The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Be quiet, everyone!"

Kaido shouted angrily, and the guests present were trembling with fear, not daring to say a word.

"Listen carefully, from now on, Yamato is the general of Wano Country. Tomorrow, she will officially take over Wano Country. Tell the people this news, go!"

The guests present were relieved immediately. Fortunately, they didn't cause trouble for them, but everyone present realized that Wano Country was going to change.

Whether it would get better or worse, it was unknown.

The guests dispersed in a hurry, leaving only Kozuki and Kyoshiro in the hall, and everyone else ran away.

Kaido glanced at Xiao Zi, and was a little curious about why she didn't run, but he didn't say much. After throwing the snake to Yamato, he left without looking back.

He came here just to express his attitude, to let the high-level officials of Wano Country know his opinion, and the rest was left to Yamato.

To be honest, Kaido had wanted to do this more than once, but it was a pity that Yamato was too ignorant at that time. He held the diary and kept talking about Kozuki Oden, which made him very sick. Now it's good, the diary is not taken, and Kozuki Oden is not on his lips, which is very good.

In short, no matter whether Yamato is sincere or not, as long as Leon is there, he can rest assured to hand over Wano Country to Yamato. Leon is a very realistic person like him, and I believe he will guide Yamato to make the right choice.

Kaido walked to the door of the hall, looked back at Yamato, and hesitated to speak, but still said nothing and turned away.

Li Ang chuckled and patted Yamato's butt: "Okay, from now on, you are the general of Wano Country, and you still have a lot to do."

Yamato smiled confidently: "I know what to do. First, stabilize the ministers, smoothly transition the power transfer period, and then gradually change Wano Country."

Li Ang nodded: "Since you understand, I won't say much, but remember one thing, don't be soft-hearted to those who should be killed."


As for those who should be killed, Yamato already had a plan in mind. Orochi's family, Orochi's subordinates, and Orochi's supporters are all the targets she wants to clear.

Hey, wait, there seems to be one here.

Yamato turned his head and looked at Kyoshiro: "Just now Orochi said that you are his official money changer, right?"

Gudong~ Kyoshiro swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his heart pounding: "No, that's right."

"Very good, I'll give you a chance to identify Kurozumi Orochi's subordinates and supporters. Today, I will eradicate them all!"

"Yes! General!"

Kyoshiro has cooperated with Kurozumi Orochi for many years. No one knows Orochi better than him. Under Yamato's questioning, he had to tell everything he knew.

"Okay, very good, then I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself."

Kyoshiro knelt on the ground and gritted his teeth and said, "Just give me your orders!"

Yamato's eyes flashed with a trace of reluctance, but she knew that this was the pain that the country had to go through for change.

"Go, catch them, send them all to the weapons factory, and kill the rebels on the spot!"

After a long silence, Kyoshiro replied in a deep voice: "Yes!"

Today, Wano Country is destined to be restless. The gates of the Flower Capital are blocked, and Kyoshiro leads his men to arrest people everywhere. The civilians are not afraid, but applaud. They have been resentful for a long time. In their opinion, Orochi should have fallen long ago.

"Long live General Yamato!" "Long live General Yamato!"

In the next five days, Yamato successfully completed the transfer of power, and Wano Country resumed operation. The first thing Yamato did when he came to power was to revise the decrees, abolish all the outrageous decrees made by Orochi, reduce taxes, and add some decrees that are beneficial to people's livelihood, so that the people of Wano Country will not even be unable to afford food.

The second thing is to select talents from all walks of life as officials across the country to advise Yamato and help him make Wano Country better.

The third thing is to rectify the nobles in Wano. If there are any who need to confiscate their property, they should be confiscated. If there are any who need to be demoted to commoners, they should be demoted to commoners.

In short, Wano has escaped from the high-pressure rule of Kurozumi Orochi. Yamato's rule is not that good, but at least the people of Wano can have enough food and are not hungry.

It will take a lot of time to get Wano back on track. Yamato has not done enough.


"Denjiro, what should we do? Didn't my father's prophecy say that Kurozumi Orochi will meet his doomsday in two years?"

Kyoshiro shook his head: "The prophecy has changed,

Miss, although General Yamato is Kaido's daughter, I can feel that she really wants to make Wano better. "

"But, Wano is the Kozuki family..."

"Miss, be careful with your words. It's not time yet. Keep waiting! There are still two years. If the prophecy day really comes, everything will naturally return to normal. If the prophecy day does not come, then I will be at ease to assist General Yamato and realize my ambitions."

Xiao Zi was silent. She had an inexplicable feeling that her father's prophecy might be wrong.

At night, Wano General's Mansion.

After a gentle whine, Yamato twitched a few times and then collapsed on the bed, like a puddle of mud.

Leon unconsciously checked the car lights with his right hand, staring at the ceiling with his eyes blankly. No, I can't go on like this. I promised to go to the collection point. It won't work if I continue like this.

"Yamato, I will leave Wano for a while tomorrow. It depends on you next. "

Leon's tone was very firm. Seeing that he could not change Leon's mind, Yamato could only lift the trunk and squeeze more money before Leon left, so that he would not go out to have affairs.


Toteland of Nations.

"Mom, as we expected, the territory of the Red Hair Pirates has been taken over by the Beasts Pirates, and there is no island with the flag of the Sky Pirates."

Hearing this, Big Mom was very happy: "Mama Mama, now Mom can finally rest assured."

"Mom, there is one more thing."

"Oh? ”

“Shiki the Golden Lion is aggressively recruiting subordinates in the New World. They should be aware of the problem of insufficient manpower, but the person who comes out is always Shiki the Golden Lion, not Black Dragon Leon. You see…”

Big Mom waved her hand and said, “Send someone over immediately. Be sure to contact Shiki and give the invitation to this month’s tea party to Shiki the Golden Lion. Be sure to invite Black Dragon Leon to come.”

“Since he can cooperate with Shiki the Golden Lion, he can also cooperate with us. Red Hair Shanks’ territory is only average. Whitebeard’s territory is the biggest!”

Because of her friendship with Kaido, Big Mom didn’t want to turn against Kaido so quickly, so she had to set her sights on Whitebeard. Although the old guy was ridiculously strong, with the help of Black Dragon Leon and Shiki the Golden Lion, it might be worth a try.

“Okay, Mom.”

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