After talking about Yamato's changes, it's time to talk about Leon's changes.

Ideologically, Leon has not changed much. He has only one goal from beginning to end, to light up the illustrated book, collect bonds, collect 1 million collection points, and return to his hometown on Blue Star. For this, he can do whatever it takes and at whatever cost.

If there is any change, it is probably his attitude towards Yamato.

At the beginning, he only regarded Yamato as a tool to establish a close relationship with Kaido. He would throw her aside when he had nothing to do, and find her to solve his physical needs when he was lonely.

But after a year of getting along, Yamato has become his closest partner, and his status in his heart has risen sharply, above Kaido and Shiki, and vice versa. This can be seen from the collection of the illustrations. In the second month of entering the Spirit Time Room, Yamato was completely slept with by Leon, thus meeting the conditions of conquest in the character collection rules and becoming Leon's collection.

[Ghost Princess Yamato]

[Collection Level] SS (3000)

[Bond] [Ghost Princess 1/1]

[Evaluation] Child, when you were born, everyone in Ghost Island whispered your name - "Yamato".

Bond Reward - [Ghost Dance]: When entering the combat state, you can actively enter the ghost state, immune to any attack for 1 minute, and can only be used once a day.

This passive skill is definitely Leon's most perverted skill at present. The victory or defeat of the battle is often only in a moment, but this skill can give Leon a full minute of invincibility. Even if the world will be destroyed in an instant, Leon will be the last to die.

It was with this skill that Yamato never beat Leon again in the second half of the year. By the way, the two fought 59 times in a year, Yamato won the first 19 times, and Leon won the last 40 times.

Leon's strength change can only be described as a complete transformation.

Three-color domineering, high quality and large quantity, and skills such as domineering and flowing cherry blossoms are perfect.

Physical strength, the devil fruit has awakened, maybe slightly inferior to Kaido, but far superior to Yamato and Shiki. If Leon is given another year, he has the confidence to develop his physical strength to the limit, but it's a pity that there is no time.

Swordsmanship, all methods return to one, there is no sword moves, only flat attacks, playing a powerful brick flying, his flying slash, there is the burning flame given by the desperate virus, there is the purple lightning that comes with Raikiri, there is flowing cherry blossoms, there is domineering, and there is even the cherry blossom special effect given by Senbonzakura, just ask if you are afraid?

This move is called Elbaf's Spear Weiguo by Big Mom, Thunder Bagua by Kaido and Yamato, and God's Avoidance by Shanks, but Leon's has more special effects and is more powerful.

In order to keep up with the trend, Leon also prepared to give it a nice name. At first, he wanted to call it Thunder Fire Sword, but this name seemed a bit erotic (search it if you don't understand), so Leon had to give up. In the end, Yamato thought of a few good names based on the most prominent characteristics of Leon's flying slash---Sakura Fall Slash and Sakura Jie.

In short, Leon now has the combat power of the Four Emperors, plus various passive skills. Leon is very confident that perhaps only peak Whitebeard or peak Roger can fight him.

The use time of the Spirit Time Room came to the last second. Leon held Yamato's hand, disappeared from the spot with a swish, and appeared in Yamato's room the next second.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar decorations in the room, the two seemed to be in another world.

Yamato sighed softly. It seemed that nothing had changed, but in fact, everything had changed. She was no longer the Yamato she used to be.

This year, in addition to practicing with Li Ang, she had been thinking about how she should change Wano Country after leaving here. She thought a lot, but most of them were too idealistic.

For example, she wanted to rise up and lead the people of Wano Country to fight for a better life, but all problems should be based on reality.

The feudal ideology of Wano Country is deeply rooted, and the people are obedient and ignorant. It is not a question of whether they want to resist or not, but that they dare not to. If they had a little bit of ambition, they would have risen up and overturned the rule of Kurozumi Orochi.

The people of Wano Country are like this, and the high-level officials of Wano Country are even more so. Everything has to be done slowly.

But she has been struggling with what to do specifically, until Li Ang pointed it out, she knew what to do.

That is, no matter what she wants to do, what she wants to bring to the people of Wano Country, she must first become the general of Wano Country.

"Leon, I'm going to meet Kaido. He has always hoped that I can replace Kurozumi Orochi as the general of Wano Country. I'm ready now."

Leon looked at Yamato deeply.

He looked at each other and said nothing more. After a year of getting along, he knew Yamato's thoughts very well.

"Let's go!"


Seeing the two people coming in, Kaido was surprised. Leon had become stronger, and so had Yamato. He had only seen this kind of aura in opponents of the same level, such as Shiki, Linlin, Whitebeard, Shanks, and now Leon and Yamato.

Especially Leon. This guy was a paper tiger yesterday, but how come he became a real tiger today?

"Boy, what did you do? Your strength..."

Leon had already thought of a reason: "Have you become stronger? It's probably because of the treasure I absorbed yesterday! My strength has indeed improved a lot."

"Bullshit! You call it improved a lot? I feel like you've changed into a different person! Forget it, I don't care how you become stronger, you're my son-in-law anyway, the stronger the better."

"But why did you bring Yamato to me?"

Leon said, "Didn't you say that you would declare war on the Red Hair Pirates in half a month? I think the time can be changed."

"Oh?" Kaido looked at Leon carefully. He's getting stronger, so is he a little impatient?

"Three days, in three days, I will go with Shiki to attack Shanks' territory and officially declare war on the Red Hair Pirates. The follow-up actions will remain unchanged. The sooner I become the Four Emperors, the more favorable the situation will be for us."

Kaido slammed the table and said, "Just do as you say. No matter what support you need, the Beasts Pirates can provide it."

"That's good. By the way, Yamato has something to tell you."

Yamato looked up at Kaido, took a deep breath, and shouted in a deep voice, "Father."

Kaido: !!!

Hearing Yamato calling him father, Kaido scratched his ears in disbelief, thinking he had heard it wrong.

Father? How many years has it been since he heard Yamato call him like this? Usually he calls him by his name, and adds a prefix like bastard. Why did he suddenly change his nature today?

"Yamato, you...what did you call me? Wait, no, what did Leon do to you?"

Leon whispered, "After my persuasion, her mind has changed a lot...uh, you should be mentally prepared."

Kaido: ah?

It's only been a few days. The day before yesterday, he sent Leon to Yamato's room. Just one day later, Yamato changed his personality? Is it possible?

He has been fighting and imprisoned for more than ten years, but he couldn't change Yamato's mind. Leon, this "husband", is so easy to use and convinced her in one go?

"Father! I am no longer the person I used to be. The reason I came here today is to tell you something."

Yamato raised his head and looked at Kaido firmly: "I want to become the general of Wano Country. I am ready."

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