The shape of this island is also strange, and it is surrounded by small fish islands that extend out.

And the largest island in the middle is like the back of an animal.

"It's kind of interesting, it looks like a giant sea turtle, and this island shouldn't be easy to think about.

"I don't know why there is such a strange scene in the world of pirates.

Bai Jing slowly looked down, he was still floating in the air.

Bai Jing shook his head slowly, "Forget it, don't care, go find someone first, and then talk about it when you find it."

"After all, if the regressive fruit is found, it can be used to resurrect Whitebeard.

"A ship of three general-level combat power, the pirate world is walking sideways. "

One is the black-wristed Zefa, the other is the big sword Hao Longma, and the other is the white-bearded man when he was young, it's terrifying to think about.

Not to mention that the aunt is coming, even if Kaido comes, he will have to take two punches before leaving.

It's a pity that he can't fool Shanks, otherwise he will fool Shanks on the boat.

Finally, he went to meet Luffy's stupid old hat and wrote a final chapter on his regrets.

Following the guidance of the long line of fate, Bai Jing flew all the way to the extreme edge of the island, and it was also the farthest place from where he landed.

There, only a few small grass huts can be vaguely seen.

"This is it. "

This is where the long-term guidance comes in.

Bai Jing's eyes froze, and he flew downwards and came to a thatched house.

Bai Jing knocked lightly on the door, wanting to see if there was anyone inside.

There was a knock at the door, and there was silence inside, and no one answered.

Bai Jing's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he carefully used the ability of the Thunder Fruit to hear that there must be a heartbeat in this thatch.

This means that there are people in it, and Ain must be in it.

Bai Jing continued to knock, and the voice sounded, "Is Aine here?"

Hearing someone call her name, a blue-haired woman in the house looked strange, thinking that she was so far away from other places, how could anyone still find her?

and this person was either a navy or a pirate.

The pirates on this island shouldn't know themselves, so it's very likely to be the navy.

Then the navy must have no good intentions, basically they are all here to catch themselves, after all, they are the disciples of Teacher Z.

Her eyes were vigilant, and her hands had already condensed domineering, which was still the same as before.

Wearing extremely short jeans, revealing her snow-white long legs. Behind him, he was dressed in a blue robe and a purple robe, and quietly approached the front of the thatched house.

Calmly, he opened a gap in the thatched house, and saw that the man in front of him was only a teenager and not a navy, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not a navy, and if it's a pirate, she can handle it, not to mention the young imp in front of her, who is only in her teens.

In her opinion, she is younger than his age, and it is certainly not strong.

He is still the owner of the regression fruit, touch Bai Jing, and rewind it back to the state of a three-year-old child, the knife is not sharp, the horse is too thin, what can Bai Jing use to fight him?

Bai Jing noticed that there was an X-shaped scar on her right leg, and her long silky sea blue wavy hair made her look even more innocent.

In fact, such a woman Bai Jing also appreciates it, because she is very loyal to the black wrist Zefa, and she can even give her life for the black wrist Zefa.

"Who are you?" asked

Ain, giving Bai Jing a wary look.

"I'm a mediocre, unfamous pirate.

Bai Jing pointed at himself and smiled lightly, and when Aine heard the word pirate, her eyes were cold, and the thing she didn't like the most was the pirate.

From the bottom of my heart, I look down on pirates, just like the black-wristed Zefa.

Of course, Bai Jing knew what Ain meant in his eyes, and he didn't care, and said, "Do you think the black wrist Zefa is still possible to be resurrected

?" "What do you mean

?" "How do you know the teacher?"

The vigilance in Ain's eyes was even higher, and his hands had already condensed domineering, ready to make a move at any time.

The man in front of him was definitely not simple, seeing Ain's nervous appearance, Bai Jing smiled lightly.

"In fact, the black-wristed Zefa did not really die, and still existed in a corner of the world.

Bai Jing continued, "I can bring Hei Wanzefa back from the dead.

"Really, do you really have this ability?"

Adomiralu Ain looked at Bai Jing suspiciously.

kept looking up and down Bai Jing's body, but he didn't see anything, so he came to the conclusion that he was lying.

"Don't be, Teacher Zefa has already died, if you think you can make fun of this to find me, then you are looking for the wrong person!!"

There was a sharp condensation in his eyes, and a punch burst out.

Above the fist, with domineering.

Bai Jing had long expected Ain to do this, so he didn't think that he would be able to convince her in the first place, his purpose was to get Ain's Regression Fruit ability.

Bai Jing did not dodge or dodge, and above the power, he also condensed the domineering power of the armed color, and bombarded Ain.

His physical skills have been completely improved in the past few days, and he is not weak, and a group of fist opponents and two of them each took a step back.

Quickly walked out of this grass hut and killed Bai Jing in the distance.

Once again, she condensed the armed color domineering in her hands, but this time there was a strange light flashing above, thinking that he had applied the ability of the Regression Fruit, wanting to regress his age in this way.

Seeing this, Bai Jing just smiled and didn't say anything.

Because when the two of them fought each other just now, he had already obtained the ability of the Backward Fruit, so this ability was of little use to him.

A flash of fire appeared on Bai Jing's hand.

The firelight was mixed with a blue thunder arc, and it burst out forward, and Bai Jing shouted lightly, "60 million volts thunder fire heavy punch." Punch

to fist, and this punch was even more irritable, and the terrifying fruit ability, like an out-of-control beast, exploded at the moment when the two fists collided.

Blasted Ain dozens of steps away, the clothes on his body were torn, and the white rabbit was faintly visible.

And Bai Jing stood in place, with one hand attached to his back, his white robe grinning in the sea breeze, looking down at Aine condescendingly.

Ain's eyes were filled with surprise, it was clear that he had just used the ability to rewind the fruit.

Those who are contacted by her will regress in age, why Bai Jing is invalid, I can't figure it out.

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