“Hahaha, what’s wrong with the faces of you five old men? Has everyone had birthmarks! ”

Blackbeard couldn’t help but laugh at the five old stars.

But he provoked even more terrifying people, and one of the five old stars revealed an evil eye and aimed at Blackbeard.

“Blade!” In 0.01 seconds, a quick knife was cut and cut directly at Blackbeard.

“Aaaah!” Blackbeard screamed and found that his leg had left a deep knife mark.

Makieff withdrew his blade and returned to his place.

Makieff slashed at Blackbeard with the back of his own knife, leaving only a deep knife mark on Blackbeard’s leg.

Blackbeard is a force that belongs to us, and if you kill him here, it will be bad for yourself.

“I… I was wrong, no more talking! Blackbeard knelt on the ground and begged them for mercy.

The knife mark on Blackbeard’s leg had turned into a blood-red knife edge, and as a dark fruit, he felt that his body was extremely painful at this time, and the pain he endured was more than ten times that of ordinary people.

“This guy really deserves it…” the yellow ape glanced at him relentlessly.

“Give me peace from now on!” Zamin said.

When Akainu heard this, he was very sorry for letting Blackbeard follow.

“Well… Okay, I’ll keep my mouth clean now, you guys do yours…” Blackbeard looked at them like a pug.

“When I get all the abilities of Lokes, you old guys, I will definitely not spare you easily!”

Blackbeard watched, and they had already made calculations in their hearts.

“Next, we must strictly guard this place and not let Lox get close to Lord Im.” Zamin looked at them and said.

“As long as the two of us jointly guard, we will definitely be able to stop the advance of Lokes!”

“Yes, our five admirals almost defeated Lokes!”

“With your five old stars, we have more confidence…”

The five great generals nodded one after another, showing their determination to win.

“The east, west, south, and north gates have already been arranged, right?”

“It’s all already arranged, as long as someone approaches or reports to us as soon as possible!”

Akainu replied.

Below the Red Earth Continent

The Rocks Pirates soon arrived at the bottom of the Red Earth Continent, and the Holy Land of Maria was on the island overhead.

“Woohoo!” In front is the famous Upside Down Mountain, the so-called Upside Down Mountain, its water flow upwards.

“Everyone is ready to enter Upside Down Mountain!”

“Whew… Whew…”

The Ark Proverbs and the Moby Dick slowly approached the powerful currents of Upside Down Mountain, carrying them directly to the top.

“Wow, I feel this way so much!” Ye Tian excitedly opened his big hands and enjoyed the feeling of rushing to the top of the mountain.

“Purr…” The river kept moving them, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

In front of you, you can see the sacred island of Maya floating in the air.

“Captain Lokes is Santa Maria in front of him!”

“If you want to go up, the ship must be coated, and this good old man can help you do it.”

“Che, by the time I also learn this skill, there will be nothing for you.”

“By the time you learn, our captains are all old…”

Renly and the golden lion fought again.

“Swoosh!” Renly collected air from the sea, and then affixed it to the Ark Proverbs and the Moby Dick in the form of air films.

The huge ship is only a matter of minutes under Rayleigh’s ability.

“Captain, what about those little boats in the back!”

Renly looked at the little pirates behind him.

“Leave this to me, I’ll go and talk to them, you don’t need to let them follow all the time, after all, going up won’t make any difference.”

Ye Tian then turned to look at the little pirate behind him.

“Now I have a task for you, as long as you guard the entrance to this Red Earth Continent and prevent other navies from entering.

“When I go up and conquer the world government, and if I come down and see that you still exist, I will include you all in my pirate group, and it should not be difficult for you to give this important task to you.”

The little pirates all looked at Ye Tian, this was a recognition of them by powerful people.

“No problem, this kind of thing is wrapped up in us!”

“Yes, if we can follow you Captain Rocks, if we can’t do any small things, then we are not qualified to join!”

“Captain Lokes, we are waiting for your triumphant return!”

Everyone raised their knives and cheered loudly.

“Purr, purr!” The ship slowly floated in the air and flew towards the island of the Holy Land of Maria.

East gate of the Holy Land of Mary

Klockdar turned into a sandstorm and patrolled the surroundings.

“The Lokes Sea Group actually arrived here so quickly!”

Lockdal quickly picked up the phone worm in his hand and contacted the red dog.

“Bell bell…” After a burst of ringing, “what’s wrong?” Is there something going on with Klockdar? ”

“Lo… The Rocks Pirates are here…” said Klockdar nervously.

At the thought of confronting someone like Whitebeard, his body couldn’t help but tremble.

“It’s actually so fast, I know!” Chi Inu hurriedly hung up the phone.

“But fortunately there is Magellan, our two lineups are still more confident against Whitebeard!”

The five old stars knew the strength of Crokdahl, and it was a little dangerous to guard the east gate alone, so he simply sent Magellan with him.

“Bell bell bell!” Akainu dialed the other people’s phones.

“The Rocks Pirates have come to our side, you must guard your doorway!”

The other three doors all learned the news and all showed surprised expressions.

“The old man is so excited that the war that he has been waiting for so long is finally about to begin.”

“Father, wait a minute, you can watch us fight, let you see the latest high-tech of our Dolma 66… Allow”

“Okay, this time we must let them see how powerful we are!”

Kaji looked at his son and smiled happily.

“The knife on the foot of the golden lion is going to be accepted by me, but the legendary famous knife ah, you can definitely make a lot of money when you sell it!”

Tezzolo smiled wickedly, ready to take down the head of the golden lion.

The new fishman pirate group on the north gate has already laid traps in the heaven and earth net, and as long as countless bombs appear in Ledfield, they will be ignited in an instant.

“Boss, all the places have been arranged!”

“Arrange it, all the personnel will hide it for me and listen to my orders!”


Hody Jones sat in his chair and waited for Ledfield. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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