“Report, the Hawkeye Pirate Group of Lord Oiwa has completely collapsed…”

The most large among the CPOs, wearing a white hat and a white cloak, is the chief among them.

Has a super six-style ability, and has an unknown Devil Fruit ability.

Ye Tian had been observing him for a long time, but he still didn’t make any movement, because he couldn’t see the appearance behind them clearly with the mask.

“The level of the Seven Martial Seas is only that! All the crew paid attention, paying attention to Locks’ movements and not letting him sneak in. ”


Da Yan sat quietly on the chair and acted very calmly.

While observing the movement of the whole situation, Bigumam’s victory weakened his strength a little more.

“Red Hat, Bigumam will be handed over to you.”

Turned to look at a member of medium size with a clown hat.

The CPO has three major people, Big Rock, Red Hat, and Octagonal, and their strength can compete with Sihuang, and it is rumored that they may be even more powerful than the Four Emperors.

Because of their special depths, it was very difficult to meet the three of them.

The CPO appeared here, and it is conceivable that the world government’s seriousness of this matter has been raised to the highest level.

“Swoosh!” Red Hat received the instruction to suddenly step in one month and disappeared into the air!

This kind of moonstep realm can already confront Ye Tian, and he can vaguely feel that the move is domineering.

In a second, a flash appeared from the sea a few kilometers away and came directly to Bigumum, waving his black shadow’s left hand.

“Poof!” A heavy punch hit the numb face in the nostrils.

Bigumum did not react at all, and flew directly above Zeus a few kilometers away.

Even his face was left with a deep mark, and if it weren’t for Bigumum’s amazing physique, in the face of such an impact, the entire face of ordinary people would be shattered.

“Captain Rocks, you see, that CPO man knocked Bigum away with one punch, it seems that his strength is not simple!”

“Yes, it seems that the hard-boned man has finally appeared!”

Ye Tian was not afraid when he saw such a strong person, but his heart was extremely excited.

“Damn, which bastard actually dared to sneak attack, the old lady doesn’t know if she’s dead or alive!”

Bigumum climbed up angrily, and a terrifying aura could be felt on her body, and evil spirits were floating around.

Seeing Bigumum’s surroundings in the distance with a sense of evil atmosphere, Zeus beneath her trembled nervously.

Zeus knew the consequences of angering Begu, an unconscious madman who could have destroyed an entire island before.

“Soul Deterrence!”

The entire sky changed dramatically, and the dark clouds gathered on Bigumum’s body, and a powerful wind wave accumulated on his body.

A look of shock in his eyes, looking ahead

This kind of attack can directly kill the person who feels fear in front of him.

“Shaving!” Red Hat lifted his foot directly, and the spiral ladder of clothes kicked away the ghost in front of him.

As long as you are not afraid of Bigumum, the damage of the soul soldier is not enough to be feared, which is the disadvantage of the Soul Fruit of Bigumumu.

“Swoosh!” Forcing Ma to anticipate such a result, suddenly a flash appeared directly in front of Red Hat.

The butt was numb, and the huge body appeared a few kilometers away in less than a second, and he was scared not to cry for a while, the numbness was very terrible.

“Hahaha! You’re going to die…” A coolness penetrated directly into the body.

This phrase is not sarcasm about you, but a sense of evil that identifies you dead.

There was a raging fire all over Bigumuam’s body, and you can imagine the fear of an extremely angry person appearing in front of you.

The damage caused by that sense of terror will be enormous, “Boom! ”

A big knife directly chopped down the red envelope without hesitation, it was simply that in that instantaneous time, normal people didn’t even have time to react.

“Pieces of iron!” A red hat with a steel hard and pitch-black body appears as hard as iron.

Such a hard body must have a domineering attachment.

“Moisture!” Even the surrounding magnetic field changed dramatically, and purple-red lightning kept spinning around them.

If numb is particularly angry, at this time, he has desperately wanted to hack the person in front of him, and the big knife in front of him has been dragged deadly, using all his strength to fiercely push down.

“Poof!” At this time, a small dent appeared on Red Hat’s body, and in the face of such a strong force, even his own moves were almost unable to resist.

“Biubiu directly pushed Red Hat to the surface of the sea.

At this time, Red Hat used his last strength and stopped on the sea to step on the moon.

“Yes!” Red Hat looked at Bigumam in front of him, and his strength after going crazy was indeed several times stronger.

“Thunder!” Bigumum shouted, and then a huge lightning bolt flew from the sky and slashed at the red hat.

“Decompose people!”

The red hat floating on the sea suddenly separated into two red hats, and became two identical red hats like clones.

Red Hat is a splitting person with a supernatural line of split fruits, capable of dividing multiple cells other than itself to form multiple individuals.

The destruction of the individual does not damage the existence of the subject, so for Red Hat, as long as you do not attack his subject, it can infinitely split into exactly the same self as him.

“Boom!” A strong lightning bolt struck directly at the individual’s Red Hat (De Zhao’s).

The split red hat instantly turned into ashes and fell into the sea, while the other red hat stood untouched on the sea.

“It’s still the first time I see the ability,” Ye Tian looked at the red hat in front of him.

On the other side, Whitebeard is engaged in a fierce battle with Doflamingo.

“Thunder!” Whitebeard grabbed the dark clouds in the sky with a flick of his hand and threw them at Doflamingoyun.

“Five-color line.” Invented and stretched out his palm, splitting thin lines, blocking the floating clouds that sprayed over.

“Heavy hammer!” The white-beard flashed directly in front of the Hunan people, and a dark cloud was lowered.

“Moisture!” The dark clouds made a strong lightning sound, and suddenly a gravity hit Doflamingo directly.

The strong lightning hit Doflamingo directly, and he kept twitching.

“Hahaha!” Whitebeard laughed heartily. _

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