“Then let’s release the recruitment news now!”

“In order to be able to collect more talents, I decided to raise the amount of this recruitment to 100 million berry!”

“One hundred million berry, are you crazy? How are we lacking funds now! ”

Huang Yuan looked at Jab in surprise.

Because the structure of the naval headquarters on the top of the war has been seriously damaged, the world government feels that it has no face and has not paid a little money for repair, and this time it will take out 100 million beri to recruit, which can be described as squeezing the naval headquarters dry!

“Of course, do you think anyone can take the heads of Lokes, recruit them first, and then I don’t know if they are dead or alive!”

The red dog played his own little calculation.

“That’s right, let’s arrange it like this first!”

The yellow ape then got up and walked out the door.

“Then let’s disperse the meeting if there is nothing to do next, my internal injuries are not yet good, “one seventy” was called by you to hold a meeting!” ”

Akainu looked at them impatiently.

Le Monde

The recruitment of the headquarters of the Navy soon reached the head of the World Economic News Agency, Morgans!

“Hahaha, this is really big news, the Navy headquarters actually pulled down its face to recruit troops, and actually paid 100 million berry!”

“Hurry up, today’s news gives me overtime to make big news, [Admiral is no match for Rox, recruit troops to increase strength, weak chicken], this is the title!”

Morgans said happily to his men.

Soon a large number of newspapers were produced, and the large picture in front of the newspaper was the cover of Rocks beating the headquarters of the Navy into scum.

Morgans is a businessman mind, specializing in producing compelling news.

“Oh… Yikes! ”

Many seagulls were summoned back and flew to the islands with a large pile of newspapers.

Amazon. Kingdom of Lilies

“Oh!” A seagull put down the newspaper.

Hancock opened it and saw that his eyes were full of loving shapes.

“Mom, Rocks is so handsome, it’s worthy of the man that the old woman fell in love with.”

“Hey, I actually spent 100 million to recruit strong people to attack my man!”

Hancock looked angrily into the distance, muttering in his heart.

Somewhere in the New World

“Captain, captain, hurry up and take a look, the naval headquarters is recruiting strong people to jointly attack the Rocks Pirates!”

“Yes, and 100 million berina!”

The Blackbeard Pirates also received information about the Navy’s recruitment.

“Show me!”

Blackbeard looked at the newspaper carefully, showing his fangs slightly.

“Hahaha, I can finally get the head of Lokes, and when the time comes, suck his strongest domineering power, and I will be invincible in the world.”

Blackbeard has already taken a blind eye to Rocks, and since Whitebeard joined Rocks, Blackbeard has become more and more afraid of Rocks.

Now that the world’s powerhouses will gather in a group of Rocks pirates, Blackbeard’s confidence is again.

“We’ll go to the Navy headquarters now…”


The passionate cry of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Kingdom of Djerma

“This guy’s death time has finally arrived, and the old man will definitely take his head.”

Vince Mock. Kaji is the king of the kingdom of Erma, has four proud children of four, is a powerful military organization in the North Sea, and is a scientific and technological combat force.

Once the son of the country of Jerma, due to unfair treatment and willingness to fight the world, he chose to leave Jerma to pursue his dream.

“Order, gather everyone, and we go to the headquarters of the navy.”

“Yes!” Jerma 6 departs from the Navy headquarters.

The news soon became a sensation around the world, and the love-hate Lockes became the focus of attention.

Many big people have already eyed Rocks’ heads, and there is such a good opportunity that everyone wants to join forces to defeat Rocks.


“What are you still hesitating, I’m the one who followed Roger, Rox, he can become a sea overlord.”

Renly said hurriedly.

“If you know each other, take us to see it quickly, otherwise it is not impossible to turn you out here.”

The golden lion also came out and interjected.

Inu Arashi and the cat viper looked at each other, the power of Lockes in front of them was not something they could resist, since Renly said so, then it was better not to obediently obey.

If Rocks is angered, the safety of the fur tribe on the island will be threatened, which is unbearable.

“Okay, we’ll take you!”

Inuarashi agreed with Reilly’s words and then walked forward to lead the way.

“Historical texts are under our whale forest, which is why we cherish them so much.”

“There are two kinds of historical texts, one is to record information and the other is to indicate the whereabouts of the text, and only when two historical texts brought to [Ralph Drew] can they be connected to become real historical texts. 0”

“There are 30 historical texts in total, and each stele will never shatter, even after hundreds of years.”

“I have a piece here, and I still don’t understand what it means!”

Inu Arashi and the cat pit viper walked in front and said carefully.

Soon they came to the Whale Forest, a huge forest exuding powerful vitality.

“Tsk!” Inuarashi pressed the secret little button on the side.

In the depths there was the wriggling of the mechanism, followed by the appearance of a cave.

“Poof!” The candle inside is automatically lit as if it were in contact with air.

Ye Tian followed them behind, and the space inside was very large, and he would not touch the top of his head when he stood up.

“That’s it!”

“Ah, what a big historical text!”

Renly walked forward in surprise.

The historical text in front of me has been wrapped in rattan, and it has been precipitated alone for a long time.

“Renly, take a closer look at what’s inside.” Ye Tian said.


Renly touched his glasses and pondered carefully.

“This seems to be the route of something, but the content is very incomplete.”

“Yes, this is only a small part of it, and it is necessary to collect all the parts.”

Reilly looked at it and said.

This shows that the ancient weapon Hades really exists, but 5.3 has been engraved on historical texts and scattered to the world.

Ye Tian thought about it, simply translating like this is not a solution, it is better to collect them all together.

“I’ll take this one!”

“Take away!!”

“This is a stone weighing more than 20 tons!”

“If you can afford it, take it away hahaha!”

Inu Arashi and the cat viper said mockingly.

Ye Tian walked around the historical text and circled, and he could hold it with two hands, as long as he attached it to the historical text with overlord-colored domineering, the weight could be completely offset.

“Babble!” Without saying a word, Ye Tian directly picked it up.


Inu Lan and Cat Viper looked at Ye Tian dumbfounded, this kind of power was too amazing.

“Boom!” Ye Tian jumped directly out of the tree hole. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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