Pirate’s Ripple Admiral

Chapter 399 Historical Truth

But as the world's largest library, the collection of books in the Tree of All-knowledge can be said to be innumerable.

It is estimated that it will take ten and a half days to move these books out, let alone take them away safely.

"So I stay alone and negotiate with the World government to see if I can keep these books."

Dr. Kuloba spoke again, with a firm tone: "As for you, leave as soon as possible. You will not be able to leave if you are late."

He could feel that this time the World government was determined.

It's definitely not the kind of suspicion that I had a few times before, I was fooled by myself and others sloppyly.

This time, even Buster Call was launched, and it must have been determined to kill Ohara.

"Go, none of you can go!"

Just when the scholars were hesitating to leave, an arrogant laughter came, which alarmed the scholars.

Turning his head and looking, a large number of agents in black suits suddenly appeared in the jungle, and the entire library was surrounded by a few breaths.

Then, the sound of the leather shoes landing, a man with an extremely arrogant expression came out from the crowd.

"Are you from the World government?"

Dr. Kuloba stared at the man who appeared ugly.

The man glanced at Orovia behind the doctor, with a triumphant smile on his face: "Introduce myself, Spandane, the current chief of World government CIPHER-POLCP9."

"On the order of the World government, come to hunt down the criminal Nicole Orovia and confirm Ohara's crime in studying the text of the history."

"Now it seems that I have successfully completed both tasks, and the credit is at your fingertips, hahahaha!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, why do you say that Ohara is guilty!"

Behind Dr. Kuloba, a scholar was angry but shouted.

Spandain didn't even look at it, and waved his hand, letting his agents hold a gun to escort all the scholars to the open space outside the Tree of All-knowledge, before speaking slowly:

"One month ago, the World government learned that the archaeological ship headed by Nicole Orovia had been trying to study the text of history and reproduce the Ancient Weapon for six years, with the intention of subverting the World government."

"Under CP9's arrest, all the accomplices on the ship were killed. The first criminal Nicole Orovia fled. It was found that the archaeological ship came from Ohara."

"Now that Nicole Orovia is here, it is the ironclad evidence of your collusion between Ohara and Nicole Orovia."

"There is no need to search, I can now convict you-guilty, hahahaha!"

Spandane’s arrogant voice was everywhere.

A group of scholars stared at the man angrily, wishing to strangle him directly.

In full view, Dr. Kuloba took a step forward, stared at Spandane, and said word by word: "I want to talk to the World government!"


Spandane was taken aback, then sneered at the old man with a gray beard.

"I said, I request a direct dialogue with the World government."

"At the highest level of the world government, can you talk if you want to talk?"

Spandane sneered and mocked Dr. Kuloba again.

Then after thinking about it, he actually took the phone worm out of his arms and dialed a number.

The phone worm was quickly connected: "Hello, is it Spandane?"

"It's me, Honorable Five Elders," Spandain said flatly, "I have reached Ohara, and I have confirmed that Ohara is indeed involved in the crime of studying the text of history."

"Really, guilty?"

There was a majestic and slightly regretful voice on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, the evidence has been obtained, and then I will wait for instructions."

"This way, there is no way," the voice on the other end of the phone gradually became cold. "Although the result is regrettable, it violates the laws of the world and we can't just ignore it."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Dr. Kuroba angrily yelled in Spandane’s direction: "Put away your hypocrisy, Five Elders."

Spandane was furious: "Insolent fanatic, this is an adult who stands at the top of the world!"

"Okay, Spandane." The voice from the phone worm stopped Spandane's next move.

"The one who is speaking is Ohara's Dr. Kuloba, right?"

The Five Elders on the other end of the phone said gently, "You are an authority in the field of archaeology!"

"Over the past many years, you have made outstanding contributions to world culture and have long admired your name."

"I didn't expect a scholar like you to embark on the path of crime. It's a shame."

"I don't agree with what you said, Five Elders." Facing the highest authority in the World government, Dr. Kuloba did not give in at all:

"History is the thing of all mankind, and no one has the right to prevent people from studying him."

"But if you interpret the text of the history, it may cause the resurrection of Ancient Weapon and cause a world crisis!"

Seemingly in a good mood, Five Elders ignored Dr. Kuloba's contradiction, and instead began to argue with him.

"Even if you are not malicious, it is inevitable that someone will use the knowledge you have interpreted. Once the Ancient Weapon is resurrected, it will be a disaster for the entire world."

"You are wrong, Five Elders," Dr. Kuloba interrupted Five Elders. "No matter what the historical truth is, history is created by humans. As long as we can face history squarely, humans can overcome any difficulties."

"History is just something that happened in the past. It will not be of any help to the future of mankind, Dr. Kuloba."

There was already impatience in Five Elders' tone.

But Dr. Kuloba was not afraid, and shouted: "No, history can reflect the future."

"Why did people in the past specially engrave on the stone to convey the information to future generations?"

"The history can be spread all over the world on undamaged stones, just to prevent man-made destruction of records on paper!"

"In other words, the person who left the stone must have enemies!"

Under the tree of omniscience, there was deathly silence, and only Dr. Kuloba's sonorous voice rang in the air.

Everyone had a foreboding that what Dr. Kuloba was going to say was perhaps an astounding secret hidden in history.

And Spandane wanted to cover his ears. He didn't want to listen to Dr. Kuloba's words.

Because he knew well that he had better not know a word of the news that would make Five Elders exciting.

This is the best way to save lives.

But Five Elders didn't order, and he couldn't directly deal with the old man who was ranting in front of him. He could only watch Dr. Kuloba more and more quickly.

"If the enemy of the perished is the current World government, then a hundred years of blankness is the history covered by the World government."

Hearing this, the phone worm heard a sharp voice again, "What the hell are you trying to say, Dr. Kuloba..."

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