Chapter 104 What is actually able to block Lokes? 【First more subscription】

“Overlord of the sea?”

Hearing this, the two CP0s seemed to be talking to themselves, although their expressions could not be seen under the masks, but from the tone, the expressions of the two were very solemn.

This time, they thoroughly understood what the title of sea hegemon really meant.

In a gesture, that destructive force is no less than the world’s strongest man at his peak, Whitebeard!

This is much stronger than the revolutionary army they deal with every day.

“Don’t be stunned, go on!”

Seeing that the two CP0s began to be stunned, Sora had to remind.

These CP0s are the lackeys of the Draco, and they have always been against the air, and these people who are at the top of the army in the Warring States have no good face.

If it weren’t for the special situation this time, it would be nice to want all these CP0s to die here.

After the words, with a bang, the huge figure of the void instantly disappeared on the sea, and the next moment, the thick arms like a giant race, mixed with the top armed color domineering on this sea, smashed towards Ye Tian fiercely.

“Empty… Long time no see. ”

Seeing this, Ye Tian smiled faintly, and the flowing blade in his hand resisted the empty vinegar platinum-sized fist at an extremely strange angle.

“What to say long time no see…. I don’t want to see you again, Lokes! Saying that, the air increased the power in his hand.


The two top-notch armed color domineering collisions, and the air seems to explode, directly producing a sound barrier sound that is enough to make people tinnitus.

The earth is constantly cracking, and a huge vortex is visible to the naked eye in the sky, and thunder and lightning must roar from time to time! The ocean is tumbling, eventually gathering into a tsunami of hundreds of meters!

Oh, ugh, ugh!

Boom, boom, boom!

With the aftermath, many pirates hiding in the harbor took out their weapons in an attempt to disperse the aftermath that rushed in.

It’s just that they miscalculated their strength.


In an instant, seven or eight pirate ships that finally crossed Fishman Island to reach the New World were swallowed up by the waves.

“Quick, let the ship back down, otherwise it will be affected!”

“Helmsman, get away from this harbor!”

“No, it’s too close!”

At this time, the pirates who were a little farther away saw this, and they were not ready to try the method by themselves, but they all retreated without fate.

Although the distance is far enough, if you are not careful to get involved in this battle, you will die.

“Folding type carry weapons, iron hammer!”

“Stone bite!”

“Sticky cannon!”

For a time, the top cadre of the Don Quixote family also stood up, and all his moves were made in an attempt to sweep away the aftermath, but with little effect.

“Super Whiplash!”

In the end, it was Doflamingo himself who finally split the hundreds of meters of high waves in half, avoiding this annihilation.

“It’s terrible, the captain alone has this power. No wonder he can win over the legendary sea thief such as Hades and the golden lion. ”

Diamanti was covered in sweat, and now he understood why Doflamingo was licking like a dog.

“Furfver… It’s so interesting. The general marshal of the three armies was empty, and he was actually forced to get out. Doflamingo landed firmly on the deck, laughing wildly, and even he hadn’t seen the steel bone empty.

After all, when he went to sea, Sora was already a marshal.

The duties of the marshal are generally to stabilize the hearts of the army, sit in command, and will not strike until the last resort.

But now the generals of the three armies have been pulled out to fight, which shows how much the world government has been forced by Rocks.

“Good: It’s terrifying! ”

“Air Marshal… It can actually block Rox! ”

“It’s still the first time I’ve seen that Marshal Air made a move!”

At this time, a group of navies were completely stunned by this scene.

Originally, it was like an empty air, and a man like Warring States who stood tall in the navy, or even at the apex of the three armies, did not need to make a move. This has also led to many navies not seeing how empty hands are.


Hearing this, Empty was speechless for a while.

What does it mean to actually block Rocks?

Could it be that in the hearts of this group of navies, the old man is not as good as a pirate?

Just as Kong thought about it, the two of CP0 finally began to act.

After all, their speed is too far behind the air, and they are only catching up now.

“Bastard Lockes, suffer death!”

“Six Styles Aoyi Six Kings Spear!”

“Max Wheel, Six, King, Gun!”


Two huge shock waves, like small turtle pie qigong, rushed towards Ye Tian.

“There are so many flies.”

Ye Tian said lightly, the flowing blade in his hand was like a fire lightly blocked, and the two moves that were enough to kill more than 100 million pirates were dissipated.

“Now that everyone has arrived, let’s start…”

Seeing this, Ye Tian smiled slightly. On the body of the sword that flowed like fire in his hand, a blazing flame finally soared out of the air.

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