristics awaits.

Bai Jing did not restrict their freedom, let them go wherever they liked, and finally communicated with each other by sending snails.

The few people nodded and dispersed, and Stella and the Golden Emperor came to the famous Lovers' Avenue in Dressrosa.

As the name suggests, it is what couples in love have to go through.

The two walked on this street, and I don't know how many young couples were hugging each other lovingly around this street, and even more had begun to kiss and fall in love.

The two looked at each other, and they could see each other in their eyes, the gentleness that belonged to each other alone.

On the other hand, Corazon walked on this familiar street, alone, and it was estimated that it was indescribably bleak.

Ryoma looked at him like this and empathized.

He patted Corazon lightly on the shoulder.

"It's good to have a new partner to look at, and let it pass when things have passed.

After saying that, Ryoma smiled, saw the place selling swords in front of him, and walked straight in.


Bai Jing didn't want to be a light bulb, he wanted to go to the bullfighting arena to have a look, see the bronze statue of Cyrus, and go to join in the excitement of the bullfighting arena.

Finally, go and meet Cyrus and Rebecca.

As for Señol, I heard that he was taken away by the navy, and Bai Jing wanted to inquire about the news, where he was held, so he could go to the rescue.

Pull this couple into their own boat.

The Nine Shades of Qi to go to the world of death is enough.

And with the guidance of the fruit of luck, it will be much more convenient to find anyone.

In today's bullfighting arena, there are still crowds, and Bai Jing signed up early.

Hua Zhiyin followed behind Bai Jing and asked puzzledly, "You are obviously so much stronger than these people, why do you still sign up?"

Bai Jing smiled, "It's just to pretend to be a force, after all, men only die for four things, face, money, power, and women."

Hua Zhiyin nodded ignorantly, and glanced at Bai Jing suspiciously.

Hua Zhiyin transformed into the form of a small person and melted into Bai Jing's body as a point of light.

Today's bullfighting arena is not as lively as before, but it is still full.

The architectural style of the Roman priests, with an arena in the middle, is surrounded by people.

A group of thousands of people shouted loudly from above for Neville to cheer for the competitors below.

These people are often death row prisoners, or pirates who voluntarily signed a life and death contract.

Bai Jing's purpose, of course, is also to establish a winning streak.

Since Cyrus can do it, he must do it too.

At least check out the attractions in these famous pirate areas and complete the record set by this pirate.

This is also the reason why Bai Jing came to have a hearty battle before.

Bai Jing, numbered 666888, stood in the waiting area of the arena and looked at the statue of Cyrus.

Bai Jing could feel how strong he was when he was young, after all, he was able to win 3,000 games.

Above this, the being known as the God of War.

"666888, it's your turn to play. A

voice shouted from above.

Bai Jing was stunned for a moment, smiled slightly, and whispered, "It's my turn, although there may not be enough time, but there should be no problem with three or five thousand people."

"If Cyrus can set a record of more than 3,000 games, then I can set a record of 30,000 or 50,000 people, and I can be regarded as making history in this bullfighting arena."

Bai Jing smiled freely, put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the passage in front of him little by little.

Here, too, has commemorative significance, and is a place where Luffy and Sabo recognise.

He also watched that episode many times.

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