Following the guidance of the Yun Yun Fruit, Bai Jing flew along the top, and the Nine Shades Qi was wrapped outside, and no one noticed him floating above at all.

He crossed the 4th city, the 5th city.

At the end of the long turquoise line, it leads to the sixth city.

Bai Jing floated straight down from above, followed the guidance of the long line, and found a woman at the corner of the street on the 6th floor.

Isn't this Scarlet

, with a pale green dress and pink hair, and she looks eighty percent like Rebecca.

but in this 6th city, her life doesn't seem to be very good, and at the front of that street corner, her face is haggard.

Looking into the distance in a daze, he whispered to himself, "This environment is getting more and more difficult, and you can't survive without strength."

"Not to mention reincarnation. At

this moment, he was a little helpless, his eyes were distracted, and there was remembrance in his eyes.

"I don't know if Cyrus and Rebecca are safe now, more than ten years have passed, Rebecca must have grown into a beautiful girl.

"It's just a pity that I can't watch her get married, and I can't see Cyrus anymore."

When Bai Jing heard this, there was a smile in his eyes.

That's right, thinking about each other, worrying about each other, this is the love in pirates.

Bai Jing's figure slowly appeared, looked at Scarlet and said, "Don't worry about Cyrus and Rebecca anymore, Rebecca has grown up." "

It's a beautiful girl who is eighty percent like you, and now that the country has been liberated and settled, all you need is to return to the pirate world with me."

Bai Jing's voice sounded abruptly, which startled Scarlet on the side.

She patted her chest with palpitations, she didn't understand why Bai Jing suddenly appeared, just now she had obviously seen the deserted streets around her, just her, and a few people.

Bai Jing shook his head, "It doesn't matter how I came here.

"Now, I just need you to cooperate with me, don't make any noise, don't make any abnormal movements.

"What happened next may seem incredible to you.

"However, if you want to return to the world of pirates, and if you want to resurrect and see Cyrus, Rebecca, and King Riku, just come with me.

Scarlet was stunned, and before she could say anything, Bai Jing had already exuded the aura of the Nine Shadows, wrapped her body, and took him out of the sixth city.

Although Bai Jing's words made her unconvinced, she found that her body was really flying from the spot uncontrollably.

In addition, she was fed up with these lives, and when she saw her daughter and husband, she no longer resisted, and followed the guidance of the Nine Shades Qi.

The two flew over the 6th city, came to the first city, and then crossed the endless Yellow Spring, and crossed the Naihe Bridge.

All this made her excited, but she didn't expect what Bai Jing said to be true.

I was able to get myself out of here, and no one found out.

There was already joy on her face at this time, and she only had infinite gratitude to Bai Jing in her heart.

If they can really reunite, then Bai Jing can be counted as his reborn benefactor, and this favor is difficult to repay.

The familiar point of light in front of you, as long as you break through here, you can successfully resurrect, regenerate your body, and return to your former appearance.

Bai Jing took her to stay in this Nine Shadows World for only three hours before successfully leaving.

When her spirit broke through this point of light, Scarlet only felt a strange light fall on her.

His spirit quickly solidified at this moment, and his clothes returned to their original state, and the green dress covered his body.

In this room, Corazon and Ryoma are still guarding Shirakyo's body to prevent others from stealing it.

The next moment, a woman suddenly fell from the sky and fell heavily on the floor.

Scarlet only felt a pain in her buttocks, and screamed in pain, "Ah!"

Familiar light, familiar air!

Feeling this real pain, she opened her eyes in confusion, lowered her head, and looked at her palms.

He stroked his body excitedly, pinched his face hard, and his eyes were in disbelief.

Turning his head to look at Bai Jing on the side, it was the person who had just taken him out of the world of death.

Bai Jing's soul also returned to his body.

Bai Jing stood up and smiled slightly, "Welcome back to the real world, and this is the kingdom you are familiar with."

Scarlet's face was excited, and he rushed forward and hugged Bai Jing heavily, tears welling up unconsciously in his eyes.

She kept thanking

, "Thank you, thank you very much!" "Thank you so much, I can't repay you for my kindness!"

Bai Jing was stunned for a moment, and then gently patted Scarlet's back without saying anything.

The feeling of being resurrected and being able to see her husband and daughter again may only be known to her.

And Ryoma and Corazon are men after all, and they don't have so much affection.

For them, the resurrection is just a matter of protecting what they want to protect, protecting what they want to protect, and meeting their acquaintances.

All those who want to be resurrected have nothing more than worries in their hearts, and the shackles of the world.

Three words, I can't put it down.

The white scene is very transparent.

And the word "white scene" means the sun in ancient times, which means to illuminate others and warm the world.

Perhaps, this is also one of the reasons why Shirakyo was able to pass through.

This name also has a deep meaning, of course, all this will be known later, now let's start with the regret in the pirates, and fill the youth vacancy of Bai Jing.

Corazon and Ryoma quietly left the house with great interest, and they could not see the situation at all.

It took a while for Scarlet to calm down and cry like a cat.

She gently let go of Bai Jing, and Bai Jing smiled and said, "Tidy up your current makeup, and we will now return to the palace of Liku to meet your father, your husband, and your daughter, who has grown up." Bai

Jing was very considerate and had prepared a lot of cosmetics, which of course were stolen from Stella.

It can't be regarded as stealing, it can only be regarded as borrowing, after all, he is his own crew member anyway.

Of course, it's not a lot, it's just in your pocket, but it's enough for Scarlet to wear makeup.

After a short and half moment, everything was settled, and Bai Jing followed Scarlet to the Liku Palace.

As for Corazon and Ryoma, there is no need to go.

Needless to say, Corazon was one of Brother Ming's cadres before, and when he saw this scene, he might pinch it again.

Bai Jing didn't want to see this originally warm picture become full of gunpowder.

The night is the most warm, and tonight, seeing you again, tears ....... indispensable

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