“Your purpose?”

Ye Tian looked at the dragon, his eyes making it difficult to understand what he was thinking.

“Yes, the world has been sick for too long, and the ugly world government thinks that it is the whole of the world. Under the rule of this garbage, the world has long been terminally ill. So.. Now is the need for powerful forces to intervene to overthrow the pigs who claim to be gods. ”

Thinking that he had Ye Tian’s permission, the dragon began his performance.

“Sometimes I can even hear the crying of weak people in the corner.”

“Ten years ago, in my hometown, the East China Sea, known as the weakest sea. There is a place called the Goya Kingdom. The royal family there was so corrupt that human life was like garbage compared to their rule, placed in the most inconspicuous corner. Plague, hunger, poverty continue to eat away at the weak statements, but the government there does nothing and even builds a wall to keep it out. ”

“Such a rotten world needs to be saved!”

The dragon’s voice was a little excited, and with his unique personality, the words he said were indeed heartwarming.

Even many members of the white-bearded pirate group present showed angry expressions, desperate to rush to Mary Joa and kill Draco.

However, the Rocks Pirates in front of him, and even Whitebeard himself, were indifferent.

“Huh? Mr. Rox? ”

Looking at this scene, the dragon was a little puzzled.

In his opinion, the pirate in front of him is different from the pirate in people’s mouths.

Ordinary pirates, that is all raiders and houses, only know how to rob civilians of garbage, waste, scum.

But the pirate in front of him is a sea pirate. At least they are men who have the courage to pursue their dreams.

“Hahahaha, little ghost, what are you talking about?”

“Really, it looks like that, is it actually just a shoot?”

“Is the leader of the revolutionary army at this level?”


Hearing this, the sea thieves all showed disappointed expressions, thinking that the leader of the revolutionary army would say something exciting, but it still seemed too tender.

“Little ghost, what are you talking about salvation?” Ye Tian was also speechless and looked at the dragon.

“Isn’t it? I already know that 38 years ago, in the battle of the Valley of the Gods, you launched a war against the Draco and wanted to kill them all. It just failed. ”

“This time, sending a letter of war to the world government, destroying the naval headquarters alone, and doing this kind of thing, you must also hope to fulfill your long-cherished wish 38 years ago!” The dragon does not adhere to it.

In his opinion, what Rocks did was no different from what he did.

It’s just that he doesn’t have the same power as Lokes.

If there had, the dragon believed he would have rushed to Mary Joa right now and slaughtered the pigs.

“Hahahaha, a little ghost is a little ghost…” Hearing this, Ye Tian laughed, as if he had heard some incredible joke.

“Hahahahaha! It seems that this little devil has a deep misunderstanding of you. Captain Rocks. ”

“Goo la la, that’s right, I thought that Karp’s kind of nervous guy would also give birth to a wonderful junior, but now it seems that you really inherited Karp’s idiotic personality!”

At the same time, the white-bearded and golden lion on the side also laughed.

Wish: That’s the funniest word they’ve ever heard.

“Isn’t it?” The dragon looked confused.

“Let me tell you why 38 years ago, I slaughtered Draco in the Valley of the Gods.” Seeing that the dragon was also a forgeable material, Ye Tian was not ready to make fun of the other party.

“Why?” Hearing this, the dragon held his breath, he had a hunch that he might hear some incredible secret from Rocks.

Even, it’s a secret about the blank 100 years of 800 years ago!

“It’s just that I happened to run into that group of waste, and it was just a whim to see them unpleasantly.” Ye Tian said lightly.

“What??” Hearing this, the dragon opened his mouth wide and looked incredulous.

Just because of this nonsense reason?

Just happened to meet, not pleasing to the eye?

This.. That’s crazy.

Not only the dragons, but even Reilly, Barrett, Ledfield and others were shocked.

After all, only Golden Lion and Whitebeard were present who had been in the Rocks Pirates.

“I don’t believe it! No way! Just for this reason, I will never believe it! The dragon said firmly.

In his opinion, no one would go to Draco’s trouble when they were full.

After all, there are countless people in this world who hate Draco!

Just for that reason, it’s ridiculous.

There must be a deeper reason.

“What a helpless little ghost, it seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of pirates.” Looking at the dragon with a look of disbelief, Ye Tian shook his head: “Make it clear, Laozi is a pirate.” Do what you want, you do it. Where to consider what to save, the world, rule. Those things, it’s so boring! ”

PS: Something has happened in the past two days, please rest assured, it will be made up!

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